Workflow Execution

Here we are going to discuss some simple and easy steps to execute a workflow in Amazon SWF.

  1. Create activity workers to carry out the workflow’s processing phases.
  2. Create a decider to execute your workflow’s coordination logic.
  3. Use Amazon SWF to register your actions and process. This step can be completed programmatically or using the AWS Management Console.
  4. Get your activity workers and deciders up and running. these actors can be executed on any. To host a decider or activity worker, you may employ cloud computing instances like Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), servers in your data center, or even a mobile device. Once the decider and activity workers are up and running, they should begin polling Amazon SWF for assignments.

 Here comes the simple Workflow Example that will help you understand the working and execution of Amazon SWF workflow:

Let’s take an example of an E-Commerce Application, here the following figure is showing a simple e-commerce order-processing in a workflow. Here the people and automated processes both are involved in the following example.

Registration and Execution of Workflows starts, When a consumer placed an order, the workflow begins. It consists of four tasks:

  1. Double-check the order.
  2. Charge the customer if the order is legitimate.
  3. Once payment has been received, dispatch the order.
  4. Save the order information if the purchase has been sent.

Order must be validated before a credit card can be charged a credit card must be successfully charged before an order can be dispatched, and order must be shipped before it can be recorded. Nonetheless, These tasks can be carried out in multiple places since Amazon SWF enables distributed operations. If the tasks are programmatic, they can be written in a variety of programming languages or using a variety of tools.

Amazon Web Services – Introduction to Simple Workflow Service

In this article, we are going to discuss one of the important aspects of Amazon AWS, which is called Amazon SWS or SWF. it stands for Amazon simple workflow services. It’s a part of Amazon Web Services (AWS).  AWS a cloud provider server. Which provides services in areas like computing, storage, administration, and networking, as well as on-demand services. This implies that customers can request a specific set of services. When it comes to hosting and building, one cloud service can help.

AWS has a free tier, which allows customers, who are just getting started with cloud computing to register an account and start utilizing the services for free.

Now let’s talk about the important part of amazon’s web service, Amazon SWF (Amazon Simple workflow services).

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Amazon Simple workflow services (Amazon SWF) are task-based Application interfaces, which are programmed to make it easy to coordinate different works across distributed application components. Here tasks represent a logical unit of work that is being performed by the application. It includes management of Inter-task dependencies, creating schedules, and concurrency according to the logical flow of the application....

Workflow Execution:

Here we are going to discuss some simple and easy steps to execute a workflow in Amazon SWF....


Logical Separation: AWS SWF separates the control flow of your backdrop activities from the actual units of workers that hold the specific business logic, and modifies it progressively and rationally. This enables you to manage, maintain, expand, and state your application one by one, starting with the underlying business logic that makes it unique. As your business needs change, you may easily change the application logic without worrying about the underlying state machinery, task dispatch, or flow control. Simple: Amazon SWF is a totally managed new cloud workflow internet service that replaces the quality of traditional workflow solutions and method automation software systems. Amazon Simple Workflow relieves developers with the burden of managing the infrastructural plumbing of method automation, allowing them to concentrate on the unique functionality of their application.  Reliable: Traditional workflow services and process control software systems are being replaced by Amazon SWF, as a fully managed new cloud workflow internet service, it is a completely reliable server that relieves developers with the effort of maintaining method automation’s infrastructure plumbing, enabling them to focus on their application’s unique features. Scalable: Amazon SWF extends with your application’s use in real-time. As you add more cloud processes to your application or improve the quality of your workflows, you won’t need to manage the workflow service manually. Flexible: The user can change the application components with Amazon Simple Workflow. It also alters coordinating logic written in any programming language and runs it in the cloud or on-premises....

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