L.A.M.P. Stack Setup in AWS
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is one of the global leaders in IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) and PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) for cloud ecosystems, that is used to create a scalable cloud application. So in this article, we are going to learn how to set up a web server (L.A.M.P. stack) by using AWS EC2 service....
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Introduction to AWS Amplify
Amazon Web Services are some of the most useful products we have access to.  One such service that is becoming increasingly popular as the days go by is AWS Amplify. It was released in 2018, and it runs on Amazon’s cloud infrastructure. It is in direct competition with Firebase, but there are features that set them apart....
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How to Launch a WordPress Website using Amazon EC2 Server ?
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Amazon RDS – Exporting DB Snapshot Data to Amazon S3
This article will cover all the steps involved in exporting DB Snapshot data to Amazon S3. For this process, we primarily need a pre-existing Snapshot and an Amazon S3 bucket. We can even create the S3 bucket during the exporting process, but an existing one will sort the task and make it quicker. Exporting a DB Snapshot extracts the data from the database snapshot and stores it on your desired S3 bucket to analyze further....
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Amazon Web Services – Introduction to Amazon Lightsail
Amazon Light is an AWS service that provides the a gateway for simplified cloud hosting helping the AWS users. It act as a user-friendly cloud platform that is designed for easy hosting and management of virtual private servers (VPS). With the lightsail service users can quickly develop and manage the VPS instances with options for various operating systems.. It provides a streamlined interface and with predictable pricing. It is an ideal solution for developers, small businesses and startups for the AWS Cloud without having any complexity association with cloud services....
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How To Integrate AWS Auto Scaling With Classical Load Balancer ?
Auto Scaling is a service in Amazon Web Services (AWS) with the help of an EC2 instance that automatically changes the number of instances as per the user’s application demand. this nature of auto-scaling helps to achieve high availability for an application without any high cost....
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ECS Deployment Using Terraform
Pre-requisite: AWS ECS and Terraform...
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How To Aceses AWS S3 Bucket Using AWS CLI ?
The AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) is an open-source tool that allows you to interact with AWS services using syntax in your shell. It provides you with the ability to quickly and easily access the same functionality as the browser-based AWS Management Console from the comfort of your terminal program....
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How To Create Spot Instance In Aws-Ec2 In Aws Latest Wizards?
Spot instances are available at up to 90% discount because when instances are not used then the instance available in spot instance at a cheaper rate so that people can utilize. it. When the demand increases then amazon sent a notification your spot instance will disappear after two minutes. We can use it for temporary work if our data losses it will not affect us. AWS always recommended not using spot instances for your important work....
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Amazon Web Services Budget Setup
In this article, we will see AWS Budget Setup. It is a good idea to set up a billing budget so that we know when we go over spending some money and we can get alerted in case of that....
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How AWS EFS Works with Backup?
Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) is a scalable, managed Network File System (NFS) that provides shared storage for Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources such as Amazon EC2 instances and containers. In this article, we’ll explore how EFS works with backup, ensuring the safety and recoverability of your data...
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How To Store Data in a S3 Bucket?
Pre-requisite: S3 (Simple Storage Service)...
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