Difference between OneDrive and iCloud
1. OneDrive : OneDrive or Microsoft OneDrive is a file hosting and synchronization service provided by the Microsoft. It gives the convenience to users for storing files, personal data and for sharing files. It offers 5 GB free storage space. It was launched by Microsoft in 2007. It is mostly used by professional workers to store the data related to work which might need more security....
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Deploying Your Web App using Azure App Service
Pre-requisite: Introduction to Microsoft Azure | A cloud computing service The majority of Computer Science students start with Web Development or Machine Learning. Now after learning how to create a website, we should learn to deploy it online. By deploying our website, we can share it with others, perform alpha or beta testing, perform live changes on websites, etc. These practices help us to find bugs, find better approaches towards a solution and we get to learn something different than the rest of our classmates or colleagues. We can deploy our website using cloud services like Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, or Google Cloud. In this article, we will learn how to deploy a website using Azure App Service via Github. Before we go ahead, you may want to check out:...
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How to Deploy React App using Azure Static Web Apps ?
Microsoft Azure is a public cloud computing platform. It provides a lot of cloud services to access, manage, and deploy applications. Where as Azure Static Web App is one of the services of Microsoft Azure. It automatically builds and deploys full-stack web apps from the code repository to azure....
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Difference between Google Drive and iCloud
1. Google Drive : Google Drive is a file storage and synchronization service provided by the Google. It allows the users to store the files and personal data and to share the files. It offers 15 GB free storage space. It was launched by Google in 2012. It is used by almost each and every person which is somehow related to internet. Everyone uses this to store some professional and personal data....
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How to Use Google Cloud Function with Python ?
In this article, we will look into how to use the Google Cloud Function with python on any website....
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Difference between Dropbox and OneDrive
1. Dropbox: Dropbox is a file hosting service provided by the American company Dropbox Incorporation. It offers cloud storage, file synchronization, personal cloud and client software. It was founded in 2007. Dropbox was developed by two MIT students Drew Houston and Arash Ferdowsi. It offers only 2 GB free storage space. Maximum storage size is 5 TB here. It is one of the earliest cloud storage services....
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Difference between Microsoft OneDrive and Google Drive
Microsoft OneDrive is a file hosting and synchronization service provided by Microsoft. It gives the convenience to users for storing files, personal data, and for sharing files. It offers 5 GB free storage space. It was launched by Microsoft in 2007. It is commonly known as OneDrive. It is mostly used by professional workers to store data related to work which might need more security....
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Difference between Dropbox and Google Drive
1. Dropbox :...
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Hosting a Web Application on Microsoft Azure in IAAS
Azure provides a lot of services to host a web application whether it be static or dynamic in a number of ways...
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Difference between Google Drive and Amazon Drive
Google Drive is a file storage and synchronization service provided by Google. It allows the users to store the files and personal data and to share the files. It offers 15 GB of free storage space. It was launched by Google in 2012. It is used by almost each and every person which is somehow related to the internet. Everyone uses this to store some professional and personal data....
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Difference between OneDrive and Amazon Drive
OneDrive or Microsoft OneDrive is a file hosting and synchronization service provided by Microsoft. It gives the convenience to users for storing files, personal data, and for sharing files. It offers 5 GB free storage space. It was launched by Microsoft in 2007. It is mostly used by professional workers to store data related to work which might need more security....
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Google Cloud Platform – Creating Google Cloud Console Account & Projects
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a suite of cloud computing services offered by Google to the developers to implement the infrastructure used in Google products in their custom applications. GCP provides several cloud services for storage and computing and provides infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and serverless computing environments....
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