What Is AWS VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) Peering?

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is an private cloud where you can deploy your AWS Virtual machines with controlled access it is completely isolated from the each other the servers which are in the one VPC cannot communicate with the other virtual machines in the another virtual private network.

VPC peering can establish the connection between two Virtual Private Clouds which enables you to route the traffic between two VPCs using the IP address. The virtual servers which are in the same network can communicate with each other with out VPC peering connections but the servers which are in the two different networks can’t communicate with each other with out VPC peering.

Amazon VPC – Introduction to Amazon Virtual Private Cloud

Amazon VPC or Amazon Virtual Private Cloud is a service that allows its users to launch their virtual machines in a protected as well as isolated virtual environment defined by them. You have complete control over your VPC, from creation to customization and even deletion. It’s applicable to organizations where the data is scattered and needs to be managed well. In other words, VPC enables us to select the virtual address of our private cloud and we can also define all the sub-constituents of the VPC like subnet, subnet mask, availability zone, etc on our own. 

  • We can place the necessary resources and manage access to those resources in the VPC, a private area of Amazon that we control.
  • A default “VPC” will be generated when we register an AWS account, allowing us to manage the virtual networking environment, the IP address, the construction of subnets, route tables, and gateways.

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Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) Architecture

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Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) Components


Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) Fundamentals

If the subnet has internet access then it is called PublicSubnet. If the subnet doesn’t have internet access then it is called PrivateSubnet. A subnet must reside entirely within one Availability Zone.  An entire subnet must be contained within a single Availability Zone. Access between instances is managed by VPC Security Groups for both inbound and outgoing traffic (EC2 Security Groups can only define inbound rules). We can specify Subnet IP Routing with the aid of the Route Table. If a server/instance which is in a private subnet wants to reach the internet then it must have NAT in a public subnet....


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Internet Gateway

With the help of IGW (Internet Gateway), the resources present (e.g: EC2) in the VPC will enable to access the Internet. One VPC can’t have more than one IGW  If resources are running in a certain VPC then IGW can not be detached from that particular VPC....

Route Table

Route Table contains a set of rules, called route which helps us to route the network traffic. A single VPC can have as many as route tables it requires. If the dependencies are attached to the route table then they can’t be deleted....

NACL Network Access Control Lists

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Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)

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RFC1918 Address(Private address)

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Amazon VPC Network Address Translation (NAT)

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Use cases of Amazon VPC

Using VPC, you can host a public-facing website,  a single-tier basic web application, or just a plain old website. The connectivity between our web servers, application servers, and database can be limited by VPC with the help of VPC peering.  By managing the inbound and outbound connections, we can restrict the incoming and outcoming security of our application....

Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) Working

Follow the Setps Mentioned Below To Configure Virtual Private Cloud(VPC)...

What Is AWS VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) Peering?

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is an private cloud where you can deploy your AWS Virtual machines with controlled access it is completely isolated from the each other the servers which are in the one VPC cannot communicate with the other virtual machines in the another virtual private network....

AWS VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) Console

We can create and manage VPCs using the AWS Management Console log in to your AWS account. Once you are redirected to the AWS management console. Click on “Services”, and a list of options will be visible. Under “Networking & Content Delivery” there is an option named VPC, and there is the navigation pane, which consists of various services as options. Refer to the image attached ahead for a better understanding. We have discussed some of the important resources....

AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI)

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FAQs On Amazon VPC(Virtual Private Cloud)

1. Amazon VPC Full Form...

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