Round 3: System Design (1 hour)

  • Question: Design Uber
    • The interview involved an in-depth discussion about handling a sudden increase in cab demand from a particular location. We also covered low-level design, discussing API architecture and database schema for an Uber-like platform. The open-ended nature of the discussion allowed me to showcase my technical skills and knowledge in building distributed, high-traffic systems.

Amazon Interview Experience For A SDE-2

Back in 2017, I was working at a startup that was struggling to secure its next round of funding. With financial obligations piling up, I decided it was time to move on. I reached out to a recruiter at Amazon who had been involved in my previous Amazon interview process in 2016 when I received an offer for an L3 role. Unfortunately, I found out that he had left Amazon, so I contacted a few random technical recruiters at Amazon on LinkedIn. Thankfully, one of them responded and asked about my availability for an interview. I requested at least two weeks to prepare, which he agreed to.

At that time, Amazon was actively recruiting and holding hiring events on weekends. If you were invited for an in-house interview, you had to go to their office and complete all the interview rounds in a single day. They even provided lunch for all the candidates. I fondly remember those face-to-face interactions, which have since been replaced by virtual online interviews post-COVID. I miss those in-house interviews.

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