Creating CI Workflow Using GitHub Actions: A Step-By-Step Guide

Step 1: Create an Empty GitHub Repository

Step 2: Open your project in any text editor. Here I’m taking basic static HTML file with 1 heading and 1 paragraph. You can take anything.

Step 3: Open Git terminal and Push your project on the GitHub Repository using following steps.

  • Initalize empty Git repo using git init
  • Add files to staging area using git add .
  • Commit your changes using git commit -m “your message”
  • Create remote origin using git remote add origin “repo link”
  • Push the project using git push -u origin main

For more detail explanation go through this article.

Step 4: Open the settings of your repository and go to Pages. From the source select GitHub Actions. This will allow us to deploy our code using GitHub Actions which will create CI workflow.

Step 5: Configure a Static HTML. This will generate a pre-build workflow for your static HTML file. GitHub provides in-built workflow, for my purposes I’ll select static HTML you can choose yours respective workflow.

Step 6: The following image is the workflow YAML file that will automate your process of deployment. You change this according to your needs but for now let’s just keep it as it is.

This files contains:

  • name: Name of your workflow
  • on: Action from which you to automate your task
  • permission: Here we provide permissions to read, write our workflow files.
  • jobs: This is where your mention all the task you want to automate.

Step 7: Commit and push the file on your branch.

Step 8: From the above repo tabs go to Actions and check if your app is deployed on Github Pages or not. Open the deployment by clicking on the workflow name.

Step 9: Go to the link provided by GitHub this is where your HTML file is deployed.

  • Step 10: After opening the link you can see the contents of your HTML file.

Step 11: Now let’s check if CI workflow or not. First, pull your changes.

  • Modify your code and push it on the GitHub.
  • For every push our workflow will be generated and changes will reflect on your page.

  • Step 12: Wait for 10-15 seconds and reload your site. The new changes will appear on the site.

How To Create A Basic CI Workflow Using GitHub Actions?

GitHub Actions is a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) feature provided by GitHub that allows you to automate your build, test, and deployment pipeline whenever any changes happen in your repo.

Continuous integration (CI) is a software development practice in which you merge/commit your changes to the main branch many times a day. For every change, you have to deploy the whole project again and again to reflect changes in the production environment. This can lead to a decrease in productivity and repetition of tasks.

To eliminate this we have something called CI/CD workflow which allows us to build & deploy our code automatically if any changes happen in a production environment.

In this article, we will create a basic CI workflow where we will make changes to Static HTML and deploy it automatically if we push modified code on GitHub pages. GitHub actions already provide some pre-build workflow for HTML, Node.js, Python, etc.

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