CI Workflow And Github Actions

What Triggers A GitHub Actions Workflow?

It can be triggered by push to a branch, pull requests, scheduled runs, or even external events from other services.

What Are Jobs And Steps In A Workflow?

A workflow can consist of multiple jobs. Each job is made up of steps, which are the individual commands or actions that are executed.

How Can I Share My Own Custom Actions?

You can create your own custom Actions and share them with the community by publishing them as a public repository on GitHub.

How Can I Monitor And Debug My Workflows?

Visual workflow execution log allows you to track the progress of your workflows.

Are There Any Limitations On What I Can Achieve With GitHub Actions?

Compute resources and certain actions might require additional configuration or external tools

How To Create A Basic CI Workflow Using GitHub Actions?

GitHub Actions is a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) feature provided by GitHub that allows you to automate your build, test, and deployment pipeline whenever any changes happen in your repo.

Continuous integration (CI) is a software development practice in which you merge/commit your changes to the main branch many times a day. For every change, you have to deploy the whole project again and again to reflect changes in the production environment. This can lead to a decrease in productivity and repetition of tasks.

To eliminate this we have something called CI/CD workflow which allows us to build & deploy our code automatically if any changes happen in a production environment.

In this article, we will create a basic CI workflow where we will make changes to Static HTML and deploy it automatically if we push modified code on GitHub pages. GitHub actions already provide some pre-build workflow for HTML, Node.js, Python, etc.

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What Triggers A GitHub Actions Workflow?...

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