What is continuous integration?

Continuous Integration is used to automate the task of pushing the local changes to the central server. so you don’t need to repeat the same task. Continuous integration tracks changes, fixes bugs, and reduces conflicts in the code.

Deploying Static Sites On Netlify With Continuous Integration

when we are talking about DevOps In today’s fast-paced digital world. deploying the website is one of the most crucial tasks. we need to focus on different parameters to make a website production-ready. The website updates from time to time according to the requirements, and whenever we make changes in the code, we need to push the changes in the central codebase again and again. This is a time-consuming process, so here is the solution, which is called continuous integration. In this article, we are going to discuss how to use Netlify with continuous integration to deploy static sites.

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Netlify is a cloud-based platform where you can host and deploy your website. It provides a variety of features that will ease your tasks. for example, it will enhance security by providing an SSL certificate and You can connect your Git repository to Netlify, which automatically detects changes in the code and deploys the changes to the server....

What is continuous integration?

Continuous Integration is used to automate the task of pushing the local changes to the central server. so you don’t need to repeat the same task. Continuous integration tracks changes, fixes bugs, and reduces conflicts in the code....

How to Deploy Static Sites on Netlify with Continuous Integration

In this example, we are going to use Netlify to deploy our site with continuous integration. so here we are using Git and GitHub which are version control tools git tracks the changes we make in our code and Github is the place where we store our codebase. it is a cloud platform. Now make sure that git is installed on your local system and that you have a GitHub account. so first of all, we create a static website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript....



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Custom Domain and HTTPS

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Static Sites on Netlify with Continuous Integration – FAQ’s

What is CI/CD stands for?...

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