IET Lucknow Campus Experience

The transition from school life to college life is one of the most significant changes for a person. As I prepared for my first day at college, a whirlwind of emotions swept over me- excitement, anxiety and curiosity. The prospect of stepping into a new environment, meeting new people, and embarking on a journey that would shape my future was thrilling.

The day began at 10 a.m. when everyone was summoned to the auditorium for an orientation session by the Director of our institute and faculties. The words spoken there infused more excitement in everyone and I realized that there is more to look forward to than I thought of. A three-week induction programme had been scheduled in the first three weeks of the semester, of which we were briefed in the same orientation session.

I met my first few friends in the auditorium itself. Soon after the speech was over, few of my friends sat back to talk and exchange their experiences, thus connecting with new people. I was glad to find people with whom I could easily blend in and stay friends with.

Post lunch, we were summoned by our seniors in the same auditorium, where we were briefed of the various clubs and societies of the college. It was fun to talk to the seniors and to know their opinion and experiences at the college. The seniors were successful in hyping up college life and infusing excitement into each individual.

At around 3 p.m., students were called branch-wise by their respective mentors to go for a campus visit when we were showed the various labs and rooms in all the departments. Later, we were guided to the sports campus where we played sports of our choice, and throughout the tour, met new people.

This day was followed by an induction programme. Each day of the induction programme began with yoga and few other morning activities. Later in the day, students were supposed to attend gatherings of an activity of their choice such as drama, music, dance, photography and art. I had chosen music. The induction programme was successful, and I say so because it helped me find like-minded people and people whose thoughts would resonate with mine or would have the same interests as me. It helped me strengthen bonds with many of my friends. Each activity was supervised by an expert in the respective fields. The induction programme ended with a performance by each activity group and marked the start of an unforgettable college life.

Starting from my first few interactions at college, till the end of induction programme is an experience I’ll always cherish and never forget. The experience was far better than I had imagined, and the obvious touch of fear of first day had vanished as soon as I had entered college. I had an unexpected and good start to an important journey of my life and I wish the same throughout this journey.

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