Watchguard Technologies Interview Experience for ASE 2023

It gives me immense pleasure to share my interview experience. While I was preparing for my placements, GFG Interview experiences helped me a lot to understand repeated sets of coding questions and analyze the company-specific requirements.

WatchGuard Technologies visited our college for on-campus placement on Nov 2022. They conducted a virtual pre-placement talk where they gave an overview of the company and discussed the role and what to expect in the interviews followed by the aptitude test. They came up with the 70% throughout 10,12, Bachelor with no backlogs criteria to be eligible for the drive.

Round 1:

So, the first round was an aptitude test conducted on the HackerEarth platform which consisted of 60 questions to be completed in 60 minutes, questions were of easy to medium difficulty level. The test was divided into 3 sections i.e. Quantitative ability, Verbal ability, and logical reasoning. Now, here is the catch you cannot navigate through questions you have to complete the questions as they come. I was able to solve 56/60 and got shortlisted for the next round. Around 334 students participated in this round and 167 got shortlisted for the next round. Practice on for the aptitude questions, and you will get through easily.

Round 2:

Now, here comes the physical interview round. There were 2 panelists and the interviewers were very friendly and supportive, firstly they calmed my nerves then the interview started with the introduction of each other. As I told in my introduction I am more comfortable with C++, they asked me to code in the same language. So, the first technical question they gave me i.e. display the triangle star pattern which is of easy level, I was able to solve within 15 minutes. The following question was of string i.e. count the frequency of each word in the sentence and display it, at first I told my approach to the interviewer and then started writing the code. The question can be solved using hashmap and the interviewer was satisfied with my approach and move forward with some questions related to DBMS, asking SQL queries to write and guessing the output. I was able to answer 9/10 theoretical questions. Later, I was asked to solve a technical puzzle of medium level that I do not remember exactly. Overall, interviewers seemed to be satisfied with my answers and approach if I was not able to solve the problem completely. Summing up, the interview lasted for around 45 minutes and was focused on testing the critical thinking ability and understanding of the domain knowledge of the candidate. Having the basics clear is enough to clear this round of interviews. Around, 70 students were selected for the 2nd level interview round and I was among them.


On the same day later in the evening I was called for another round of interviews. Again there were 2 senior software engineers as interviewers on the panel. They kicked off the interview by asking a medium-level rated DSA question i.e. Product of array except itself. I was asked to write the full running code with an expected output. At first, I told them the naive approach followed by which asked to explain the time and space complexity associated with the code, and then asked to optimize it and discussed other test cases, I was able to solve it partially. Then the questions were asked about the experience and projects mentioned in my resume, As my project was on ReactJs and NoSQL databases for this reason I was cross-questioned with questions related to these technologies. Moreover, my computer science fundamentals were tested, and questions like the difference between relational and non-relational databases were put on. The interview lasted for around 50-60 minutes and on the same day, I received the verdict of the result as selected for the managerial round. Around 15 candidates were shortlisted for the next round.


This was the last round named the Managerial round conducted the following day after 2 rigorous rounds of interviews. I was the first candidate to be interviewed. This round was conducted by the VP-Engineering country head. First, I was asked to introduce myself and tell more about my interests and background, then I was given a coding question Sort an array of strings in lexicographical order, I was given a pen and paper and asked to write the algorithm and explain it. I was able to solve this question partially. Later, some discussion about my past experiences was mentioned on my resume asking my preference between working on a project individually or working in a team, and some HR questions like why Watchguard Technologies. Also, asked to tell some of the points which were in the ppt given during the pre-placement talk. The duration of this round was 20-25 minutes and 11 students were selected as an Intern.

Thank you for reading the article up here, I hope the information given in the experience will help you, and All the best for your placements.

You can comment down if you have any other questions, I will be happy to assist you with your queries.


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