KPIT Technologies Interview Experience for ASE

  • Interview Experience at KPIT Technologies Solutions for Associate Software Engineer Position
  • Date: 19 July 2023

The company’s reputation for innovative projects and positive work culture motivated me to apply for an Associate Software Engineer position. The interview was online, and the interview schedule was well-organized, putting me at ease.

Round 1 – Technical Interview (30 minutes) with Nilam Joshi: My first interviewer, Nilam Ma’am was friendly and professional. She asked about my academic projects experiences and seemed genuinely interested in my projects. The technical coding challenge she presented was challenging but manageable. I felt confident as I walked through my thought process and explained my approach. She gave some constructive feedback, which was helpful.

Round 2 – HR Interview (30 minutes): In the HR interview, Interviewer emphasized the company’s values and culture. She explained the benefits package and opportunities for career growth, which was motivating.

Various Questions asked by the HR manager:

  • Q)Introduction
  • Q)Why do u want to work at Kpit
  • Q)How do u approach a problem
  • Q)Tell me about your projects
  • Q)Most liked and disliked the subject
  • Q)What did you do for the disliked subject
  • Q)Learnings from an extracurricular activity
  • Q)Strengths
  • Q)Achievements
  • Q)Any problem you faced and how did you approach it

I appreciated that she took the time to address my concerns about work-life balance and provided transparent answers to all my questions.

In the end, the interviewers gave me the chance to ask questions. They were enthusiastic about sharing their experiences, and their answers further solidified my interest in joining the company. I left the interview feeling positive and eager to be a part of KPIT Technologies.

Overall, my interview experience at KPIT Technologies was engaging and professionally conducted. The interviewers were skilled and considerate, creating a positive atmosphere throughout the process. I felt the company truly cared about finding the right fit for both parties, and I’m hopeful for a positive outcome. Regardless of the final decision, I’m grateful for the opportunity to have interviewed with such a reputable and forward-thinking company.

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