Accenture Interview Experience for ASE and Advanced ASE (On-Campus)

Hi Beginner! So Accenture started their recruitment process on campus by virtually sending their Job Description and related information with a registration link. They sent details about 2 profiles they recruit for : ASE and Advanced ASE. After registering they sent us a profile link and password for their support website on Hirepro.

Day 1

Qualifying round 1 will spontaneously open Round 2 after submitting. If it didn’t open, please wait for further communication from the company on your registered mail or mobile no.

Round 1(Cognitive and Technical Assessment): After 12 days they sent us the exam link for the Cognitive and Technical Assessment which is the 1st round for their recruitment process.  

  • This round is an elimination round, this means if you fail to qualify this round you will no longer be able to participate for the rest. They will also send a link for scheduling the exam for a time slot, make sure the choice for the same is made wisely.
  • They email link contained detailed credentials for the exam and a link for their exam toolkit, they use Safe Exam Browser. Please keep in mind the complete all preliminary system checks before you sit for the exam.

About the exam:  

Total Time Allotted: 90 minutes

Exam Type: MCQ

Hardness Level: Easy to medium


No of Questions

English Ability


Critical Reasoning & Problem Solving


Abstract Reasoning


Common Application, and MS Office


Pseudo Code


Networking Security and Cloud




Some important points to keep in mind:

  1. This round is crucial since this will decide your overall performance as to whether you will move on to the next stage or will be eliminated from the process and there is a cutoff that needs to be cleared in order to proceed to the coding round.
  2. The test window will be open for 10 mins after the commencement of scheduled time, make sure you join by then.
  3. There is no individual time frame for each section and evaluations are done as per their internal cutoff.
  4. Please don’t waste more than 1 minute per question as most are easy questions if you practice religiously.
  5. Please check if you have missed any questions. Take a look at the right-hand bar for ready reference.
  6. Follow w3wiki and Indiabix for proper preparation for this round.

The next 2 rounds are non-ellimination but mandatory to attend.

Round 2(Coding Assessment): If you qualify the 1st round be sure to participate in the next round which is the coding round. This round is a non-elimination round but is mandatory to participate in. (In the recent few processes it is seen that people get rejected even after attending and solving one question, so please make sure you assume it as an elimination round for your sake). An ample amount of practice and efficient coding skills are required to clear this round.

About the exam:

  • 2 Coding questions
  • Hardness: Both Medium Level (Depends on candidate proficiency in coding)
  • Total Time Allotted: 45mins
  • Language preference selection given: C, C++, Java, Python, .Net

Day 2

Round 3(Communication Assessment): The link for this exam was provided 2-3 days later after day 1. The exam is conducted on Pearson’s own portal. It is very important to be seated in a silent room with a working microphone (headset is preferred). The clarity of your voice should be clear and straight. Download and use this application ( before the round commences for proper clarity if there’s too much background noise.

About the exam:

Accenture communication test consists of 6 sections with varying time required for each candidate to attend each question.


No of Questions





Question and Answers


Jumbled sentences


Retelling a Story




Some points to keep in mind during and after the interview.

  • This round checks your fluency and confidence whilst speaking in English, so practice hearing voices from videos as this will help you whilst the reading and listening rounds.
  • This may or may not be an elimination round so be prepared to give you 100 percent.
  • The speaking round will require you to answer open-ended questions, so be sure to be creative by forming proper storylines and add a moral value if deemed necessary.

After qualifying all the rounds you will get to sit for the interview. They will send a link to your registered mail for booking a slot for the interview. Keep tabs on registered emails and mobile numbers for further communications.

Day 3

Final Round(Interview): This round is basically a mix of both Technical and HR round. The interviewer may ask you questions depending on what you have written on your resume. This round is more of a conversation and Confidence, calmness and a positive attitude will get you through this round. Some questions I was asked are mentioned below.

The round starts with a basic introduction from both interviewer and interviewee. Be sure to keep a light grim on your face.

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • What are your hobbies and aspirations?
  • Tell me something about your current Final year project.
  • Some follow-up questions like is your project is single or teamwork? Why did you choose this project?
  • Is your mentor or teammates assisting you in the project?
  • Have you ever faced any kind of Challenges or problems or pressure faced, if yes how did you deal with it.
  • Which language do you prefer in coding.
  • Which are some of the subjects that you disliked the most in your curriculum? If I alloted you a project of the same subject, how will you work on that and what will be your plan of action.
  • Do you have any questions for me?

Some points to keep in mind during and after the interview.

  1. Please be patient and wait in the virtual interview lobby for at least 5mins. It sometimes takes more than 30mins for the interview to start. If it takes more than that, be sure to let your TPO know.
  2. Keep your official documents handy whilst the interview as you will be asked to submit them before the interview.
  3. Be confident, don’t panic if you face any network issue or problem whilst the interview, Reconnect and state the reason for the same if asked. Sometimes the nature of how you handle such pressure situations matter so be calm and proceed.
  4. Be prepared for the project. Know the project in and out. If you have led the project be sure to acknowledge your contribution in the same and highlight others too. If it’s a solo project be sure to use and know all the technical jargon.
  5. When some rhetorical questions are asked on anything that shows your pitfall in your career or anything else is sure to give some additional points on what you have learned from such situations. (Acts as a silver lining)
  6. This is just a conversation process, so be amicable and greet each other before and after the interview. Also the interviewer might ask some off topic questions on your daily life, answer that well as he/she is trying to calm you down.
  7. Interviews for this company might have technical questions, so be prepared.
  8. Sometimes they take time after the interview to declare the results and feedback. Such communications are conveyed by them through mail or your TPO depending upon the college. (The typical time frame maybe 12-17 days after the interview as it took for me.)

Verdict: Selected

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