Useful Microorganisms

Useful microorganisms are those which are beneficial for human beings and the environment. These types of organisms aid in the fields of agriculture, medicine, environmental settings, etc. Useful organisms are classified into various types such as plants, pests, animals, fungi, viruses, bacteria, algae, protozoa, insects, nematodes, and mycorrhizal fungi. These useful organisms help plants to grow in adverse environments.

Bacteria and fungi secrete some metabolites to inhibit pathogens, they also control pests, and some fungi are used to synthesize antibiotics, etc. In this article, we will discuss useful organisms, their types, examples, functions, and importance.

Table of Content

  • What are Useful Microorganisms?
  • Types of Useful Microorganisms
  • Different Uses of Useful Microorganisms
  • Importance of Useful Microorganisms
  • Examples of Useful Microorganisms and their Roles
  • Conclusion

Define Microorganisms

Microscopic living organisms that are too small to be seen with the naked eye, such organism are know as microorganism or microbes.

What are Useful Microorganisms?

The organisms that are good for both the environment and humans are considered useful. These kinds of organisms are useful in a variety of fields, including environment, agriculture, and medicine. Useful organisms include fungi, bacteria, bees, algae, etc. These organisms help in various processes like the production of enzymes, antibiotics, cleaning of wastewater, heavy metal removal, pollination, decomposition of waste, etc., thus, they play a crucial role in supporting human beings and the ecosystem.

Types of Useful Microorganisms

Many useful organisms are beneficial for humankind and are listed below:

  1. Plants: Plants are very important as they are the source of food, shelter, clothes, and medicines. Plants are also involved in O2 production and absorption of CO2 via photosynthesis.
  2. Animals: They are also very useful because they provide food to human beings and they are also beneficial for sustainable agriculture.
  3. Fungi: They are eukaryotic in nature and are very useful in the production of wine, beer, antibiotics, and also edible such as mushrooms.
  4. Bacteria: Bacteria are prokaryotic in nature and helpful for the gut (probiotics) as some bacteria are considered generally regarded as safe.
  5. Insects: Insects like bees, and butterflies are important as they help in pollination.
  6. Algae: Algae are involved in the treatment of wastewater and the production of biofuel.
  7. Viruses: Although these are considered as harmful but some viruses are used in making of vaccines.
  8. Protozoa: Protozoa aid in nutrient recycling by breaking the organic matter.
  9. Mycorrhizal fungi: These fungi are extremely beneficial for promoting plant growth by interacting with plant roots.
  10. Nematodes: These help in controlling the larvae that can spoil the crops.

Different Uses of Useful Microorganisms

These organism are useful for human beings and ecosystem as they helps in production of several food products, antibiotics, enzymes and bioremediation:

  1. Dairy Products: Dairy products like, curd, cheese, butter and butter milk require bacteria for fermentation and production of products. For example, Streptococcus genus.
  2. Bread making: To make a different types of bread requires yeast for fermentation including Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
  3. Production of alcoholic beverages: Wine is produced from grapes which undergo fermentation by yeast known as Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
  4. Organic acids: Fungi are versatile microorganism that are capable to produce several organic acids. Fungi like Rhizopus, Penicillium are greatly employed for it.
  5. Enzyme production: Enzymes are the catalysts and used in various products are synthesized by both bacteria and fungi. Enzymes like lipases, proteases and peptidase have great industrial usage.
  6. Bioremediation: Fungi and bacteria are vastly used in the field of bioremediation such a removal of heavy metals, waste water treatment etc.
  7. Plant growth promotion: Mycorrhizal fungi and plant growth promoting bacteria produces several growth hormones and metabolites which can promote plant growth.
  8. Biocontrol activity: Several bacteria and fungi secretes secondary metabolites which have inhibitory action on plant pathogens.

Importance of Useful Microorganisms

Useful organisms are beneficial for human beings, industries and ecosystem and some of the importance are listed below:

Organisms in Agriculture

  • Pollination: Bees, butterflies and other insects are useful in cross pollination for reproduction.
  • Biocontrol: Fungi and bacteria synthesized secondary metabolites which are useful in biocontrol of phytopathogens.
  • Plant growth promotion: Metabolites and hormones produced by plant growth promoting bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi aid in plant growth.

Environmental Application

  • Nutrient recycling: Microorganism like bacteria helps in nitrogen fixation, phosphorus solubilization, metal chelation thus helping in nutrient recycling.
  • Bioremediation: Fungi and bacteria are capable to remediate heavy metal contaminated soil, waste water and pesticides etc. by secreting several enzymes.

Human Health

  • Antibiotic production: Genus Streptomyces and Penicillium are greatly used for the production of antibiotics which can inhibit or kill pathogens.
  • Probiotics: Probiotic organisms are known as generally regarded as safe (GRAS) because these bacteria are helpful for gut immunity.


  • Genetic engineering: Bacterial species are employed for genetic engineering to produce the enzymes on large scale.
  • Industrial use: Microorganism which can produce bioethanol, biodiesel are used in industries for their production.

Production of Food

Fermentation: Bacteria and fungi are greatly used in fermentation industries for the production of cheese, curd, wine, kimchi, breads and other fermented foods.

Examples of Useful Microorganisms and their Roles

The following are few examples of useful organisms:

  1. Apis mellifera (Honeybee): Used for pollination
  2. Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium: They are used as probiotics.
  3. Mycorrhizal fungi: They help in plant growth promotion by forming symbiotic relationship with plant roots.
  4. Trichoderma sp.: They are widely used as biocontrol agents.
  5. Rhizobium: They help in plant growth promotion and nitrogen fixation in leguminous plants.
  6. Saccharomyces cerevisiae: This is yeast and are greatly employed for wine production and bread making.
  7. Penicillium Chrysogenum: This is used for the production of penicillin antibiotic.
  8. Earthworm: They aid in increasing the soil fertility by breaking down the organic matter.
  9. Coccinellidae (Ladybugs): They are natural pest controlling agents.
  10. Algae: They are greatly used for supplements and protein production.
  11. Bombyx mori (Silk worm): These are used for the production of silk threads.
  12. Bacillus thuringiensis: It is used as pesticide.


Useful organisms are beneficial for human beings, industries and ecosystem. These organism are useful for human beings and ecosystem as they help in production of several food products, antibiotics, enzymes and bioremediation. These useful organisms help plants to grow in adverse environment, bacteria and fungi secrete some metabolites to inhibit the pathogens, they also control pests, some fungi are used to synthesize antibiotic etc.

FAQs – Useful Microorganisms

1. What are Examples of Helpful Microorganisms?

In this context, “useful organisms” refers to any living entity benefiting our environment, encompassing insects, spiders, mites, nematodes, birds, reptiles, mammals, plants, bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Their contributions involve pest control, pollination, and soil health maintenance.

2. What are the 5 Useful Microorganisms?

Lactobacillus supports digestive health and fermentation, Penicillium produces antibiotic penicillin, Rhizobium enhances soil fertility, Saccharomyces cerevisiae is baker’s yeast for bread and beer fermentation, and Trichoderma controls plant diseases in agriculture.

3. What are 5 Benefits of Fungi?

Fungi aid in recycling of nutrients, plant growth promotion, contributing to food production, producing antibiotics, and aiding in bioremediation.

4. What are 3 Examples of Good Bacteria?

Lactobacillus, prevalent in the digestive, urinary, and genital systems, contributes to the body’s microbial balance. Bifidobacterium and Streptococcus thermophilus are additional beneficial bacteria with various roles in maintaining health.

5. What are the Usefulness of Microorganisms?

Microorganisms serve diverse purposes:

  1. Facilitating the production of curd, bread, cakes, and more
  2. Enabling large-scale alcohol production
  3. Utilizing yeast for the preparation of vinegar

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