Unthinkable Solutions Interview Experience | On-Campus 2021

Coding Round: This round consists of three coding questions 2 easy and 1 hard

  1. Find the number of substring that are consecutive alphabetically in a string (easy);
  2. A rotated sorted array is give you have to find the minimum no of right shift operation so that the array is completely sorted. (easy)
  3. https://leetcode.com/problems/maximal-rectangle/ (hard)

i was able to do all the questions hence directly qualified for interview round 

Technical Interview Round 1: Duration 1 hour

  1. Tell me about yourself.
  2. Few questions from project he did not go into detail.

Data Structures Questions:

  1. What is Hashing, Heapify?
  2. Difference  between array and linked list
  3. Write down the phases of the software development life cycle
  4. Difference between recursion and dynamic programming

DBMS Questions

  1. Why do we use dbms,
  2. What is left join, why it is used.

Two queries of SQL

  1. He given me a database and asked to print the top 100 employees whose name start with a
  2. One query on natural join

Coding Questions

  1. Write the code to find second maximum element in an array ( i have told him all the approach brute force ,better and optimal)
  2. Write a code to print a linked list
  3. Find the power (a,n) in log(n) time.
  4. Write the code to check whether a number is armstrong or not(only for three digit number).

Puzzle Round:

  1. You are in a well that is 60 m deep in one day you climb 5m up and fall 3 m down after how many you will get out of the well
  2. You are in a well which is 60 m deep in one day you climb 5m up and the next day you all 3 m down in this way after how many days you will get out of the well

I was not able to give answer of two questions but selected for 2nd technical interview

Technical Interview Round 2: Duration 50 minutes

  1. Tell me about yourself
  2. Then he asked from the project this time he asked tough questions from project
  3. Difference between bfs and dfs which one is better for a binary tree
  4. Write the code of level order traversal of binary tree
  5. Tell real life example of circular array
  6. Which algorithm is used in ola uber

Puzzle Questions

  1. Select one word from (red woon)
  2. Select the odd one out from   , First , second , third , forth , fifth , sixth , seventh ,eight
  3. Using numbers 1,2,6 7 you have to make 17 you can use operators +,-, *,/ but cannot repeat any operator or operand
  4. There are 25 horses ,conditions are maximum 5 horses can run in a race and you will get only one winner from it. you have to calculate minimum number of races from which you can get top three fastest horses
  5. You have given four bowls 12L, 8L, 5L and 1L  . the 12 L bowl is complety filled with milk how will you transfer milk between the bowls so that at last 12L ,8L , 5L bowls all have 4L of milk in them
  6. You have given two sand glass one filled in 4 min and other in  7 min you have to tell when nine minute will occur

I was not able to answer 3 questions but selected for hr round

HR Round:

  1. Tell me about your family
  2. Any internships or certifications you have done
  3. Tell me about project
  4. Your favourite subject in school and college why they are you favourite subject
  5. What is your area of interest i told that software development but then he made me confuse by asking why software development and some more question I was not able to recall but here and i got confused very badly
  6. Next 3 year goal
  7. Why do you want to join unthinkable
  8. What do you know about unthinkable ( this question was asked to me 3 times he did not satisfied with my answer)
  9. Then he tell me about package ,company allowance , internship period, salary, daily timing ,holidays and so many basic things

Then my HR round finished

My HR round had not gone well i was not able to answer any question confidently  now i am waiting for my result.

Thank you 

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