Unthinkable Solutions Interview Experience | On-Campus 2020

Eligibility: B.Tech. CSE, B.Tech. ECE, MCA, MCA FYIC, BCA

%age Cut Off: No % criteria. Students with up to 3 backlogs can be a part.

Service Agreement: Internship + 1yr

Hiring Process:

Round 1(Online Coding Round):

Platform Used: HackerEarth

There were 3 coding questions of 10 marks each to be solved in 60 minutes. The statement of question 1 wasn’t clear. 2nd Question was somewhat similar to https://www.w3wiki.net/minimum-number-of-bracket-reversals-needed-to-make-an-expression-balanced/. The third question was similar to this(https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/megaprime-numbers/problem). 

In this round, students who got marks >= 20 qualified for the technical interview. Students who scored marks between 10 and 20 had to appear again for another coding round.

Round 2(Online Coding Round): Only for students who got marks between 10 & 20

Platform Used: HackerEarth

There were 2 coding questions of 35 marks each to be solved in 45 minutes. 

Questions were: 1st Question(https://leetcode.com/problems/next-permutation/). The 2nd question was similar to this(https://www.w3wiki.net/find-a-sub-matrix-with-maximum-xor/) except for the fact that minimum XOR was required. 

Students who were able to solve both questions were selected for the next round.

Round 3(Technical Interview 1): The interview started with a brief introduction from the interviewer, and then he asked me to introduce myself. 

  1. Then he asked about the projects that I’ve done. He didn’t go into detail and asked no questions about the projects. 
  2. Later he asked me if I’m comfortable with git and then asked a few commands. 
  3. After that, he shared the link to a Google doc and asked me to find the 2nd largest element in the array. I explained all brute-better-optimal approaches. He seemed convinced and asked me to code it.
  4.  He then gave me an array and asked me to remove duplicates from the array. I gave all brute-better-optimal approaches and then went to code it, but he was convinced with the explanation and asked me not to code it. 
  5. He then asked the basics of SQL and a query to find the names of those which start with the letter A.
  6.  He asked about the ‘this’ keyword. 
  7. Then he asked the difference between private and protected access specifiers. I was able to answer all the questions and hence was selected for 2nd technical interview. 

Round 4 (Technical Interview 2):

The interview started with a brief introduction from the interviewer, and then he asked me to introduce myself. 

Then he asked the following questions:-

  1. Explain Linear Data Structures.
  2. Explain and differentiate between stacks and queues.
  3. Explain and differentiate between trees and graphs.
  4. Given an array, sort it using the best sorting algo available (also asked its complexity in different situations). After sorting find a given element using binary search.
  5. If 15 August is Monday, what day is 17 Nov?
  6. Two Output-based C programming questions (including pointers, arrays, string, etc). Available on GfG.

I was not able to go through this round.

My advice to all students going for Unthinkable Solutions hiring is to keep your basics strong. Have a good knowledge of sorting algos. Don’t get nervous and interact with the interviewer whenever you are in doubt. They are friendly and will help you when you feel stuck. Do read about the company before the interview, and it’s a good company to start with as a fresher. If you are rejected don’t get disheartened instead analyze your mistakes and keep preparing for upcoming opportunities.

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