Unthinkable Solutions Interview Experience for SDE-1 (On-Campus)

There were four rounds in total consisting of one coding, two technical, and one HR round.

Round 1(online coding round): There were three questions in which 2 were easy ad one was of moderate difficulty level.

  1. Time format conversion. 
  2. Find the minimum no of jumps to reach at the end of an array. 
  3. An array-related question in dynamic programming.

As I have completed 2 questions with all test cases pass and one was with half of the test case pass, I moved to the first F2F round.

Round 2 (1st TR round): The interview began with a brief introduction and the details of the project your role in the project. Then the interviewer asked me to select a programming language, as I was comfortable in C and C++ hence he asked me questions about it. He first asked the questions from data structures and algorithms. Questions were as :

  • Preorder, post order traversal of the tree.
  • Heap data structures.
  • Quicksort code.
  • Different sorting algorithms brief with their time complexity.
  • Oops concepts like the pillar of oops and the difference between interface and abstract class.
  • Difference between array and linked list.
  • Difference between stack and queue.
  • Then he asked me the coding question to print a simple star pattern( Pyramid).   Code for merge sort.
  • Some reasoning questions were asked as odd one out and series

After the TR round, I got a call for TR 2 round.

Round 3(TR 2 round): The interview began with a brief introduction. The interviewer asked me about my family background. Then he asked me some calendar, clock, and series reasoning questions. He asked me a coding question.

  • Some patterns to print. ( moderate to hard level)
  • Fibonacci series through recursion.
  • Oops concepts in deep.
  • Define memory leakage.
  • How polymorphism is implemented.

Round 4(HR round): The round began with a brief introduction. She then asked me about my project, internship family background, hobbies, and domain of interest. At last, she discussed the salary structure and working hours. 


Tips: be comfortable with the basic data structure, algorithms, and oops concepts.


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