University of Southern California Campus Experience

I recently graduated from the University of Southern California with a Master’s in Computer Science and I am here to share about my campus experience at USC. My journey at USC started in 2022. When I first received an admission from USC, it was a dream come true moment for me!!

Located in the heart of California – Los Angeles, USC has a huge campus! My Master’s program at USC was for 2 years (4 semesters
). The first semester was very similar to a roller coaster ride. Landing on an alien land, making new friends, exploring campus, events, fests and most importantly paying attention to the tough coursework was not all easy. I used to work part-time on-campus at one of the libraries at USC which helped me to manage my living expenses. The campus offers beautiful spots to enjoy and study.

The only thing I dislike about the USC MS CS program is the huge batch size. The batch size is so large that for every intake 800-1000 students are admitted, which creates a lot of competition during the job search, on-campus jobs and even to get the courses of your choice. One has to prepare well enough in advance and have backup options to avoid the above problems.

The professors here are very helpful and knowledgeable. Maintaining good rapport with them helps in a myriad of ways like getting a TA/RA under him, getting referrals in their network, etc. USC hosts multiple events throughout the semester that help one to get to know the campus, their colleagues and different cultures. One should attend as many events as they can and make the most of their time at campus.

Lastly, I would like to say that striking a balance between academics, social life and job search is paramount here. Nothing should come along to you and your academics. At the same time, it is even necessary to have some fun time and chill with friends. You are the only one to decide when to study and when to relax, so make sure to enjoy both sides of the coin and celebrate your time at USC!

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