Top 10 Uranium Producing Countries in the World

The top ten Uranium-producing countries are Kazakhstan, Canada, Uzbekistan, Namibia, Australia, Uzbekistan, Russia, Niger, China, India, and South Africa. Uranium is a metallic chemical element that has an atomic number of 9 in the periodic table. There are 92 protons and 92 electrons in an atom of uranium, six of which are valence electrons.

Kazakhstan, Canada, and Australia produce around two-thirds of the uranium that is mined worldwide. Over 55% of uranium is currently generated through in situ leaching. Kazakhstan generated the most uranium from mines in 2022 (43% of global supply), with Namibia (11%), Canada (15%), and other countries following.

Table of Content

  • About Uranium Producing Countries in the World
  • List of Top Ten Uranium Producing Countries in the World
  • Largest Uranium Producing Country – Kazakhstan
  • Second Largest Uranium Producing Country – Canada
  • Third Largest Uranium Producing Country – Namibia
  • Fourth Largest Uranium Producing Country – Australia
  • Fifth Largest Uranium Producing Country – Uzbekistan
  • Sixth Largest Uranium Producing Country – Russia
  • Seventh Largest Uranium Producing Country – Niger
  • Eight Largest Uranium Producing Country – China
  • Ninth Largest Uranium Producing Country – India
  • Tenth Largest Uranium Producing Country – South Africa

About Uranium Producing Countries in the World

Uranium Metal is one of the most important metals for nuclear power production. That’s why it is important to study the countries that produce this metal. A large number of countries produce Uranium but here in this article, we will cover the top 10 Uranium Producing Countries along with the production in tonnes of elemental uranium.

List of Top Ten Uranium Producing Countries in the World

The table contains the list of the top 10 uranium-producing countries:


Uranium Production in 2022 in tU (tonnes of elemental uranium)



















South Africa


Largest Uranium Producing Country – Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan generated over 21,227 tU in 2022, accounting for 43% of the global uranium resources.

  • The yearly output rose from 2114 tU in 2001 to 24,689 tU in 2016. Production reached 22,808 tU in 2019, up 5% from the previous year, but the coronavirus pandemic’s effects caused it to fall to 19,477 tU in 2020.
  • Ten of Kazakhstan’s thirteen uranium mining projects are joint ventures with international equity partners, while Kazatomprom fully owns three.
  • Mines in Kazakhstan are located in South Inkai Mine, Akdala Mine, Central Mynkuduk Mine, West Mynkuduk Mine, Karatau Mine, Akbastau Mine, Zhalpak Mine Moinkum Mine.

Second Largest Uranium Producing Country – Canada

Canada generated over 7351 tU in 2022, accounting for 15% of the global uranium resources.

  • With 694,000 metric tonnes of U3O8 of known uranium resources and extensive ongoing exploration, Canada is one of the top producer countries to meet future global demand.
  • Production is mostly derived from the world’s largest and highest-grade mines, Cigar Lake, located in northern Saskatchewan province, and the McArthur River.
  • .Canada has a lengthy history of uranium mining, exploration, and nuclear power production. Up to 2019, Canada had mined 539,773 tU of uranium, or about one-fifth of the world’s total, more than any other nation.

Third Largest Uranium Producing Country – Namibia

Namibia generated over 5613 tU uranium in 2022

  • In 1976, the first uranium mine for commercial purposes started up.
  • The government is quite supportive of uranium mining expansion, and there is some interest in nuclear power.
  • Uranium was found in the Namib Desert in 1928
  • After finding multiple uranium occurrences, Rio Tinto acquired ownership of the low-grade Rössing deposit, 65 km inland from Swakopmund, in 1966.
  • Trekkopje, a calcrete deposit 80 km northeast of Swakopmund and near Rössing, and Langer Heinrich, a calcrete deposit, are two more notable deposits found in the early exploratory phase.

Fourth Largest Uranium Producing Country – Australia

Australia generated over 4553 tU of uranium in 2022.

  • With almost one-third of the world’s uranium deposits, Australia ranks third globally and contributes roughly 10% of the world’s yearly production.
  • As of right now, three uranium mines are in operation: Olympic Dam and Beverley Four Mile in South Australia, and Ranger in the Northern Territory.
  • Boss Resources Limited acquired the South Australian uranium mine Honeymoon in 2013, putting it under care and maintenance to expand and resume operations.
  • Four projects in Western Australia have received state environmental approval: the Mulga Rock project by Vimy Resources, the Wiluna project by Toro Energy, and the Yeelirrie and Kintyre projects by Cameco Australia.
  • Australia has three active uranium mines: Olympic Dam in South Australia, Beverley with Four Mile in South Australia, and Ranger in the Northern Territory.
  • The Beverley factory does the final processing for Four Mile.

Fifth Largest Uranium Producing Country – Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan generated over 3300 tU of uranium in 2022.

  • Uzbekistan has considerable mineral deposits, including uranium. It is currently the fifth-largest supplier of uranium in the world and is growing its output.
  • Joint ventures between China and Japan are actively developing uranium, particularly on black shales.
  • Before gaining independence in 1991, Uzbekistan was a major supplier of uranium to Russia. Up until that point, the production of uranium was continued in Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan, with little respect for national boundaries. The majority of uranium mining currently occurs in the centre of the nation, at Navoi, which is connected to the mines via railway.
  • Uzbekistan accepted an Additional Protocol agreement with the IAEA in 1998 and has been a party to the NPT since 1994. It has also ratified the pact establishing the Central Asia Nuclear Weapon Free Zone alongside Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.

Sixth Largest Uranium Producing Country – Russia

Russia generated over 2508 tU of uranium in 2022.

  • With approximately 9% of the world’s fairly guaranteed uranium deposits as well as inferred resources up to $130/kg – 505,900 metric tonnes, Russia possesses significant economic uranium resources.
  • In September 2015, Rosatom reported that 517,000 tU of ARMZ resources were available, largely underground.
  • According to the Federal Natural Resources Management Agency (Rosnedra), prospecting in the Urals and Kalmykia Republic, which is located north of the Caspian Sea, is primarily responsible for the 15% increase in Russian uranium reserves in 2009.
  • Since 2004, uranium output has ranged between 2870 and 3560 tU/yr.

Seventh Largest Uranium Producing Country – Niger

Niger generated over 2020 tU uranium in 2022

  • Africa’s highest-grade uranium ores are produced in two major uranium mines in Niger, which account for around 5% of global mining output.
  • In 1971, the first uranium mine in Niger went into commercial operation.
  • The government is fully in favour of increasing uranium mining.
  • Because of the French Atomic Energy Commission and Cogema (now Orano), uranium mining in Gabon has always been intimately associated with Niger.
  • The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty is ratified by Niger. In addition to having an extensive safeguards agreement in place, it signed the Additional Protocol in 2004.
  • Niger produced 2248 tU in 2021, and up until the end of 2019, the nation’s total output was roughly 150,000 tU.

Eight Largest Uranium Producing Country – China

China generated over 1700 tU uranium in 2022.

  • China produced an estimated 1,700 metric tonnes of uranium in 2022. This increase from 2021 was stable, and between 2022 and 2026, a 0.01% decline is anticipated.
  • China is the eighth-largest uranium producer in the world.
  • In Yili, in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, it operates its first uranium mine with a capacity of one kiloton.
  • It is also building two more in Inner Mongolia.
  • To produce uranium fuel, China is also expanding its overseas partnerships. Certain estimates indicate that China’s nuclear arsenal has grown dramatically in the past few years due to increased political tensions with the United States and its allies.
  • China’s output rose at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3% for the five years ending in 2021.
  • Between 2022 and 2026, a CAGR of 0.01% is predicted to decline.

Ninth Largest Uranium Producing Country – India

India generated over 600 tU uranium in 2022

  • When Uranium Corporation of India Ltd. was established in 1967 under the Department of Atomic Energy, uranium mining in India got started.
  • In 1968, the company began operations at Jaduguda with the opening of an underground mine and ore processing plant.
  • Underground mines were subsequently put into service at Bhatin (1987), Narwapahar (1995), and Turamdih (2003). In the state of Jharkhand, all of these units are located within 25 kilometres of Jaduguda.
  • The Department of Atomic Energy oversees the uranium mining and processing activities of the Uranium Corporation of India (UCIL), a public sector undertaking (PSU) that was founded in 1967 and is in charge of uranium mining and milling in India. T
  • The company operates mines at Jadugora, Bhatin, Narwapahar, Turamdih, and Banduhurang.
  • In keeping with the nation’s endeavour to expand nuclear energy infrastructure new uranium mines are being opened by UCIL in the Singhbhum Thrust Belt of Jharkhand as well as in other parts of the nation.

Tenth Largest Uranium Producing Country – South Africa

South Africa generated over 200 tU uranium in 2022

  • South Africa is the tenth-largest producer of uranium in the world in 2022, with an increase in output of 9% from 2021.
  • Production from South Africa rose at a CAGR of 6% for the five years ending in 2021, and between 2022 and 2026, it is anticipated to rise at a CAGR of 14%.
  • The Witwatersrand Basin, the Karoo Uranium Province, the carbonaceous shale and coal-hosted deposit in the Springbok Flats Basin, the intrusive-hosted deposit in the Palaborwa, the granite-related deposit in the Namaqualand region, the surficial deposit in the Namaqualand region, and the phosphorite deposits within the marine areas are the eight known uranium deposits in South Africa.
  • The main uranium deposits that make up the country’s inventory of identified uranium resources are surficial deposits, coal, sandstone, carbonaceous shale, and quartz-pebble conglomerate.
  • The only deposit in South Africa where uranium mining is now underway, both from underground operations and the related tailing dam facilities, is the Witwatersrand Basin. Gold is the basin’s main product; recovered uranium is a byproduct.
  • Currently, the Vaal River activities create uranium by using a reverse leach technique to process reef material from Moab Khotsong, Great Noligwa, and Kopanang in the Noligwa gold plant/South Uranium plant circuit.

Summary – Top 10 Uranium Producing Countries in the World

Uranium is a special metal used for making nuclear energy, and some countries produce a lot of it. The top three uranium-producing countries are Kazakhstan, Canada, and Australia. Kazakhstan is the biggest producer, making almost half of the world’s uranium. Canada and Australia also contribute a significant amount. These countries have large mines where they extract uranium from the ground. In 2022, other top uranium producers included Namibia, Uzbekistan, Russia, Niger, China, India, and South Africa. Each of these countries has its own reasons for mining uranium, whether it’s for energy production or other uses. Overall, uranium plays a crucial role in the world’s energy supply, with these countries being the key players in its production.

FAQs on Top Ten Uranium Producing Countries

1. Which country is largest producer of uranium?

Kazakhstan is the largest producer of uranium in the world.

2. Who are the top 3 uranium producers in the world?

The top 3 uranium producers in the world Kazakhstan, Canada, and Australia.

3. Where is the world’s largest supply of uranium?

Kazakhstan has the world’s largest supply of uranium.

4. Who mines uranium in India?

UCIL, Uranium Corporation of India, mines uranium in India.

5. Which part of India is rich in uranium?

Cuddapah basin of Andhra Pradesh is rich in Uranium resources.

6. How much uranium is in India?

India has 195,900 tonnes of uranium reserves.

7. Who is the biggest consumer of uranium in the world?

Uranium consumption is the highest in the United States, China, and France.

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