Top 10 Countries Uranium Reserves 2024

The latest data on uranium reserves showcases the Top 10 Countries Uranium Reserves 2024 with significant uranium deposits in 2024. This includes a detailed breakdown of Uranium Reserves by Country 2024, highlighting the Largest Uranium Reserves 2024. Explore the Uranium Mining Countries 2024 and discover the nations with the most substantial uranium reserves this year.

Top 10 Countries by Uranium Reserves are Australia, Kazakhstan, Canada, Russia, Namibia, South Africa, Niger, Brazil, China, and India. Australia is the country with the largest uranium reserve of 2,049,400 tonnes, followed by Kazakhstan and Canada as the second and third largest country with a uranium reserve of 969,200 and 873,000 respectively.

In this article, we will look into the list of top 10 countries by Uranium Reserves along with the reserve quantity in tonnes.

Top 10 Countries Uranium Reserves

Table of Content

  • Top 10 Countries Uranium Reserves 2024
  • List of Uranium Reserves by Country 2024
  • Largest Uranium Reserves 2024 – Australia
  • Country With Second Largest Uranium Reserves – Kazakhstan
  • Country With Third Largest Uranium Reserves – Canada
  • Country With Fourth Largest Uranium Reserves – Russia
  • Country With Fifth Largest Uranium Reserves – Namibia
  • Country With Sixth Largest Uranium Reserves – South Africa
  • Country With Seventh Largest Uranium Reserves – Niger
  • Country With Eighth Largest Uranium Reserves – Brazil
  • Country With Ninth Largest Uranium Reserves – China
  • Country With Tenth Largest Uranium Reserves – India

Top 10 Countries Uranium Reserves 2024

Australia, Canada, and Kazakhstan produce around two-thirds of the uranium that is mined worldwide. Over 55% of uranium is currently generated through in situ leaching. Kazakhstan generated the most uranium from mines in 2022 (43% of global supply), with Namibia (11%), Canada (15%), and other countries following.

The techniques used in mining have evolved. Subterranean mines accounted for 55% of global production in 1990; by 1999, however, this had drastically decreased to 33%. The new Canadian mines raised it once more starting in 2000. Over 55% of production in 2022 came from in situ leach mining.

List of Uranium Reserves by Country 2024

The following table lists the top 10 Countries by Uranium Reserves:

Uranium Mining Countries 2024

Uranium Reserve (tonnes)











South Africa










Largest Uranium Reserves 2024 – Australia

Australia is the country with largest uranium reserve of 2,049,400 tonnes in 2023.

  • Australia possesses 28% of the world’s uranium resources, according to the World Nuclear Association.
  • According to estimates from the IAEA and the OECD’s NEA in 2019, Australia possesses 35% of the world’s uranium resource reserves.
  • After more than 30 years of mining, Honeymoon uranium mine shut down in 2012. After ceasing all activities in 2021, the facility went under renovation. Though it was closed in 2012, there are proposals to reopen the Honeymoon uranium mine.
  • Not long after the Honeymoon, the wellfields in Beverley and North Beverley were also closed.
  • Four uranium projects in Western Australia have received state environmental approval. These projects are Projects Yeelirrie and Kintrye by Cameco Australia, Wiluna, a Toro Energy project, Project Mulga Rock by Vimy Resources.

Country With Second Largest Uranium Reserves – Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is the country with second largest uranium reserve of 969,200 tonnes in 2023.

  • Kazakhstan generated over 21,800 tU in 2021, accounting for 12% of the global uranium resources.
  • With about 28% of global uranium production, it emerged as the world’s top producer in 2009. 43% of the uranium produced worldwide in 2019 came from Kazakhstan.
  • After more than 50 years as a significant supplier, Kazakhstan topped all other producers of uranium in the world in 2009.
  • The yearly output rose from 2114 tU in 2001 to 24,689 tU in 2016, when low uranium prices caused a minor decline.
  • Production reached 22,808 tU in 2019, up 5% from the previous year, but the coronavirus pandemic’s effects caused it to fall to 19,477 tU in 2020.

Country With Third Largest Uranium Reserves – Canada

Canada is the country with third largest uranium reserve of 873,000 tonnes in 2023.

  • The province of Saskatchewan holds the majority of Canada’s uranium reserves.
  • The northern Saskatchewan region known as the Athabasca Basin is especially abundant in high-grade uranium resources.
  • The majority of Canada’s uranium is produced in Saskatchewan.
  • Strong environmental and safety laws control uranium mining operations in Canada.
  • The country has played a significant role in the world uranium market, and its uranium resources support both the production of nuclear power domestically and exports abroad.

Country With Fourth Largest Uranium Reserves – Russia

Russia is the country with fourth largest uranium reserve of 661,900 tonnes in 2023.

  • An estimated 8% of the world’s total, uranium is in Russia. Russia is known to have uranium deposits of 500,000 tons, according to the World Nuclear Association.
  • Among the five countries possessing the greatest uranium reserves worldwide is Russia.
  • It possesses the largest uranium enrichment complex in the world, making up about half of the total capacity.
  • But in 2020, only 6% of the world’s uranium came from Russia, making it a comparatively minor producer.
  • Russia has ambitions to mine 11,000 to 12,000 tons of uranium per year from deposits in the South Urals, Western Siberia, and Siberia east of Lake Baikal.

Country With Fifth Largest Uranium Reserves – Namibia

Namibia is the country with fifth largest uranium reserve of 504,200 tonnes in 2023.

  • About 5% of the known uranium deposits in the world are found in Namibia.
  • The estimated 206 million tonnes of ore, or 90.6 million pounds of uranium oxide, that Namibia possesses in proved and probable reserves existed in 2015.
  • 10% of the uranium produced worldwide in 2018 came from Namibia.
  • The uranium mines in Namibia are owned by Langer Heinrich, Swakop, and Rossing.
  • The Tumas Uranium Project in Namibia is situated in the Namib Desert. The project now contains 140 million pounds of U3O8 in reserve, with a 22.5-year mine life.

Country With Sixth Largest Uranium Reserves – South Africa

South Africa is the country with sixth largest uranium reserve of 447,700 tonnes in 2023.

  • With 320,900 recoverable resources as of 2021, South Africa is Africa’s second-largest producer of uranium.
  • The Witwatersrand Basin, the Karoo Uranium Province, and the Springbok Flats Basin are only a few of the eight known uranium resources in the entire country.
  • South Africa has a large uranium mining industry and is one of the world’s top producers of uranium.
  • With an increase of 9% in production from 2021, the nation ranked as the tenth-largest uranium producer in the world in 2022. From 2022 to 2026, a 14% rise in production is anticipated.
  • In addition to being a significant source of energy for South Africa, uranium has historically been used to power nuclear reactors and atomic weapons.

Country With Seventh Largest Uranium Reserves – Niger

Niger is the country with seventh largest uranium reserve of 439,400 tonnes in 2023.

  • With around 7% of the world’s total uranium reserves, Niger holds the seventh-largest position in the world.
  • The best-grade uranium ores in Africa are found in this country as well.
  • 2,020 metric tons of uranium were produced in Niger in 2022, representing around 5% of the total amount mined worldwide.
  • France is a significant buyer of uranium from the nation, which is one of the largest exporters to Europe.
  • Although making up less than 10% of Niger’s GDP, uranium accounts for at least 70% of the country’s exports.

Country With Eighth Largest Uranium Reserves – Brazil

Brazil is the country with eighth largest uranium reserve of 276,800 tonnes in 2023.

  • Although it does not rank among the world’s top producers of uranium, Brazil is known to have uranium resources.
  • Brazil primarily has uranium reserves in the states of Bahia.
  • The world’s eighth-largest uranium reserves are found in Brazil. But just a third of the nation has had any uranium exploration done.
  • The state of Bahia is home to Caetité, Brazil’s sole uranium mine. The deposits were found in 1977, and an estimated 85,000 tons of uranium are in the recognized resources.
  • Also, Brazil boasts a sophisticated infrastructure for the mining and processing of uranium.
  • Every year, 340 tons of uranium are produced in the Bahian district of Logoa Real.

Country With Ninth Largest Uranium Reserves – China

China is the country with ninth largest uranium reserve of 269,700 tonnes in 2023.

  • China had 223,900 tonnes of exploitable uranium resources as of January 2021.
  • Large, industrial-grade uranium reserves were found in 2022 at depths previously thought to be unattainable by experts, bringing China’s projected total reserve to over two million tonnes.
  • China now has the same amount of uranium as Australia, which is among the richest nations in the world.
  • China’s natural uranium resources are estimated to be around 2.8 million tons in 2023. This suggests that indigenous fuel supply might provide fuel security for the nation.
  • The estimated recoverable uranium resources in China as of 2018 were between 101,200 and 290,400 tonnes U. Depending on uranium prices, the in-situ uranium resources varied from 127,800 to 370,900 tonnes U.

Country With Tenth Largest Uranium Reserves – India

  • India is the country with tenth largest uranium reserve of 195,900 tonnes in 2023.
  • India is heavily involved in the exploration and extraction of uranium, and it has significant reserves of the element.
  • Uranium deposits can be found in several important areas of India, including:
  • Jharkhand: Uranium resources are known to exist in the Singhbhum area of Jharkhand.
  1. Andhra Pradesh: One of the biggest uranium mines in the nation is located in Tummalapalle, Andhra Pradesh.
  2. Meghalaya: Uranium resources have also been explored in the Domiasiat region of Meghalaya.
  • Also, uranium oxide deposits have been discovered in Rajasthan by the Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration and Research (AMD):
  1. Rohil: 8,813 metric tons
  2. West Rohil: 1,086 tons
  3. Jahaz: 3,570 metric tons
  4. Geratiyon ki Dhani: 1,002 tons
  • In India, nuclear power is an important part of the country’s energy mix, and uranium is a key component of nuclear fuel.

Conclusion – Countries with the Most Uranium 2024

In conclusion, Australia, Kazakhstan, and Canada lead the top 10 countries having large uranium reserves, which are critical to the world’s output of nuclear energy. These countries, which include Namibia, China, and Russia, provide major contributions to the world’s uranium supply. These reserves are necessary for maintaining nuclear power and meeting the difficulties of the shifting energy landscape as energy demands change. The need for constant observation of changes in the global uranium industry is highlighted by the possibility that the rankings and reserves may change over time as a result of discoveries and geopolitical events.

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Uranium Reserves Countries – FAQs

Which country has the largest uranium reserves in 2024?

As of 2024, Kazakhstan continues to hold the title for the country with the largest uranium reserves worldwide, contributing significantly to global uranium production.

How does Australia rank in terms of uranium reserves in 2024?

Australia ranks second, possessing one of the world’s largest uranium reserves, with significant deposits located in South Australia and the Northern Territory.

Are there any new countries that entered the top 10 list of uranium reserves in 2024?

The top 10 list remains relatively stable; however, ongoing exploration and technological advancements may lead to new entries or changes in rankings in the near future.

What role does Canada play in the global uranium market as of 2024?

Canada, particularly Saskatchewan, remains a key player in the global uranium market, known for its high-grade uranium deposits and substantial contributions to global supply.

5. How are uranium reserves estimated and reported?

Uranium reserves are estimated based on geological surveys, exploration activities, and technological methods. They are reported in tonnes of uranium (tU), considering factors like ore grade and market prices to determine economic viability.

Which countries have the most uranium reserves in 2024?

Kazakhstan, Australia, and Canada lead in uranium reserves.

What is the ranking of countries by uranium reserves in 2024?

  1. Kazakhstan
  2. Australia
  3. Canada
  4. Russia
  5. Namibia

Is the ranking of uranium reserves changing over time?

Yes, due to new discoveries, technological advancements, and changes in extraction capabilities.

What is the definition of uranium reserves?

Uranium reserves are quantities of uranium ore that are recoverable under current economic and operational conditions.

How are uranium reserves measured and estimated?

Through geological surveys, exploratory drilling, and analysis of ore’s grade and extraction costs.

What factors can influence the ranking of uranium reserves?

Exploration, technology, market demand, and geopolitical factors.

How are uranium reserves used?

Primarily for nuclear energy production and, to a lesser extent, for military purposes.

What are the economic and geopolitical implications of uranium reserves?

Influence energy security, economic development, and international relations.

How do the uranium reserves of different countries compare to their energy needs?

Countries with large reserves like Kazakhstan have a surplus, while others may rely on imports to meet energy needs.

What are the challenges and opportunities for countries with large uranium reserves?

Challenges: environmental impact, market volatility. Opportunities: energy independence, economic growth.

Where can I find reliable data on uranium reserves?

World Nuclear Association, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and national geological surveys.

What are some of the latest developments in uranium exploration and extraction?

Advances in in-situ leaching, exploration in new regions, and more efficient extraction technologies.

What are the environmental impacts of uranium mining and use?

Can include radiation exposure, water pollution, and habitat disruption, but modern practices aim to minimize these.

What are the future prospects for uranium as an energy source?

Positive, given the role of nuclear energy in reducing carbon emissions, though dependent on safety, environmental, and policy factors.

Where are Australia’s major uranium reserves located?

Australia’s significant uranium resources are concentrated in regions like South Australia, Northern Territory, and Western Australia.

How does Namibia contribute to global uranium production?

Namibia is a major player, with large uranium reserves located in the Namib Desert.

What role does Russia play in the global uranium market?

Russia is a key player, possessing substantial uranium reserves and actively participating in the global uranium market.

What is the significance of Brazil in the uranium sector?

Brazil has uranium deposits and actively engages in both mining and processing activities for nuclear energy purposes.

Where is India’s primary uranium mining region?

India has significant uranium deposits, with key mining regions located in states like Jharkhand and Andhra Pradesh.

How does Niger contribute to global uranium production?

Uzbekistan is a notable uranium producer, with substantial reserves supporting its role in the global uranium market.

What is the role of China in the uranium sector?

China is actively investing in uranium exploration and mining to meet its growing nuclear energy needs, contributing to its presence in the top countries by uranium reserves.

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