List of Top 10 Countries with the Most UNESCO Biosphere Reserves

Top 10 Countries with the Most UNESCO Biosphere Reserves: Spain is the country with most of the biosphere reserves. There are 134 total countries which have around 738 biosphere reserves. The World Network’s Biosphere Reserves include 22 locations that are regarded as transboundary.

The full form of UNESCO is the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. The definition of a biosphere reserve can be as, the reserve that are considered as the areas where animals and plants are saved. Additionally, it brings the local tribesmen back to their old way of life. They preserve the local wildlife.

This article provides you with the list of the top 10 countries with the most number of UNESCO Biosphere reserves.

Table of Content

  • About UNESCO Biosphere Reserves
  • Top 10 Countries with the Most UNESCO Biosphere Reserves 
  • 10. Country with Tenth Most UNESCO Biosphere Reserves: France
  • 9. Country with Ninth Most UNESCO Biosphere Reserves: India
  • 8. Country with Eighth Most UNESCO Biosphere Reserves: Canada
  • 7. Country with Seventh Most UNESCO Biosphere Reserves: Indonesia
  • 6. Country with Sixth Most UNESCO Biosphere Reserves: Italy
  • 5. Country with Fifth Most UNESCO Biosphere Reserves: China 
  • 4. Country with Fourth Most UNESCO Biosphere Reserves: Mexico
  • 3. Country with Third Most UNESCO Biosphere Reserves: USA
  • 2. Country with Second Most UNESCO Biosphere Reserves: Russia
  • 1. Country with Tenth Most UNESCO Biosphere Reserves: Spain

About UNESCO Biosphere Reserves

UNESCO Biosphere Reserves are areas designated to promote and demonstrate a balanced relationship between humans and the biosphere. These sites are recognized under UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme, which aims to encourage sustainable development based on efforts to reconcile the conservation of biodiversity with its sustainable use.

Top 10 Countries with the Most UNESCO Biosphere Reserves

The below table lists the top 10 countries with the most UNESCO Biosphere reserves along with the number of reserves:

S. No.

Country Name

Biosphere Reserves































Top 10 Countries with the Most UNESCO Biosphere Reserves

The MAB programme was introduced by UNESCO 1971, whose full form is Man and Biosphere Reserve Program. The main purpose behind this program was to maintain the vegetation which is left and to conserve the resources. 

There are three zones which come under the biosphere reserve, the first one is known as the Core Zone, the second is known as the Buffer Zone and the last is the Manipulation Zone.

Let us discuss the top ten countries with most UNESCO Biosphere Reserves in detail:

10. Country with Tenth Most UNESCO Biosphere Reserves: France

The last and tenth position is grabbed by France, to be the top country with most UNESCO biosphere reserves. These biosphere reserves have invited more tourism and also develop the sustainability of the country. The reserves are regarded as an important heritage which are present in the world.

  • In France, there is a biosphere reserve whose name is Cevennes, this biosphere reserve is spread over a large area in France,  mainly in the nation’s central massifs which is alongside the south and east boundary.
  • 16 UNESCO biosphere reserves are considered to be in France. 

9. Country with Ninth Most UNESCO Biosphere Reserves: India

India is in the ninth position of the list with the most UNESCO biosphere reserves. The first reserve which was made in India was named as Nilgiri. Nilgiri is in the portion of three states of India from which the first is Kerala, the second is Tamil Nadu and the third and last is Karnataka. This reserve was biosphere formed in 1986. 

  • According to the information, there are eighteen total biosphere reserves but from them 11 are only the biosphere reserves which are considered to be under the UNESCO list of biosphere reserves which are preserved by them . 
  • In India, the biosphere reserves are announced by the Central or the State Government under the UNESCO MAB Programme (Man And Biosphere). 
  • The second reserve formed in India after Nilgiri was the Nanda Devi. This reserve was made in 1988, in the Uttarakhand state of India. 

8. Country with Eighth Most UNESCO Biosphere Reserves: Canada

The eighth position in the list of top countries with most biosphere reserves under UNESCO is grabbed by Canada with 19. There are a total of 19 biosphere reserves in the country. The total area of 2.5 lakhs in Canada is covered by these biosphere reserves. The reserves show the diversity of Canada and the most beautiful landscapes of the country. 

  • The reserves which are in Canada, are the symbol of growth of the nation. It indicates the sustainability of a country. 
  • Fundy Reserve, Long Point Reserve along with Riding Mountain, are some of the biosphere reserves found in Canada. 
  • One biosphere reserve is in the southernmost region of Canada, although the most are found in areas with greater potential and vegetation. 

7. Country with Seventh Most UNESCO Biosphere Reserves: Indonesia

The seventh position has been grabbed by Indonesia, in the top country with most UNESCO biosphere reserves. All the biosphere reserves are included in WNBR. Around 30 million hectares of area is being reserved as the biosphere reserve. People of Indonesian here believe that biosphere reserves protect plants and animals. 

  • In 2020, the leader of the country recently allowed the authorities to build three more biosphere reserves in the country. 
  • Some names of the biosphere reserves of the country are Bunaken Tangkoko Minahasa, along with another reserve named Karimu nawa Jepara Muria and others. 
  • Government and people both believe in sustainability. 
  • 19 is the total number of UNESCO biosphere reserves found in Indonesia.

6. Country with Sixth Most UNESCO Biosphere Reserves: Italy

Of the top countries with the most UNESCO biosphere reserves, Italy is ranked sixth. In the late 1970s, Italy established the first biosphere reserve. One of the famous biosphere reserves is Po Grande Biosphere Reserve, in which most of the species and along with some of the important vegetation is reserved. 

  • The biosphere reserve falls in the basin within the center track of the most famous river known as River Po.
  • The river is considered to be the longest and largest one in Europe and now is highly used by the public which makes it polluted. 
  • There are a total of 20 UNESCO biosphere reserves which includes Po Delta, Sila, Tuscan, Po Hill, and many more. 

5. Country with Fifth Most UNESCO Biosphere Reserves: China

China is the fifth top most UNESCO biosphere reserve holding nation. CRBN is considered to be the network which was founded by the National Committee of China which works for the UNESCO Man and biosphere program in the year 1993. 

  • China is a top country with a great economy, as saving vegetation is an important need for them to keep their position secure in the top list. 
  • The CBRN firm of China, currently has 191 people. 
  • 34 is the total number of UNESCO Biosphere Reserves founded in China.

4. Country with Fourth Most UNESCO Biosphere Reserves: Mexico

Mexico is the fourth most biosphere reserve nation in the world. There is a very well known biosphere reserve in Mexico which is named as The Monarch Butterfly, it is a world heritage property. These butterflies are considered to be an important part of the country. The main purpose behind this reserve is to save these butterflies. 

  • The most well known biosphere reserve in Mexico is considered to be the Calakmul. The reserve covers an area of around seven thousand hectares in Mexico. 
  • The primary goal of this biosphere reserve is to protect Mexico’s native plants and animals. 
  • 42 is the total number of UNESCO biosphere reserves found in Mexico.

3. Country with Third Most UNESCO Biosphere Reserves: USA

The United States of America is the third-most-rich country with UNESCO biosphere reserves. Biosphere reserve networks serve four major purposes: they protect biodiversity; they serve as examples of sustainable development plans; and they make research related to local, national, and global conservation and sustainable development issues easier. 

  • Networks of biosphere reserves are a key tool for accomplishing MAB objectives. 
  • Since the biosphere encompasses a variety of habitats, the United States Network has been in place since 1976. 
  • In the United States, Apalachicola is regarded as one of the top and  best biosphere reserves. 
  • 47 is the total number of biosphere reserves to be found in the United States of America. 

2. Country with Second Most UNESCO Biosphere Reserves: Russia

Russia ranks second in the world with the most UNESCO biosphere reserves. The mission of the Russian Nature Conservation is to support the conservation and preservation of nature in Russia and around the world. Many of the endangered species who are at the stage of ending, like foxes, lynxes, wild boars, and several plant species, are saved in these biosphere reserves. 

  • Valdai Sky Biosphere Reserve is the most famous biosphere reserve in Russia. It is founded in the Highlands of Valdai.
  • Khakassky Biosphere Reserve, considered to be another major biosphere reserve, which is almost covered by a mountain named Taiga. 
  • 48 is the total number of UNESCO biosphere reserves to be found in the country. 

1. Country with Tenth Most UNESCO Biosphere Reserves: Spain

Spain has the first position, in the country with the most UNESCO biosphere reserves. The first and top biosphere reserve in Spain is named as La Siberia Biosphere Reserve. The second top biosphere reserve is named as Odiel Marshes Biosphere Reserve and the third top biosphere reserve is named as Sierras de Bejar y Francia Biosphere Reserve. 

  • The first position of the country is due to 53 UNESCO biosphere reserves in the country. 
  • There are a total of 36 ecosystems in Spain, from which some of them are literally saved by these biosphere reserves.
  • The biosphere reserves in Spain gives a feeling of peacefulness and also creates a magic of environment which can be easily felt. 

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Conclusion – Top 10 Countries with Most UNESCO Biosphere Reserves

Biosphere reserves are important for the preservation of different types of species, diversities, saving different ecosystems and wildlife, and to maintain sustainability of the country. It is important for social, economical, and cultural development. The biosphere also helps in recurring the damage caused by humans to nature. It also provides education on how to conserve and restore the environment.

FAQs on Top 10 Countries with Most UNESCO Biosphere Reserves

What is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve?

A UNESCO Biosphere Reserve is an area recognized under UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme that aims to balance the relationship between humans and nature. These reserves are designated to promote sustainable development, support conservation efforts of biological and cultural diversity, and facilitate ecological research and education.

Which country has the most UNESCO Biosphere Reserves, and how many?

Spain holds the title for the most UNESCO Biosphere Reserves, with a total of [Insert current number, as this can change with new designations. These reserves span across various ecosystems, highlighting the country’s commitment to preserving biodiversity and promoting sustainable interactions between people and nature.

How does a region become designated as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve?

A region can be designated as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve through a nomination process initiated by the country in which the site is located. The nomination must meet specific criteria set by UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme, focusing on the site’s ecological significance, conservation efforts, and the implementation of sustainable development practices.

What are the benefits of a country having UNESCO Biosphere Reserves?

Having UNESCO Biosphere Reserves offers multiple benefits, including the protection of biodiversity and cultural diversity, promotion of sustainable economic development, and enhancement of social well-being. These reserves also contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts, provide valuable sites for scientific research and education, and foster international collaboration.

Can UNESCO Biosphere Reserves lose their designation? If so, why?

Yes, UNESCO Biosphere Reserves can lose their designation if they fail to meet the ongoing criteria set by UNESCO’s MAB Programme. This might happen if a reserve does not adequately conserve its biodiversity, fails to implement sustainable development practices, or if the area undergoes significant ecological or social changes that undermine its original values. The process for removing a designation involves assessment and recommendations by the MAB International Coordinating Council, based on periodic review reports submitted by the country.

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