Top 10 Agricultural Producing Countries in the World

The top 10 agricultural producing countries in the world are China, the United States, Brazil, India, Russia, France, Mexico, Japan, Germany, and Turkey.

These top 10 agricultural producing countries play a major role in feeding the world’s population. These countries provide a large amount of the world’s food supply, and their agricultural sectors play an essential role in their economy. These countries produce various kinds of agricultural products, such as cereals, fruits, vegetables, meat, dairy, and seafood. They also play an important role in the global agricultural economy, exporting their products to countries all over the world.

In this article, we will look into the list of top 10 agricultural producing countries in the world. We will also look into their contributions to the global output and the factors that have contributed to their dominance.

Table of Content

  • About the Top Agricultural Producing Countries in the World 2024
  • List of the Top 10 Agricultural Producing Countries in the World
  • Largest Agricultural Producing Country in the World – China
  • Second Largest Agricultural Producing Country in the World – United States
  • Third Largest Agricultural Producing Country in the World – Brazil
  • Fourth Largest Agricultural Producing Country in the World – India
  • Fifth Largest Agricultural Producing Country in the World – Russia
  • Sixth Largest Agricultural Producing Country in the World – France
  • Seventh Largest Agricultural Producing Country in the World – Mexico
  • Eighth Largest Agricultural Producing Country in the World – Japan
  • Ninth Largest Agricultural Producing Country in the World – Germany
  • Tenth Largest Agricultural Producing Country in the World – Turkey

About the Top Agricultural Producing Countries in the World 2024

China is the world’s largest producer of rice, wheat, corn, and potatoes. In 2020-21, China produced 212 million MT of rice, 134 million MT of wheat, 266 million MT of corn, and 94 million MT of potatoes, and other crops in significant amounts. The United States is the world’s largest producer of soybeans, corn, and meat. In 2020-21, the United States produced 118 million MT of soybeans, 364 million MT of corn, and 122 million MT of meat and other crops in significant amounts.

Brazil is the world’s largest producer of coffee, oranges, and soybeans. In 2020-21, Brazil produced 3.5 million MT of coffee, 175 million MT of oranges, and 130 million MT of soybeans, and other crops in significant amounts.

List of the Top 10 Agricultural Producing Countries in the World

The below table lists the top 10 agricultural producing in the world:


Agricultural Production (Metric Tonnes)


1095 million

United States

605 million


522 million


319 million


262 million


184 million


158 million


150 million


124 million


107 million

Largest Agricultural Producing Country in the World – China

China is the first largest agricultural producer globally, producing 1095 million MT of agricultural-produce contributing greatly to the world’s food supply.

  • China is a top producer of staple crops like rice, wheat, and corn. It also specializes in the cultivation of fruits, vegetables, and particular crops like tea, cotton, and tobacco.
  • China has 7% of arable land yet feeds 22% of the world’s population. In the twentieth century, China struggled to feed its vast population.
  • China has a large cattle sector, with pork being the most popular meat. It also produces a large amount of chicken, beef, and dairy products to suit domestic demand.
  • China has invested in agricultural research and development, advanced farming techniques, and mechanization to increase sector output and efficiency.

Second Largest Agricultural Producing Country in the World – United States

The United States is the second largest agricultural producer globally, producing 605 million MT of agricultural-produce contributing greatly to the world’s food supply.

  • The United States is a major producer of essential crops such as corn, soybeans, wheat, and cotton. It also specializes in producing specialist crops such as almonds, citrus fruits, and grapes.
  • The United States has a flourishing livestock industry, with cattle, poultry, and pork all contributing greatly to agricultural output. It also produces an important amount of dairy goods.
  • The United States is one of the world’s leading exporters of agricultural products, including grains, meat, dairy, fruits, and vegetables. It is important for global food security and trade.
  • In the United States, corn was the top crop, producing 247,882,000 metric tons. Soybeans rank second with 74,598,000 metric tons.

Third Largest Agricultural Producing Country in the World – Brazil

Brazil is the third largest agricultural producer globally, producing 522 million MT of agricultural-produce contributing greatly to the world’s food supply.

  • Brazil is equipped with extensive agricultural resources, such as fertile land, a good climate, and plenty of water, allowing for the production of many different kinds of crops.
  • Brazil is a large producer of soybeans, sugarcane, corn, coffee, and oranges. It is the world’s largest supplier of soybeans and meat.
  • Brazil’s livestock sector is growing, with cattle, poultry, and pork production contributing to a large portion of agricultural output and export revenues.
  • Brazil has 2.1 billion acres of land, with over 867.4 million acres used for cultivation.

Fourth Largest Agricultural Producing Country in the World – India

India is the fourth largest agricultural producer globally, producing 319 million MT of agricultural-produce contributing greatly to the world’s food supply.

  • India’s various geographical and climatic conditions support several different crops, including grains such as rice, wheat, and millet, as well as pulses, oilseeds, fruits, and vegetables.
  • Rice and wheat are staple crops in India, which is one of the world’s top producers. Also, India is a major producer of pulses such as chickpeas, lentils, and beans.
  • India has a large livestock sector, with cattle, buffalo, poultry, and goats all contributing greatly to agricultural output. Milk production is particularly important, as India is the world’s largest milk producer.
  • Indian agriculture supplies around 58% of Indians’ livelihood. According to the most recent data, agriculture is the principal source of income for half of the population, accounting for 17% to 18% of the GDP.

Fifth Largest Agricultural Producing Country in the World – Russia

Russia is the fifth largest agricultural producer globally, producing 262 million MT of agricultural-produce contributing greatly to the world’s food supply.

  • Russia’s vast land area, which covers multiple climate zones, provides many possibilities for agricultural production, including grains, oilseeds, and livestock.
  • Grains such as wheat, barley, and corn are widely grown in Russia, and the country is one of the world’s leading wheat exporters. Also, oilseeds such as sunflower and soybeans provide important contributions to agricultural productivity.
  • Russia’s livestock sector is expanding, with cow, pig, and poultry output continuously rising to fulfill domestic demand and support export markets.
  • Grain farming accounts for around half of the total cultivated land area. It produces 70% of the country’s grain.

Sixth Largest Agricultural Producing Country in the World – France

France is the sixth largest agricultural producer globally, producing 184 million MT of agricultural-produce contributing greatly to the world’s food supply.

  • France is well-known for the cultivation of wheat, barley, corn, and sugar beets, all of which are agricultural staples. Also, France is well-known for its wine production, with vines that extend large portions of the country.
  •  Livestock farming is another important aspect of French agriculture, with cattle, sheep, poultry, and dairy production all contributing considerably to the country’s agricultural output.
  • France is a large exporter of agricultural goods, including wine, dairy products, cereals, and luxury foods.
  • France has over 730,000 farms, and approximately 7% of the population earns a living from agriculture or related industries such as fisheries or forestry.

Seventh Largest Agricultural Producing Country in the World – Mexico

Mexico is the seventh largest agricultural producer globally, producing 158 million MT of agricultural-produce contributing greatly to the world’s food supply.

  • Corn (maize), beans, and chile peppers are the primary crops of Mexican agriculture, representing the country’s varied culinary and cultural past.
  • Mexico has a large livestock sector, with cattle, poultry, and pork production making major contributions to the country’s agricultural output.
  • Mexico is a major agricultural exporter, exporting fruits, vegetables, avocados, berries, and beer. Its proximity to the United States, as well as important trade connections, help to boost its export potential.
  • In Mexico, agriculture occupies around 15% of the land, with livestock contributing about 50%.

Eighth Largest Agricultural Producing Country in the World – Japan

Japan is the eighth largest agricultural producer globally, producing 150 million MT of agricultural-produce contributing greatly to the world’s food supply.

  • Due to land constraints, Japan focuses on high-value commodities such as rice, vegetables, and fruits, as well as specialized products such as tea and flowers.
  • Japan is well-known for implementing modern agricultural technology such as precision farming, robotics, and vertical farming to increase productivity while working with limited land.
  • Agriculture in Japan accounts for only 2% of GDP, while approximately 10% of the population lives on farms.
  • They fully promote Japanese traditional cuisine culture, which combines rice with grains, seafood, vegetables, mountain herbs, and other ingredients.

Ninth Largest Agricultural Producing Country in the World – Germany

Germany is the ninth largest agricultural producer globally, producing 124 million MT of agricultural-produce contributing greatly to the world’s food supply.

  • Leading agricultural products in Germany include wheat, sugar beets, cabbages, barley, pigs, chickens, potatoes, milk, cereals, and in most regions, fruits, vegetables, and wine.
  • Forestry and agriculture occupy around 80% of the country’s area. In 1997, family farms dominated the old western states.
  • Approximately 87% of German farmers farm a land area of 124 acres. In Germany, vineyards cover the southern and western sections of river valleys.
  • Germany is a major agricultural exporter, including dairy goods, meat, fruits, and vegetables.

Tenth Largest Agricultural Producing Country in the World – Turkey

Turkey is the tenth largest agricultural producer globally, producing 107 million MT of agricultural-produce contributing greatly to the world’s food supply.

  • Turkey has a varied agricultural landscape, including fertile plains, coastal regions, and hilly terrain, which allows for the production of a variety of crops.
  • The country specializes in producing a variety of crops, including cereals like wheat, barley, and corn, as well as fruits like citrus, grapes, and figs.
  • Turkey also has a large livestock sector, which produces meat, dairy, and poultry products for both domestic and international markets.
  • Agriculture is essential to Turkey’s economy, contributing approximately 7% of GDP and providing employment in rural communities.

Summary – Top 10 Agricultural Producing Countries in the World

The top 10 agricultural producing countries in the world are China, the United States, Brazil, India, Russia, France, Mexico, Japan, Germany, and Turkey. These countries are vital in feeding the world’s population, as they contribute a large portion of the global food supply. They produce a wide range of agricultural products, including cereals, fruits, vegetables, meat, dairy, and seafood. Their agricultural sectors are crucial for their economies, and they also play a significant role in the global agricultural economy by exporting their products to countries around the world. Each country has its own strengths and specialties in agriculture, contributing to the diversity and abundance of food available worldwide.

FAQs on Top Agricultural Producing Countries in the World

Which country is the largest agricultural producer in the world?

China holds the title of the world’s largest agricultural producer, contributing greatly to global food production across various crops and livestock.

What are the main agricultural products of India?

India produces a different kind of agricultural products, including rice, wheat, pulses, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products.

How does the United States rank in global agricultural production?

The United States ranks second in global agricultural production, specialized in the production of crops like corn, soybeans, wheat, and cotton, along with livestock products.

What are the primary agricultural exports of Brazil?

Brazil is known for its exports of soybeans, sugarcane, coffee, corn, beef, and poultry, making it a major player in global agricultural trade.

What are the agricultural challenges faced by Russia?

Russia’s agricultural sector faces challenges such as climate variability, land degradation, and infrastructural limitations, impacting productivity and sustainability.

How does France contribute to global agriculture?

France, as a top agricultural producer, is famous for its production of wheat, barley, sugar beets, and wine, maintaining a strong presence in global agricultural markets.

What is the significance of agriculture in Mexico’s economy?

Agriculture plays a major role in Mexico’s economy, providing employment opportunities, supporting rural livelihoods, and contributing to GDP and export earnings.

What makes Japan’s agricultural sector unique?

Japan’s agricultural sector is characterized by limited arable land and a focus on high-value crops like rice, vegetables, and fruits, representing its cultural and culinary heritage.

How does Turkey contribute to global agriculture?

Turkey, as a significant agricultural producer, cultivates various crops and is known for its production of grains, fruits, vegetables, and livestock products.

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