TCS Digital Interview Experience (On-Campus) 2023

When we enter college, we and our families are only aware of a few tech giants, I am going to share my interview experience with one of them i.e. TCS. There are 2 paths through which you can get into TCS. First is Codevita which is a global coding challenge, second is TCS-NQT. I am going to share my experience in both cases.

So Let’s Begin!!!

Round -1 (Competitive Coding Challenge or NQT)

Codevita is generally held in the month of February and registration starts in January so keep an eye out. So, there are a total of 6 questions to be completed in 6 hours. Questions are medium to difficult level. One of the questions was, I remember Checking the points are colinear. The most difficult part is how the questions are framed they are not straightforward as it seems to be. Another question was related to the convex hull concept. I was able to solve these 2 questions and was promoted to round-2 of the challenge. Again it is a coding round I was able to solve only one question. I was able to secure a global rank of 1279. A few days later I received an email regarding an interview invitation. Tips to crack this round: participate in competitive coding contests on CodeChef, a codeforces platform. Also, do not try to copy the solutions from your friends or the web, solutions undergo high plagiarism checks.

In the case of NQT there are aptitude as well as coding questions, total duration of the exam is 3 hours divided into different parts. The aptitude section consists of quants, English proficiency, logical reasoning, etc. The coding section is divided into 2 different parts basic coding question and advanced coding question difficulty varying from easy-medium and medium-hard respectively. If you are able to solve advanced coding questions there is a chance you get an interview for the digital role.

Round -2 (Technical Interview-1)

There were 2 members in the panel TR+MR. The interview started with a formal introduction from both sides. The very first question was how was the experience of Codevita. They have the solutions you wrote in the contest. The interviewer focused on my approach to reaching the solution and questions from my resume were asked. As I mentioned in my resume I am pursuing Cloud Computing as a proficiency subject, we had a detailed discussion about the topic and challenges in cloud computing. Also, I was asked managerial questions such as solving conflicts with seniors, etc. The total duration of this round was 40-50 minutes. Tips to crack this round: do not fake your resume, be thorough with your experiences, and be confident. I would rate this round as moderate level.

Round -3 (Technical Interview-2)

Again, there were 2 panelists in this round, the interviewers were nice and calmed my nerves. Here in this round, they test your cs fundamentals such as DBMS, OS, and OOPS. In my case, they majorly asked OOPS questions such as what is a virtual function, the difference between Java and C++, etc. I was encountered with questions related to projects mentioned in my resume and why I chose the particular tech stack. I was asked one coding question i.e. Reverse a stack and discussed the time and space complexity associated with the code. The duration of this round was 30-35 minutes.

Round-4 (HR Round)

The following day, I received an email for the HR round with details to keep ready my documents in one pdf file. This round is basically a formality and the HR checks your documents for eligibility criteria. She also asked me some regular HR questions such as Why TCS? and the role you want and why. Overall, I would rate this round as easy, interview summed up in around 15 minutes.

Thank you for reading up here.

Verdict: I was selected for the Digital Role.

I hope my experience will boost your preparation and you might have gained insights from it.

All the best for your placements.

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