TCS NQT Digital Interview Experience 2023

Round 1: Foundation Section: There were a total of three sub-section in this round having aggregated time of 75 min to solve all sub-section .

  • Aptitude: Consist of 20 Questions In general Aptitude, the Level of Questions is Moderate to High.
  • Verbal: Consists of 25 Questions of Verbal Ability, Level of Questions is Easy to Moderate.
  • Reasoning: consists of 20 Questions Of Reasoning, Level of Questions is Moderate to High.

Round 2: Advanced Section: It Consists of three Sub-Section.

  • Advanced Aptitude: it consists of 10 questions Having a Difficulty level or Moderate Level.
  • Advanced Reasoning: it consists of 10 questions Having a Difficulty level of Moderate Level.
  • Advanced Coding: It consists of 2 coding questions a Difficulty level Of Moderate to High, and a Time of 55 Min.

For Advanced Coding should have knowledge of Arrays, strings, matrix, etc.

Foundation Section
  1. Aptitude
  2. Verbal Ability
  3. Reasoning 
  1. 20 Questions
  2. 25 Questions
  3. 20 Questions
75 Minutes 
Advanced Section
  1. Advanced Aptitude
  2. Advanced Reasoning
  3. Advanced Coding
  1. 10 Aptitude
  2. 10 Reasoning
  3. 2 Coding

35 Min For Aptitude and Reasoning 

55 Min for Coding 

Interview(TR/MR/HR)          30-45 minutes 

Round 3: TR/MR/HR Interview: After clearing both rounds you will be getting called for an interview. generally, they offered two roles: Ninja & Digital. For the digital role, you have to solve the maximum coding questions. I have solved both codes so I got called for a digital interview.

In my interview, there are three-panel members TR/MR/HR.

TR: TR introduces panel members. Then he asked me to introduce myself.

  • He asked me about my project which is related to web development. After that, he asked for some cross-questions related to the project.
  • Write a SQL query related to the project scenario.
  • Oops, Concepts & Real Life eg.
  • Type’s Of Searching, Complexity, and also asked to explain algorithm of Binary search.
  • Sorting types and Complexity of each 
  • Asked to explain any one sorting algorithm.
  • What are Sdlc, phases, and how do you implement it in your project? 


  • Asked me about cloud Computing, Types, used in daily life or not.
  • Blockchain 
  • Two Senario-based questions related to team leaders, and conflicts.
  • Final year project related 
  • Relocation
  • Can you work on different technology?


In my interview HR not asked any questions.

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