TCS Digital Interview Experience 2023(Online)

So after joining the Teams apps for the interview there were three panelists. TR, MR, and HR.

TR Round: First was the TR round where I was Asked the following questions:

In the TR they asked my preferred language and I replied with Java, and what are the programming languages I have come across during my course in Computer Science, and then the sequence of Questions started.

  1. What makes Java platform Independent
  2. Differences between Java and C++.
  3. Does Java support call by value and call by reference. (The following Questions were on C language since I answered that java doesn’t support the call by reference. )
  4. Which is more safer to use call by value or call by reference
  5. They asked about my projects what I have done in them and explain them.
  6. They asked me to define few String functions in MySQL.
  7. What are states in Python (I was not able to answer this since i am not familiar with Python)

Next I have transferred to the MR round

MR Round: Here the MR asked me about my favorite subjects (I responded with Data structures) 

  1. Can you reverse a singly linked list?(Only the logic part – after answering the question  he asked)
  2. What will be its time complexity?
  3. What’s your long-term goal?
  4. Do you Know what is full stack development?

Then I was asked to move with the HR round

HR Round:

  1. The HR asked me if I had any Backlogs and I answered with No backlogs(I previously had one but cleared it).
  2. Then she said that She will get back to me and I can leave the meeting.

After the interview ended  I was sent a mail to verify my documents 

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