JavaScript Programming Examples
JavaScript is a popular compiled programming language in the world of web development, providing to both new and experienced developers. Now, practicing programming examples is useful for improving your logical and coding skills....
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Laravel Tutorial
Laravel is an open-source PHP web application framework that has gained big popularity since its beginning in 2011. Created by Taylor Otwell, Laravel embodies the principles of Elegance, Simplicity, and Readability. As a developer-friendly framework, it offers robust features and follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern....
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HTML Examples
Our HTML Examples provide an extensive compilation of commonly encountered HTML scenarios in web development, serving as a comprehensive resource for beginners and experts alike. HTML, or Hypertext Markup Language, is the backbone of web creation. It employs a diverse range of tags and attributes to define the structure and layout of a web page, thereby facilitating the creation of web pages and applications....
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Onsen UI
Onsen UI is used to create beautiful HTML components. It is one of the most efficient ways to create HTML5 hybrid components that are compatible with both mobile and desktop. Onsen UI is a cutting-edge and practical HTML5 framework that is available for use for free....
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SVG Tutorial
SVG, short for Scalable Vector Graphics, is a powerful web standard that enables the creation of resolution-independent graphics. Unlike raster images (such as JPEG or PNG), SVG graphics maintain quality even when zoomed or resized. SVG defines vector-based graphics using XML format, making it an ideal choice for creating dynamic and visually stunning graphics on the web. SVG is supported by all major browsers....
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Mongoose Tutorial
Mongoose is an Object Data Modeling (ODM) library for MongoDB. MongoDB is a NoSQL database and Mongoose is used to interact with MongoDB by providing a schema-based solution. The Mongoose acts as the abstraction layer over the MongoDB database. It is generally preferred over using normal MongoDB because it simplifies the process of sending complex queries....
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CSS Examples
CSS Examples showcase various styling techniques for HTML elements. They display properties, selectors, and functions that enhance design and creativity. This section offers categorised programming examples that cover properties, selectors, and functions. It provides multiple solutions for styling HTML elements such as color, font, layout, and animation, refining visual presentation and user experience....
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Learn Algorithms with Javascript | DSA using JavaScript Tutorial
This Algorithms with Javascript tutorial is designed to help you understand and implement fundamental algorithms using the versatile JavaScript programming language. Whether you are a beginner in programming or looking to enhance your algorithmic skills, this guide will walk you through essential concepts, algorithms, and their implementations....
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Fabric.js is an open-source JavaScript canvas library, that provides the interactive object model built on top of the canvas element. It is also an SVG-to-canvas & canvas-to-SVG parser. It was made by Juriy Zaytsev and was first launched in 2010....
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React Bootstrap Tutorial
React Bootstrap is an open-source library that combines the flexibility of React with the styling capabilities of Bootstrap. It offers a wide range of UI components, such as buttons, modals, navigation bars, forms, and more. These components are designed to be easily customizable and reusable across different projects....
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HTML Canvas Tutorial
HTML Canvas facilitates the element <canvas> to draw graphics on Canvas with the help of JavaScript. HTML Canvas offers various methods for drawing different shapes and lines. The HTML Canvas is a rectangular area defined via height and width on an HTML page. By default, HTML Canvas has no border and no content....
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QuickSort – Data Structure and Algorithm Tutorials
QuickSort is a sorting algorithm based on the Divide and Conquer algorithm that picks an element as a pivot and partitions the given array around the picked pivot by placing the pivot in its correct position in the sorted array....
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