Mongoose Tutorial

Mongoose is an Object Data Modeling (ODM) library for MongoDB. MongoDB is a NoSQL database and Mongoose is used to interact with MongoDB by providing a schema-based solution. The Mongoose acts as the abstraction layer over the MongoDB database. It is generally preferred over using normal MongoDB because it simplifies the process of sending complex queries.

Why Learn Mongoose?

Mongoose is used in Node application to interact with MongoDB without write complex queries. It acts as an Object Data Modeling (ODM) used to define schema model and provides easy communication between application and database. It provides many features like schema validation, middleware support, and easy query building It manages relationships between data, and is used to translate between objects in code and the representation of those objects in MongoDB.

Mongoose Advantages

  • Schema Definition: Mongoose allows you to define structured schema model for MongoDB collections, because of that you get a clear understanding about the structure of model data.
  • Data Validation: It can be used for data validation, which ensures that only valid and properly formatted data is stored in the database, which helps to manage data integrity.
  • Middleware Support: Mongoose has the support of middleware which helps in the execution of custom logic before or after database operations, that offers flexibility in handling data interactions.
  • Query Building: We don’t have to write those complex queries which we were writing in MongoDB because Mongoose simplifies the process by providing a high-level API that makes it easier to interact with the database.
  • Modeling Relationships and Population: You can define relationships between different data models and it also supports population, due to this you can work with related data without disturbing database normalization.

Mongoose Basics:

Mongoose Functions:

Mongoose Projects:

MongoDB Introduction

MongoDB Installation

Basics of MongoDB

MongoDB Methods

MongoDB Operators

Comparison Operators

Logical Operators

Arithmetic Operators

Field Update Operators

Array Expression Operators

Array Update Operators

String Expression Operators

Working with Documents and Collections

Indexing in MongoDB

MongoDB Advance

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