PHP mb_stripos() Function
The mb_stripos() function is an inbuilt case-insensitive function that finds the first occurrence of a substring in the string....
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PHP mb_ereg_search_pos() Function
The mb_ereg_search_pos() is an inbuilt function in PHP that is used in regular expressions to match a given string. It searches for the first occurrence of a pattern in the string and returns the starting position and the ending position of the match....
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PHP mb_substitute_character() Function
The mb_substitute_character() is an inbuilt function in PHP that sets or retrieves the substitution character used when a multi-byte string cannot be represented in the specified character encoding....
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PHP mb_encode_numericentity() Function
The mb_encode_numericentity() function is an inbuilt function in PHP that is used to convert characters in a given string to their corresponding HTML numeric entity representations....
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PHP iconv_strpos() Function
The iconv_strpos() is an inbuilt function in PHP that is used for finding a position in the substring and returning that position....
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PHP mb_http_output() Function
The mb_http_output() function is an inbuilt function in PHP that is used to set and retrieve the character encoding. This function allows you to specify a character encoding for HTTP response....
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PHP mb_ereg_search_regs() Function
The mb_ereg_search_regs() function is an inbuilt function in PHP that is used for regular expressions to match a given string. If the match is found, then it will return the matched part as an array....
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PHP mb_scrub() Function
The mb_scrub() is an inbuilt PHP function that replaces an invalid character set to the substitute character. If the encoding is not provided. It will use default encoding....
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PHP mb_strrchr() Function
The mb_strrchr() is an inbuilt function in PHP that searches a multi-byte string for the last occurrence of a specified character and returns the portion of the string that follows it....
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PHP mb_ereg_search_getpos() Function
The mb_ereg_search_getpos() function is an inbuilt function in PHP that retrieves the start position of the last match and the end position of the last match. It works with multibyte character sets....
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PHP mb_encoding_aliases() Function
The mb_encoding_aliases() is an inbuilt PHP function that can be utilized to retrieve aliases for a known encoding type....
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PHP mb_strripos() Function
The mb_strripos() function is a PHP inbuilt case-insensitive function that is utilized to find the position for the last occurrence of a string inside another string....
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