PHP mb_stripos() Function

The mb_stripos() function is an inbuilt case-insensitive function that finds the first occurrence of a substring in the string.


int|false mb_stripos( 
string $haystack,
string $needle,
int $offset ,
?string $encoding

Parameters: This function accepts 4 parameters that are described below.

  • $haystack: This parameter is the main string parameter where we check the string.
  • $needle: This parameter is searching string parameter in the main string.
  • $offset: This parameter is an optional parameter. It is used for defining where you are to start searching string in the $haystack parameter.
  • $encoding: This parameter is also optional. It is used for defining an encoding by using the mb_internal_encoding() function.

Return Values: This function returns the integer of the first occurrence of $needle in the $haystack parameter. If $needle is not found in the $haystack parameter, it will return “false”.

Program 1: The following code demonstrates the mb_stripos() function.


$string = "Hello World";
$sub = "WORLD";
$result = mb_stripos($string, $sub);
if ($result !== false) {
    echo "Substring '$sub' found in '$string'";
} else {
    echo "Substring '$sub' not found in '$string'";


Substring 'WORLD' found in 'Hello World'

Program 2: The following program demonstrates the mb_stripos() function.


$string = "This is a test string";
$substring = "ing";
$position = mb_stripos($string, $substring);
// Output the position
echo $position;



Program 3: The following program demonstrates the mb_stripos() function


$string = "She sells seashells by the seashore.";
$substring = "S";
$position = 0;
$occurrences = 0;
while (($position = mb_stripos($string, $substring
                            $position)) !== false) {
    $position = $position + mb_strlen($substring);
echo "The substring '$substring' was "+
     "found $occurrences times in the string.";


The substring 'S' was found 8 times in the string.


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