JavaScript Symbol Reference
In JavaScript, the Symbol is a primitive data type introduced in ES6. It is created using the `Symbol()` function, which returns a unique symbol value each time it is called. Symbols are immutable and unique, making them useful for creating property keys that are guaranteed to be unique across different objects. They are often used to define non-enumerable object properties....
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JavaScript Symbol() Method
Symbols are new primitive built-in object types introduced as part of ES6. Symbols return unique identifiers that can be used to add unique property keys to an object that won’t collide with keys of any other code that might add to the object. They are used as object properties that cannot be recreated. It basically helps us to enable encapsulation or information hiding....
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JavaScript Symbol toString() Method
The symbol.toString() is an inbuilt method in JavaScript that is used to convert the specified symbol object into the string....
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JavaScript Symbol iterator Property
It is an object of Iterables which is also a kind of generalized arrays. Iterables that make any object easier to use in a for..of the loop. We know that arrays are iterative in nature but other than that, there are also several objects which are used for the iterative purpose. Suppose if any object which is not an array but does possess a group of the list, set, etc then for..of can be used to iterate it....
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JavaScript Symbol for() Method
The Symbol.for() is an inbuilt method in JavaScript that is used to search for the given symbol in a runtime-wide symbol registry and if found then it returns the same symbol otherwise it creates a new symbol with the same name of the given symbol into the global symbol registry and returns them....
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JavaScript Symbol toStringTag Property
The Symbol.toStringTag is a well-known symbol and string-valued property in JavaScript which is used in the creation of the default string description of an object....
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JavaScript Symbol @@toPrimitive() Method
The symbol.@@toPrimitive() is an inbuilt method in JavaScript which is used to converts a given symbol object to a primitive value. Syntax:...
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JavaScript Symbol replace Property
JavaScript Symbol replace the property is used to determine the method that replaces the matched substring of a string. This function is called by the String replace() method....
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JavaScript Symbol hasInstance Property
JavaScript Symbol hasInstance is used to determine if a given constructor object recognizes the object as its instance....
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JavaScript Symbol asyncIterator Property
JavaScript Symbol asyncIterator property is used to set an object as an async iterable. Iterable properties of this object can be iterated over using a for await…of loop....
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JavaScript Symbol match Property
JavaScript Symbol match property is used to identify the matching of a regular expression against a string and this function is called using String match() method....
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JavaScript Symbol keyFor() Method
The Symbol.keyFor() is an inbuilt method in JavaScript that is used to retrieve the key which has been shared with the given symbols and this key is retrieved from the global symbol registry....
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