JavaScript Symbol replace Property

JavaScript Symbol replace the property is used to determine the method that replaces the matched substring of a string. This function is called by the String replace() method.



Parameters: It accepts single parameter “String”.

Return value: It will return a new string. The below examples illustrate the Symbol.replace the property in JavaScript: 

Below examples illustrate the JavaScript Symbol replace Property

Example 1: In this example, we will 


class Replace1 {
    constructor(value) {
        this.value = value;
    [Symbol.replace](string) {
        return `${string} --> ${this.value}`;
new Replace1('w3wiki')));
console.log('Article written by '.replace(
new Replace1('Shubham Singh')));


"w3wiki --> w3wiki"
"Article written by  --> Shubham Singh"

Example 2: 


class Replace2 {
    constructor(value) {
        this.value = value;
    [Symbol.replace](string) {
        return `${string}`;
let val = new Replace2("w3wiki");
console.log("Before: " + val.value);
console.log("After: " + val.value
let val2 = new Replace2("Few Users");
console.log("Before: " + val2.value);
console.log("After: " + "Millions of Users"


"Before: w3wiki"
"After: w3wiki"
"Before: Few Users"
"After: Millions of Users"

Supported Browsers: The browsers supported by Symbol replace property are listed below:

  • Google Chrome 51
  • Firefox 50
  • Edge 15
  • Opera
  • Apple Safari

We have a complete list of Javascript symbols’ properties and methods, to check those please go through the Javascript Symbol Complete Reference article.

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