Backbone.js set Model
In this article, we will see the Backbone.js set() model. The Backbone.js set() model is used to assign or set the value to the attribute in a model. In other words, this model can be utilized to set the hash of attributes, i.e one or many attributes can be set on the model. The change event will be triggered on the model if any of the attributes change the state of the model....
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Backbone.js Sync Backbone.sync() Function
Backbone.js is a compact library used to organize JavaScript code. Another name for it is an MVC/MV* framework. If MVC isn’t familiar to you, it merely denotes a method of user interface design. JavaScript functions make it much simpler to create a program’s user interface. Models, views, events, routers, and collections are among the building blocks offered by BackboneJS to help developers create client-side web applications....
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Backbone.js routes Router
The Backbone.js routes Router is used for mapping URLs with the parameters of the function of router. It is used to route the client-side application and connect them with the actions and events. When the visitor presses the back button or enters a URL it matches the URL with the particular route and the specified action will fire as an event....
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Backbone.js toJSON Model
The Backbone.js clone is used to return the attributes of the given object in JSON format. We have to use JSON.stringify() to return the attributes....
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Backbone.js changed Model
In this article, we will discuss Backbone.js changed model. The Backbone.js changed model is used to change the attributes that are changed after setting the attributes by using the set() method....
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Backbone.js models Collection
The Backbone.js models Collection is used to access the JavaScript array of models inside the collection. The model object can be accessed with the use of ‘get’ or ‘at’ but we can use models to direct reference to the array....
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Backbone.js once Event
Backbone.js Once Event is used to bind a callback function to an object, i.e invoked only once when an event is triggered before it is removed. In this type of event triggering, the callback is invoked only once for every event passed to it....
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Backbone.js render View
Backbone.js is a compact library used to organize JavaScript code. Another name for it is an MVC/MV* framework. If MVC isn’t familiar to you, it merely denotes a method of user interface design. JavaScript functions make it much simpler to create a program’s user interface. Models, views, events, routers, and collections are among the building blocks offered by BackboneJS to help developers create client-side web applications....
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Backbone.js parse Collection
The Backbone.js parse Collection is a method that is called by Backbone whenever a Collection’s models are returned by the server. The default implementation simply passes the JSON response. We can override it with a new logic to flexibly parse the response....
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Difference between id and cid properties on a model object in Backbone.js
Backbone.js is a compact library used to organize JavaScript code. An MVC/MV* framework is another term for it. If MVC is unfamiliar to you, it is merely a technique for designing user interfaces. The creation of a program’s user interface is made considerably easier by JavaScript functions. BackboneJS provides a variety of building elements to aid developers in creating client-side web applications, including models, views, events, routers, and collections....
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Backbone.js reset Collection
The Backbone.js reset Collection is used to replace the whole list of models with a new list of models or attributes hash. This function returns newly set models in the collection. We can pass null in place of models to make the collection empty....
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What are Backbone.js Events ?
Events in backbone.js play a very important role, technically it is a module that can be integrated into an object which gives object ability to bind and trigger accordingly to custom events. Generally, events are not declared before they are even bound they are simply passed arguments....
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