What is Backbone.js ?
What is Backbone.js?...
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Backbone.js fetch Model
In this article, we will see Backbone.js fetch() model. The Backbone.js fetch() model is used to merge the state of the model with fetched attributes by accepting the model data from the server by delegating the sync() method in the given model....
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Backbone.js route Router
Backbone.js route Router is a method that is used to create the route for the router manually. The argument of the route may be a routing string or regular expression and each capture string from the route is passed to the callback function of the route....
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Backbone.js fetch Collection
The Backbone.js fetch Collection is used to fetch the set of models from the server for collection. When the models are returned models are merged with the existing models. If we want to reset all the models and form fill new models we use { reset: true } option of this method which resets the collection....
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Backbone.js events View
Backbone.js is a compact library used to organize JavaScript code. An MVC/MV* framework is another term for it. If MVC is unfamiliar to you, it is just a technique for designing user interfaces. The creation of a program’s user interface is made considerably easier by JavaScript functions. BackboneJS provides a variety of building elements to aid developers in creating client-side web applications, including models, views, events, routers, and collections....
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How to Create a Model in Backbone.js ?
Models are the heart of any JavaScript application, containing the interactive data as well as a large part of the logic surrounding it: conversions, validations, computed properties, and access control....
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Backbone.js Tutorial
Backbone.js is a lightweight JavaScript library for structuring JavaScript code and the structure of Backbone is similar to MVC/MV* framework. It makes programmers to plan out single-page applications. It is built on the MVC approach, which abstracts data into models and DOM into views before connecting the two using events....
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Backbone.js listenTo Event
Backbone.js gives structure to web applications by providing models with key-value binding and custom events, collections with a rich API of enumerable functions views with declarative event handling, and connects it all to your existing API over a RESTful JSON interface....
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Backbone.js API Integration
Backbone.js is a lightweight library for structuring JavaScript code. It is also regarded as the MVC/MV* kind of framework. If you are not familiar with MVC, it is basically an architecture pattern for implementing user interfaces. Backbone.js also provides the concept called a router. It is used for developing single-page applications. A single-page application is a kind of web application that fits on a single web page. Aiming to provide a rich user experience similar to desktop applications....
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What is a View in Backbone.js ?
Backbone view is a convention for setting up view interface for user interaction. In backbone.js, there are 7 modules HTTP request, Router, View, Events, Model, and Collection. Whenever a user makes a request it is directed to the router and in response to these requests, a user interface is displayed at the user end which is known as Views. So basically View in backbone.js handles and specifies how and what to display to the user....
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How to access a models data from a view in Backbone.js ?
Backbone.js is a compact library used to organize JavaScript code. An MVC/MV* framework is another term for it. If MVC is unfamiliar to you, it simply refers to a technique for designing user interfaces. The creation of a program’s user interface is made considerably easier by JavaScript functions. BackboneJS provides a variety of building elements to aid developers in creating client-side web applications, including models, views, events, routers, and collections....
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Backbone.js navigate Router
Backbone.js is a compact library used to organize JavaScript code. MVC/MV* framework is another term for it. If you’re not familiar, MVC is just a design approach for user interfaces. Designing the user interface of programs is significantly easier when JavaScript features are used. A few of the building elements that are offered in BackboneJS to assist developers in creating client-side web applications are models, views, events, routers, and collections....
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