State Wise Literacy Rate in India 2023

The state-wise literacy rate in India gives an overview of the socio-economic progress made in the country. The literacy rate of India in 2023 will be 77.7 per cent. The literacy rate is defined as the percentage of literate people aged 7 years and older. Over the past four decades, India’s literacy rate has increased substantially. In this article, we will discuss the regional variations, government initiatives, challenges, and progress made in achieving a decent literacy rate across various states in India.

Table of Content

  • Literary Rate in India 2023
  • List of State Wise Literacy Rate in India 2023
  • Indian States with High Literacy Rate in 2023
  • Indian States with Low Literacy Rate in 2023
  • State Wise Literacy Rate in Urban and Rural Areas in 2023
  • Causes of Low Literacy Rate in India
  • Government Initiatives to Improve Literacy Rate in India
  • How to Improve Literacy Rate
  • Important Facts about State Wise Literacy Rate in India

Literary Rate in India 2023

The literacy rate is defined by the percentage of the population of a given age group that can read and write. An individual who can read and write a simple sentence in any language with understanding is considered literate. Since independence, the literacy rate has increased by six times, and at the same time, it has the largest illiterate population of 287 million. The literacy rate is subdivided into two types: the adult literacy rate (ages 15 and above) and the youth literacy rate (ages 15 to 24).

As compared to the last census (2011), the literacy rate in India has increased by 5% in 2023 to 77.7 per cent. According to a UNESCO report, India will achieve universal literacy in the year 2060.

List of State Wise Literacy Rate in India 2023

Based on the National Statistical Office (NSO) survey the state-wise literacy rate in India in 2023 is shown below.

States & UTs  Male
Literacy Rate %
Literacy Rate %
Literacy Rate %
A&N islands 90.11 81.84 86.27
Andhra Pradesh 73.4 59.5 66.4
Arunachal Pradesh 73.69 59.57 66.95
Assam 90.1 81.2 85.9
Bihar 79.7 60.5 70.9
Chandigarh 90.54 81.38 86.43
Chhattisgarh 85.4 68.7 77.3
Dadra and Nagar Haveli 86.46 65.93 77.65
Daman & Diu 91.48 79.59 87.07
Delhi 93.7 82.4 88.7
Goa 92.81 81.84 87.4
Gujarat 89.5 74.8 82.4
Haryana 88 71.3 80.4
Himachal Pradesh 92.9 80.5 86.6
Jammu & Kashmir 85.7 68 77.3
Jharkhand 83 64.7 74.3
Karnataka 83.4 70.5 77.2
Kerala 97.4 95.2 96.2
Lakshadweep 96.11 88.25 92.28
Madhya Pradesh 81.2 65.5 73.7
Maharashtra 90.7 78.4 84.8
Manipur 86.49 73.17 79.85
Meghalaya 77.17 73.78 75.48
Mizoram 93.72 89.4 91.58
Nagaland 83.29 76.69 80.11
Odisha 84 70.3 77.3
Puducherry 92.12 81.22 86.55
Punjab 88.5 78.5 83.7
Rajasthan 80.8 57.6 69.7
Sikkim 87.29 76.43 82.2
Tamil Nadu 87.9 77.9 82.9
Telangana 80.5 65.1 72.8
Tripura 92.18 83.15 87.75
Uttar Pradesh 81.8 63.4 73.0
Uttarakhand 94.3 80.7 87.6
West Bengal 84.8 76.1 80.5
All-India  84.7 70.3 77.7

Indian States with High Literacy Rate in 2023

Based on National Statistical Office (NSO) data state with highest literacy rate is Kerala( 96.2%) followed by Mizoram (91.58%) and Delhi (88.7%). Top 10 States with Highest Literacy Rate with highest litearcy rate are as follows:

S.No State Male Female  Average
1 Kerala 97.4 95.2 96.2
2 Mizoram 93.72 89.4 91.58
3 Delhi 93.7 82.4 88.7
4 Tripura 92.18 83.15 87.75
5 Uttarakhand 94.3 80.7 87.6
6 Goa 92.81 81.84 87.4
7 Himachal Pradesh 92.9 80.5 86.6
8 Assam 90.1 81.2 85.9
9 Maharashtra 90.7 78.4 84.8
10 Punjab 88.5 78.5 83.7

Indian States with Low Literacy Rate in 2023

Based on National Statistical Office (NSO) data state with lowest literacy rate is Andhra Pradesh (66.2%) followed by Rajasthan (69.7%) and Bihar (70.9%). States with the Lowest Literacy Rate are as follows:

S.No State Male Female  Average
1 Andhra Pradesh 73.4 59.5 66.4
2 Rajasthan 80.8 57.6 69.7
3 Bihar 79.7 60.5 70.9
4 Telangana 80.5 65.1 72.8
5 Uttar Pradesh 81.8 63.4 73.0
6 Madhya Pradesh 81.2 65.5 73.7
7 Jharkhand 83 64.7 74.3
8 Karnataka 83.4 70.5 77.2
9 Chhattisgarh 85.4 68.7 77.3
10 Jammu & Kashmir 85.7 68 77.3

State Wise Literacy Rate in Urban and Rural Areas in 2023

Literacy rate in urban area is 87.7% and in the rural area the literacy rate is 73.5%. State Wise Literary Rate in Urban and Rural Areas in 2023 is as follows:


Male literacy rate in rural area

Female literacy rate in rural area

Average rural literacy rate

Male urban literacy rate

Female urban literacy rate

Average urban literacy rate

Andhra Pradesh 67.5 53.4 60.4 86.3 73.1 79.6
Assam 89.4 79.9 84.9 96.1 91.4 93.8
Bihar 78.6 58.7 69.5 89.3 75.9 83.1
Chhattisgarh 84 65.6 75 91.8 82.3 87.2
Delhi       94.1 83.4 89.4
Gujarat 85.7 68 77 95.2 86.3 91.1
Haryana 85.8 66.4 77 92.5 81.2 87.3
Himachal Pradesh 92.3 79.2 85.6 97.8 93 95.5
Jammu & Kashmir 84.9 66 75.8 88.5 75.7 82.6
Jharkhand 80.6 61.4 71.4 92.6 78.6 86.1
Karnataka 78.2 63.1 71 92.5 83.7 88.3
Kerala 96.7 94.1 95.4 98.2 96.4 97.3
Madhya Pradesh 77.9 61 69.8 91.4 79.5 85.8
Maharashtra 87 71.4 79.4 95.3 87.6 91.7
Odisha 82 67.3 74.9 94.4 85.9 90.2
Punjab 85.5 74 80 93.8 86.7 90.5
Rajasthan 77.6 52.6 65.5 91.1 74.6 83.5
Tamil Nadu 84.2 70.8 77.5 92.3 85.9 89
Telangana 70.6 53.7 62.1 91.7 79 85.5
Uttar Pradesh 80.5 60.4 70.8 86.8 74.9 81.2
Uttarakhand 93.1 79 86.1 97.4 85.9 92
West Bengal 82 72.6 77.4 91.4 84.7 88.1
All-India  81.5 65 73.5 92.2 82.8 87.7

Causes of Low Literacy Rate in India

Various factors responsible for the low literacy rate are as follows:

  • Inadequate educational infrastructure and a lack of resources
  • Gender inequality results in discrimination against girls, leading to higher dropout rates among female students.
  • Regional disparities and the unequal distribution of resources between urban and rural areas.
  • Lack of proper teacher training programmes.
  • Lack of sanitation facilities leads to high dropout rates among female students.
  • Caste-based discrimination, especially for marginalised communities, has an impact on their access to educational opportunities.
  • High poverty levels lead to a lack of resources for education-related expenses.
  • Poor implementation of government policies and programmes aimed at improving literacy

Government Initiatives to Improve Literacy Rate in India

The government initiated various policies and programmes to address the challenges associated with low literacy rates and improve the overall education level. Some of the initiatives of the government are described as follows:

  1. Right to Education Act (RTE) 2009: It aims to provide free and compulsory education to children in the age range of 6 to 14 years. It sets the standards and rules for schools to ensure a conducive learning environment is provided and gives importance to quality education.
  2. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA): It is a flagship programme of the government for universalizing elementary education throughout the country. It aims to bridge the gender gap in education and ensure education opportunities for every child, irrespective of gender.
  3. Digital India Initiatives: It aims to integrate technology with education through various Digital India initiatives, including efforts to provide digital resources, e-learning platforms, and connectivity in remote areas.
  4. The National Literacy Mission (NLM) was started with the aim of eradicating illiteracy in India by imparting functional literacy to non-literates in the age group of 15 to 35 years.
  5. Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao: Aimed at addressing the declining child sex ratio, it also focuses on the education and welfare of the girl child.
  6. Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA): It aims to increase the enrollment in secondary schools and the quality of education.
  7. Mid-Day Meal Scheme: It aims to improve the attendance of children, their retention, and their nutritional levels. Free meals are provided to students at the primary and secondary levels in government and government-aided schools.
  8. Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) aims to provide skill-based training to the youth that aligns with the demands of industry and also provides a stipend after successful completion of the training programmes.
  9. Skill Development Programmes: The government is promoting skill development programmes to enhance the vocational skills of individuals. The skills learned make them more marketable in various industries.

How to Improve Literacy Rate

To address the challenge related to the low literacy rate, we require a comprehensive and integrated approach. Some of the ways to improve the educational level are as follows:

  • Increase the budget for the education sector to improve infrastructure and various facilities.
  • Focus on developing skills that align with the industries.
  • Promote gender quality by addressing the challenges that prevent girls from accessing and completing their education.
  • Bridge the digital divide by providing digital literacy to students.
  • Follow an integrated approach and work towards a public-private partnership.
  • Focus not only on increasing the enrollment ratio but also on improving the quality of education.
  • Targeted implementation of government policies.

Important Facts about State Wise Literacy Rate in India

Important facts related to literacy rate are as follows:

  • Male Literacy Rate of India in 2023 is 84.7%.
  • Female Literacy Rate of India in 2023 is 70.3%.
  • Literacy Rate in Urban India is 87.7%.
  • Literacy Rate in Rural India is 73.5%.
  • Highest Literacy State in India is Kerala.
  • Highest Male Literacy State in India is Lakshadweep.
  • Highest Female Literacy State in India is Kerala.
  • Lowest Literacy State in India is Andhra Pradesh.
  • Lowest Male Literacy State in India is Rajasthan.
  • Lowest Female Literacy State in India is Bihar.

FAQs on State Wise Literacy Rate in India 2023

1. Which Indian state has a 100% literacy rate?

Kerala is the only state in India to have a 100% literacy rate. Other states that have a high literacy rate are Lakshadweep at 91.85% and Mizoram at 91.33%.

2. Which state will have the highest literacy rate in India in 2023?

The state with the highest literacy rate in India in 2023 will be Kerala(96.2%), followed by Mizoram (91.58%), and Delhi (88.7%). The literacy rate is defined as the percentage of literate people aged 7 years and older.

3. What are the causes of the low literacy rate?

The various causes of the low literacy rate include lack of resources, poor implementation of government policies and programmes, lack of trained teachers, gender ps, and c caste-based discrimination, among others.

4. What is the formula for the literacy rate?

The literacy rate is calculated as the average number of literate individuals in a particular area or group.
Literacy rate = (number of literate persons/population) * 100. Persons aged 7 or above are considered.

5. What are the top 10 educated states in India in 2023?

The top ten educated states are as follows: Kerala, Mizoram,Delhi, Tripura, Uttarakhand, Goa,Himachal Pradesh, Assam, Maharashtra, and Punjab. 

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