S&P Global Interview Experience On-Campus

Stage 1: Shortlisting

The first stage of the S&P Global on-campus recruitment process involved shortlisting candidates based on their academic performance. My CGPA, along with my marks in 10th and 12th grades, were considered for this initial selection. I was delighted to learn that I had been shortlisted for the next stage.

Stage 2: Technical and HR Interview

The second stage was a comprehensive interview where the interviewer asked a variety of questions covering multiple aspects of my resume, technical skills, and personal experiences. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the interview:

Resume and Hackathon Participation:

The interview began with questions related to my resume. The interviewer was particularly interested in the hackathons I had participated in, asking me to elaborate on the challenges I faced, the solutions my team developed, and my specific contributions to these projects.

Leadership Roles:

Next, the discussion moved to my leadership roles. I described the positions I held, the responsibilities I managed, and the impact of my leadership on team performance and project outcomes. This segment highlighted my ability to lead and work collaboratively within a team.

Mini Project:

I was asked to explain my mini project in detail. I described the project’s objective, the technologies used, and the results achieved. The interviewer probed deeper into my problem-solving approach and the technical hurdles I overcame during the project.

Technical Questions:

The technical portion of the interview covered core computer science subjects:

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): I was asked to explain key OOP concepts such as inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and abstraction. The interviewer also asked for examples of how I have applied these concepts in my projects.

Database Management Systems (DBMS): Questions related to DBMS included explaining normalization, ACID properties, and the use of indexes. I also discussed my experience with database design and management.

Cyber Security: The interviewer touched on basic cybersecurity principles, my understanding of common security threats, and measures to mitigate them.

SQL Queries:

I was given two SQL queries to solve, which involved using joins. I successfully wrote and explained the queries, demonstrating my ability to handle complex data retrieval tasks.

Coding Questions:

  • Traffic Lights Management: The first coding problem required me to manage traffic lights using applets. I explained my approach and implemented the solution effectively.
  • Matrix Multiplication: The second coding question involved basic matrix multiplication. I wrote the code and explained the logic behind my solution.

Verdict: Not Selected

Despite my best efforts and thorough preparation, I was not selected. While the result was disappointing, the interview process was an invaluable learning experience that provided insights into the areas where I can improve.

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