Solve Sudoku on the basis of the given irregular regions

Given two matrices sudoku[][] and region[][] of size N * N, the task is to fill the given Sudoku on the basis of the given irregular regions. If it is not possible to fill the sudoku[][] matrix, then print -1. Following are the definitions of the matrices:

Sudoku Matrix (sudoku[][]): It is an N×N matrix that contains the elements from 0 to N, where 0 denotes the empty cell which needs to be filled in order to solve the Sudoku.
Rules to solve the Sudoku:

  • Each Row and column must have unique numbers from 1 to N.
  • Each region must have unique numbers from 1 to N.

Region Matrix (region[][]): It is an N×N matrix containing characters which denote the region of the Sudoku. Same characters in matrix denote a region of Sudoku.


Input: sudoku[][] = { 
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, 
{0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0}, 
{3, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0}, 
{0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 1}, 
{5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3}, 
{0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2}, 
{2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5} }
region[][] = { 
{r, r, r, b, b, b, b}, 
{g, r, r, r, r, b, o}, 
{g, g, g, g, b, b, o}, 
{p, p, g, o, o, o, o}, 
{p, p, g, d, o, l, l}, 
{p, p, p, d, l, l, l}, 
{d, d, d, d, d, l, l} } 
7 1 3 4 5 2 6 
1 6 5 2 4 3 7
3 5 2 6 1 7 4
4 2 7 3 6 5 1
5 7 4 1 2 6 3
6 3 1 5 7 4 2
2 4 6 7 3 1 5
 Unsolved Sudoku Puzzle with the regions:

Solved Sudoku puzzle with the regions:

Input: sudoku[][] = { 
{ 0, 0 }, 
{ 0, 1 } }, 
region[][] = { 
{r, r}, 
{b, b}} 
1 2
2 1
Elements of the row of the output matrix: {1, 2}, {2, 1}
Elements of the column of the matrix: {1, 2}, {2, 1}
Elements of the same regions of the matrix: {1, 2}, {2, 1}
Since it contains unique elements in the rows, columns and regions.
Therefore, it is a valid solution of the Sudoku.

Approach: The idea is to use Backtracking to solve the Sudoku by assigning the number to empty cells one by one recursively and backtrack if any of the rules are violated i.e., each row, column, and region must have unique numbers from 1 to N. Below is the illustration with the help of steps:

  • Create a function to check if the assigned number to a cell is safe or not:
    • For checking in the current row and column, iterate over the row and column and check if the assigned number is present in the cell or not.
    • For checking whether the number is present in the current region or not, use Breadth-First Search.
  • Iterate over the grid to check for any unassigned cell and assign the values from 1 to N and check if the number assigned is safe or not. If the number assigned is not safe then back-track for the unassigned cell.
  • If all the unassigned cells are assigned by some number, then print the Sudoku. Otherwise, there is no solution possible.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Grid dimension
const int N = 2;
// Function to check if the number to be present
// in the current cell is safe or not
bool issafe(int sudoku[N][N], int i, int j, int n,
            int number, char region[N][N])
    // Check if the number is present in
    // i-th row or j-th column or not
    for (int x = 0; x < n; x++) {
        if (sudoku[x][j] == number
            || sudoku[i][x] == number) {
            return false;
    // Check if the number to be filled
    // is safe in current region or not
    char r = region[i][j];
    // Initialize the queue for the BFS
    queue<pair<int, int> > q;
    // Insert the current cell into queue
    q.push(make_pair(i, j));
    // Check if the neighbours cell is
    // visited or not
    int visited[N][N];
    // Initialize visited to 0
    memset(visited, 0, sizeof visited);
    // Mark current cell is visited
    visited[i][j] = 1;
    // Performing the BFS technique
    // Checking for 4 neighbours at a time
    while (!q.empty()) {
        // Stores front element of the queue
        pair<int, int> front = q.front();
        // Pop top element of the queue
        // Check for neighbours cell
        if (front.first + 1 < N
            && region[front.first + 1][front.second] == r
            && !visited[front.first + 1][front.second]) {
            // If already contains the same number
            if (sudoku[front.first + 1][front.second]
                == number) {
                return false;
            q.push(make_pair(front.first + 1,
            // Mark as neighbour cell as visited
            visited[front.first + 1][front.second] = 1;
        // Checking for 2nd neighbours
        if (front.first - 1 >= 0
            && region[front.first - 1][front.second] == r
            && !visited[front.first - 1][front.second]) {
            // If neighbours contains the same number
            if (sudoku[front.first - 1][front.second]
                == number) {
                return false;
            // Insert neighbour cell into queue
            q.push(make_pair(front.first - 1,
            // Mark neighbour cell as visited
            visited[front.first - 1][front.second] = 1;
        // Checking for 3rd neighbours
        if (front.second + 1 < N
            && region[front.first][front.second + 1] == r
            && !visited[front.first][front.second + 1]) {
            // If neighbours contains the same number
            if (sudoku[front.first][front.second + 1]
                == number) {
                return false;
            // Insert neighbour cell into queue
                             front.second + 1));
            // Mark neighbour cell as visited
            visited[front.first][front.second + 1] = 1;
        // Checking for 4th neighbours
        if (front.second - 1 >= 0
            && region[front.first][front.second - 1] == r
            && !visited[front.first][front.second - 1]) {
            // If neighbours contains the same number
            if (sudoku[front.first][front.second - 1]
                == number) {
                return false;
            // Insert neighbour cell into queue
                             front.second - 1));
            // Mark neighbour cell as visited
            visited[front.first][front.second - 1] = 1;
    return true;
// Recursive function to solve the sudoku
bool solveSudoku(int sudoku[N][N], int i, int j,
                 int n, char region[N][N])
    // If the given sudoku already solved
    if (i == n) {
        // Print the solution of sudoku
        for (int a = 0; a < n; a++) {
            for (int b = 0; b < n; b++) {
                cout << sudoku[a][b] << " ";
            cout << endl;
        return true;
    // If the numbers in the current row
    // already filled
    if (j == n) {
        return solveSudoku(sudoku, i + 1, 0, n, region);
    // If current cell is not empty
    if (sudoku[i][j] != 0) {
        return solveSudoku(sudoku, i, j + 1, n, region);
    else {
        // Iterate over all possible value of numbers
        for (int number = 1; number <= n; number++) {
            // If placing the current number is safe
            // in the current cell
            if (issafe(sudoku, i, j, n, number, region)) {
                // Update sudoku[i][j]
                sudoku[i][j] = number;
                // Fill the remaining cells of the sudoku
                bool rest
                    = solveSudoku(sudoku, i,
                                  j + 1, n, region);
                // If remaining cells has been filled
                if (rest == true) {
                    return true;
        // Otherwise No Solution
        sudoku[i][j] = 0;
        return false;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Given sudoku array
    int sudoku[N][N] = {
        { 0, 1 },
        { 0, 0 }
    // Given region array
    char region[N][N] = {
        { 'r', 'r' },
        { 'b', 'b' }
    // Function call
    int ans = solveSudoku(
        sudoku, 0, 0, N, region);
    // No answer exist
    if (ans == 0) {
        cout << "-1";
    return 0;


// Grid dimension
import java.util.*;
class Main{
static int N = 2;
// Function to check if the number to be present
// in the current cell is safe or not
public static boolean issafe(int[][] sudoku, int i, int j,
                             int n, int number, String[][] region) {
    // Check if the number is present in
    // i-th row or j-th column or not
    for (int x = 0; x < n; x++) {
        if (sudoku[x][j] == number || sudoku[i][x] == number) {
            return false;
    // Check if the number to be filled
    // is safe in current region or not
    String r = region[i][j];
    // Initialize the queue for the BFS
    List<int[]> q = new ArrayList<>();
    // Insert the current cell into queue
    q.add(new int[] {i, j});
    // Check if the neighbours cell is
    // visited or not
    boolean[][] visited = new boolean[N][N];
    // Mark current cell is visited
    visited[i][j] = true;
    // Performing the BFS technique
    // Checking for 4 neighbours at a time
    while (q.size() > 0) {
        // Stores front element of the queue
        int[] front = q.get(0);
        // Pop top element of the queue
        // Check for neighbours cell
        if (front[0] + 1 < N && region[front[0] + 1][front[1]].equals(r) && !visited[front[0] + 1][front[1]]) {
            // If already contains the same number
            if (sudoku[front[0] + 1][front[1]] == number) {
                return false;
            q.add(new int[] {front[0] + 1, front[1]});
            // Mark as neighbour cell as visited
            visited[front[0] + 1][front[1]] = true;
        // Checking for 2nd neighbours
        if (front[0] - 1 >= 0 && region[front[0] - 1][front[1]].equals(r) && !visited[front[0] - 1][front[1]]) {
            // If neighbours contains the same number
            if (sudoku[front[0] - 1][front[1]] == number) {
                return false;
            // Insert neighbour cell into queue
            q.add(new int[] {front[0] - 1, front[1]});
            // Mark neighbour cell as visited
            visited[front[0] - 1][front[1]] = true;
        // Checking for 3rd neighbours
        if (front[1] + 1 < N && region[front[0]][front[1] + 1].equals(r) && !visited[front[0]][front[1] + 1]) {
            // If neighbours contains the same number
            if (sudoku[front[0]][front[1] + 1] == number) {
                return false;
            // Insert neighbour cell into queue
            q.add(new int[] {front[0], front[1] + 1});
            // Mark neighbour cell as visited
            visited[front[0]][front[1] + 1] = true;
        // Checking for 4th neighbours
        if (front[1] - 1 >= 0 && region[front[0]][front[1] - 1].equals(r) && !visited[front[0]][front[1] - 1]) {
            // If neighbours contains the same number
            if (sudoku[front[0]][front[1] - 1] == number) {
                return false;
            // Insert neighbour cell into queue
            q.add(new int[] {front[0], front[1] - 1});
            // Mark neighbour cell as visited
            visited[front[0]][front[1] - 1] = true;
    return true;
// Recursive function to solve the sudoku
public static boolean solveSudoku(int[][] sudoku, int i, int j, int n, String[][] region) {
    // If the given sudoku already solved
    if (i == n) {
        // Print the solution of sudoku
        for (int a = 0; a < n; a++) {
            for (int b = 0; b < n; b++) {
                System.out.print(sudoku[a][b] + " ");
        return true;
    // If the numbers in the current row
    // already filled
    if (j == n) {
        return solveSudoku(sudoku, i + 1, 0, n, region);
    // If current cell is not empty
    if (sudoku[i][j] != 0) {
        return solveSudoku(sudoku, i, j + 1, n, region);
    } else {
        //Iterate over all possible value of numbers
        for (int number = 1; number <= n; number++) {
            // If placing the current number is safe
            // in the current cell
            if (issafe(sudoku, i, j, n, number, region)) {
                // Update sudoku[i][j]
                sudoku[i][j] = number;
                // Fill the remaining cells of the sudoku
                boolean rest = solveSudoku(sudoku, i, j + 1, n, region);
                // If remaining cells has been filled
                if (rest) {
                    return true;
    // Otherwise No Solution
    sudoku[i][j] = 0;
    return false;
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
// Given sudoku array
int[][] sudoku = {
  {0, 1},
  {0, 0},
// Given region array
String[][] region = {
  {"r", "r"},
  {"b", "b"},
// Function call
boolean ans = solveSudoku(sudoku, 0, 0, N, region);
// No answer exist
if (!ans) {


# Python program for the above approach
# Grid dimension
N = 2
# Function to check if the number to be present
# in the current cell is safe or not
def issafe(sudoku, i, j, n, number, region):
    # Check if the number is present in
    # i-th row or j-th column or not
    for x in range(n):
        if (sudoku[x][j] == number or sudoku[i][x] == number):
            return False
    # Check if the number to be filled
    # is safe in current region or not
    r = region[i][j]
    # Initialize the queue for the BFS
    q = []
    # Insert the current cell into queue
    q.append([i, j])
    # Check if the neighbours cell is
    # visited or not
    visited = [[0 for i in range(N)]for j in range(N)]
    # Mark current cell is visited
    visited[i][j] = 1
    # Performing the BFS technique
    # Checking for 4 neighbours at a time
    while (len(q)>0):
        # Stores front element of the queue
        front = q[0]
        # Pop top element of the queue
        # Check for neighbours cell
        if (front[0] + 1 < N and region[front[0] + 1][front[1]] == r and visited[front[0] + 1][front[1]] == 0):
            # If already contains the same number
            if (sudoku[front[0] + 1][front[1]] == number):
                return False
            q.append([front[0] + 1, front[1]])
            # Mark as neighbour cell as visited
            visited[front[0] + 1][front[1]] = 1
        # Checking for 2nd neighbours
        if(front[0] - 1 >= 0 and region[front[0] - 1][front[1]] == r and visited[front[0] - 1][front[1]] == 0):
            # If neighbours contains the same number
            if (sudoku[front[0] - 1][front[1]] == number):
                return False
            # Insert neighbour cell into queue
            q.append([front[0] - 1, front[1]])
            # Mark neighbour cell as visited
            visited[front[0] - 1][front[1]] = 1
        # Checking for 3rd neighbours
        if ( front[1] + 1 < N and region[front[0]][front[1] + 1] == r and visited[front[0]][front[1] + 1] == 0):
            # If neighbours contains the same number
            if (sudoku[front[0]][front[1] + 1] == number):
                return False
            # Insert neighbour cell into queue
            q.append([front[0], front[1] + 1])
            # Mark neighbour cell as visited
            visited[front[0]][front[1] + 1] = 1
        # Checking for 4th neighbours
        if (front[1] - 1 >= 0 and region[front[0]][front[1] - 1] == r and visited[front[0]][front[1] - 1] == 0):
            # If neighbours contains the same number
            if (sudoku[front[0]][front[1] - 1] == number):
                return False
            # Insert neighbour cell into queue
            q.append([front[0], front[1] - 1])
            # Mark neighbour cell as visited
            visited[front[0]][front[1] - 1] = 1
    return True
# Recursive function to solve the sudoku
def solveSudoku(sudoku, i, j, n, region):
    # If the given sudoku already solved
    if (i == n):
        # Print the solution of sudoku
        for a in range(n):
            for b in range(n):
                print(sudoku[a][b],end = " ")
        return True
    # If the numbers in the current row
    # already filled
    if (j == n):
        return solveSudoku(sudoku, i + 1, 0, n, region)
    # If current cell is not empty
    if (sudoku[i][j] != 0):
        return solveSudoku(sudoku, i, j + 1, n, region)
        #Iterate over all possible value of numbers
        for number in range(1,n+1):
            # If placing the current number is safe
            # in the current cell
            if (issafe(sudoku, i, j, n, number, region)):
                # Update sudoku[i][j]
                sudoku[i][j] = number
                # Fill the remaining cells of the sudoku
                rest = solveSudoku(sudoku, i, j + 1, n, region)
                # If remaining cells has been filled
                if (rest == True):
                    return True
    # Otherwise No Solution
    sudoku[i][j] = 0
    return False
# Driver Code
# Given sudoku array
sudoku = [
  [0, 1],
  [0, 0],
# Given region array
region = [
  ["r", "r"],
  ["b", "b"],
# Function call
ans = solveSudoku(sudoku, 0, 0, N, region)
# No answer exist
if (ans == 0):
# This code is contributed by shinjanpatra


// Javascript program for the above approach
// Grid dimension
const N = 2;
// Function to check if the number to be present
// in the current cell is safe or not
function issafe(sudoku, i, j, n, number, region)
  // Check if the number is present in
  // i-th row or j-th column or not
  for (let x = 0; x < n; x++) {
    if (sudoku[x][j] == number || sudoku[i][x] == number) {
      return false;
  // Check if the number to be filled
  // is safe in current region or not
  let r = region[i][j];
  // Initialize the queue for the BFS
  let q = [];
  // Insert the current cell into queue
  q.push([i, j]);
  // Check if the neighbours cell is
  // visited or not
  let visited = new Array(N).fill(0).map(() => new Array(N).fill(0));
  // Mark current cell is visited
  visited[i][j] = 1;
  // Performing the BFS technique
  // Checking for 4 neighbours at a time
  while (!q.length)
    // Stores front element of the queue
    let front = q.front();
    // Pop top element of the queue
    // Check for neighbours cell
    if (
      front[0] + 1 < N &&
      region[front[0] + 1][front[1]] == r &&
      !visited[front[0] + 1][front[1]]
      // If already contains the same number
      if (sudoku[front[0] + 1][front[1]] == number)
        return false;
      q.push([front[0] + 1, front[1]]);
      // Mark as neighbour cell as visited
      visited[front[0] + 1][front[1]] = 1;
    // Checking for 2nd neighbours
    if (
      front[0] - 1 >= 0 &&
      region[front[0] - 1][front[1]] == r &&
      !visited[front[0] - 1][front[1]]
    ) {
      // If neighbours contains the same number
      if (sudoku[front[0] - 1][front[1]] == number) {
        return false;
      // Insert neighbour cell into queue
      q.push([front[0] - 1, front[1]]);
      // Mark neighbour cell as visited
      visited[front[0] - 1][front[1]] = 1;
    // Checking for 3rd neighbours
    if (
      front[1] + 1 < N &&
      region[front[0]][front[1] + 1] == r &&
      !visited[front[0]][front[1] + 1]
    ) {
      // If neighbours contains the same number
      if (sudoku[front[0]][front[1] + 1] == number) {
        return false;
      // Insert neighbour cell into queue
      q.push([front[0], front[1] + 1]);
      // Mark neighbour cell as visited
      visited[front[0]][front[1] + 1] = 1;
    // Checking for 4th neighbours
    if (
      front[1] - 1 >= 0 &&
      region[front[0]][front[1] - 1] == r &&
      !visited[front[0]][front[1] - 1]
    ) {
      // If neighbours contains the same number
      if (sudoku[front[0]][front[1] - 1] == number) {
        return false;
      // Insert neighbour cell into queue
      q.push([front[0], front[1] - 1]);
      // Mark neighbour cell as visited
      visited[front[0]][front[1] - 1] = 1;
  return true;
// Recursive function to solve the sudoku
function solveSudoku(sudoku, i, j, n, region) {
  // If the given sudoku already solved
  if (i == n) {
    // Print the solution of sudoku
    for (let a = 0; a < n; a++) {
      for (let b = 0; b < n; b++) {
        document.write(sudoku[a][b] + " ");
    return true;
  // If the numbers in the current row
  // already filled
  if (j == n) {
    return solveSudoku(sudoku, i + 1, 0, n, region);
  // If current cell is not empty
  if (sudoku[i][j] != 0) {
    return solveSudoku(sudoku, i, j + 1, n, region);
  } else {
    // Iterate over all possible value of numbers
    for (let number = 1; number <= n; number++) {
      // If placing the current number is safe
      // in the current cell
      if (issafe(sudoku, i, j, n, number, region)) {
        // Update sudoku[i][j]
        sudoku[i][j] = number;
        // Fill the remaining cells of the sudoku
        let rest = solveSudoku(sudoku, i, j + 1, n, region);
        // If remaining cells has been filled
        if (rest == true) {
          return true;
    // Otherwise No Solution
    sudoku[i][j] = 0;
    return false;
// Driver Code
// Given sudoku array
let sudoku = [
  [0, 1],
  [0, 0],
// Given region array
let region = [
  ["r", "r"],
  ["b", "b"],
// Function call
let ans = solveSudoku(sudoku, 0, 0, N, region);
// No answer exist
if (ans == 0) {
  document.write(cout + "-1");
// This code is contributed by gfgking


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class Program
    // Grid dimension
    static int N = 2;
    // Function to check if the number
    // to be present in the current cell
    // is safe or not
    public static bool issafe(int[,] sudoku,
                              int i, int j,
                              int n, int number,
                              String[,] region)
        // Check if the number is present
        // in i-th row or j-th column
        // or not
        for (int x = 0; x < n; x++)
            if (sudoku[x, j] == number ||
                sudoku[i, x] == number)
                return false;
        // Check if the number to be filled
        // is safe in current region or not
        String r = region[i, j];
        // Initialize the queue for the BFS
        List<int[]> q = new List<int[]>();
        // Insert the current cell into queue
        q.Add(new int[] { i, j });
        // Check if the neighbours cell is
        // visited or not
        bool[,] visited = new bool[N, N];
        // Mark current cell as visited
        visited[i, j] = true;
        // Performing the BFS technique
        // Checking for 4 neighbours at a
        // time
        while (q.Count > 0)
            // Stores front element of the queue
            int[] front = q[0];
            // Pop top element of the queue
            // Check for neighbours cell
            if (front[0] + 1 < N &&
                region[front[0] + 1, front[1]].Equals(r) &&
                !visited[front[0] + 1, front[1]])
                // If already contains the same
                // number
                if (sudoku[front[0] + 1, front[1]] == number)
                    return false;
                q.Add(new int[] { front[0] + 1, front[1] });
                // Mark as neighbour cell as visited
                visited[front[0] + 1, front[1]] = true;
            // Checking for 2nd neighbours
            if (front[0] - 1 >= 0 &&
                region[front[0] - 1, front[1]].Equals(r) &&
                !visited[front[0] - 1, front[1]])
                // If neighbours contains the same
                // number
                if (sudoku[front[0] - 1, front[1]] == number)
                    return false;
                // Insert neighbour cell into queue
                q.Add(new int[] { front[0] - 1, front[1] });
                // Mark neighbour cell as visited
                visited[front[0] - 1, front[1]] = true;
            // Checking for 3rd neighbours
            if (front[1] + 1 < N &&
                region[front[0], front[1] + 1].Equals(r) &&
                !visited[front[0], front[1] + 1])
                // If neighbours contains the same number
                if (sudoku[front[0], front[1] + 1] == number)
                    return false;
                // Insert neighbour cell into queue
                q.Add(new int[] { front[0], front[1] + 1 });
                // Mark neighbour cell as visited
                visited[front[0], front[1] + 1] = true;
            // Checking for 4th neighbours
            if (front[1] - 1 >= 0 &&
                region[front[0], front[1] - 1].Equals(r) &&
                !visited[front[0], front[1] - 1])
                // If neighbours contains the same number
                if (sudoku[front[0], front[1] - 1] == number)
                    return false;
                // Insert neighbour cell into queue
                q.Add(new int[] { front[0], front[1] - 1 });
                // Mark neighbour cell as visited
                visited[front[0], front[1] - 1] = true;
        return true;
    // Recursive function to solve the sudoku
    public static bool solveSudoku(int[,] sudoku,
                                   int i, int j,
                                   int n, String[,] region)
        // If the given sudoku already solved
        if (i == n)
            // Print the solution of sudoku
            for (int a = 0; a < n; a++)
                for (int b = 0; b < n; b++)
                    Console.Write(sudoku[a, b] + " ");
            return true;
        // If the numbers in the current row
        // already filled
        if (j == n)
            return solveSudoku(sudoku, i + 1, 0, n, region);
        // If current cell is not empty
        if (sudoku[i, j] != 0)
            return solveSudoku(sudoku, i, j + 1, n, region);
            // Iterate over all possible values
            // of numbers
            for (int number = 1; number <= n; number++)
                // If placing the current number is safe
                // in the current cell
                if (issafe(sudoku, i, j, n, number, region))
                    // Update sudoku[i][j]
                    sudoku[i, j] = number;
                    // Fill the remaining cells of the sudoku
                    bool rest = solveSudoku(sudoku, i, j + 1, n, region);
                    // If remaining cells has been filled
                    if (rest)
                        return true;
            // Otherwise No Solution
            sudoku[i, j] = 0;
            return false;
    // Driver Code
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        // Given sudoku array
        int[,] sudoku = {
            { 0, 1 },
            { 0, 0 },
        // Given region array
        String[,] region = {
            { "r", "r" },
            { "b", "b" },
        // Function call
        bool ans = solveSudoku(sudoku, 0, 0, N, region);
        // No answer exist
        if (!ans)
//This code is contributed by NarasingaNikhil


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Time Complexity: O(NN2)
Auxiliary Space: O(N2)

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