How to wrap text around circular carousel in Bootstrap 4 ?
Wrapping up a circular carousel is quite hectic compare to wrapping up a circular image or any shape of the image. In this article first, we have to create a carousel to make that circular, then we can use the text to wrap the carousel. First, you have to create Bootstrap Carousel. To make that carousel circular you can use CSS border-radius property. Then write down your wrapping text and use the CSS Circle() function on the main div. This will wrap your circular carousel in proper way:Below example illustrates the above approach: Example:...
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Classification of Algorithms with Examples
There are many ways of classifying algorithms and a few of them are shown below:...
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Minimize sum of incompatibilities of K equal-length subsets made up of unique elements
Given an array arr[] consisting of N integers and an integer K, the task is to find the minimum sum of incompatibilities of K subsets of equal sizes having unique elements....
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Count all prime numbers that can be formed using digits of a given number
Given a string S consisting of N digits, the task is to find the number of distinct Prime Numbers that can be formed using the digits of the string S....
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Replace specified matrix elements such that no two adjacent elements are equal
Given a matrix arr[][] of dimensions N * M, consisting of ‘O’ or ‘F’, where ‘O’ denotes obstacles and ‘F’ denotes free spaces, the task is to replace all ‘F’s in the given matrix by either ‘1’ or ‘2’, such that no two adjacent cells have the same value....
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Sum of subsets of all the subsets of an array | O(N)
Given an array arr[] of length N, the task is to find the overall sum of subsets of all the subsets of the array.Examples:...
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Print all combinations generated by characters of a numeric string which does not exceed N
Given a numeric string S of length M and an integer N, the task is to find all distinct combinations of S (repetitions allowed) that are at most N....
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Probability of distributing given balls into two halves having equal count of distinct colors
Given an array arr[] of size N, representing the number of balls of each of N distinct colors, the task is to find the probability of distributing all the balls into two boxes, such that both the boxes contain an equal number of distinct colored balls....
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Longest common subarray in the given two arrays
Given two arrays A[] and B[] of N and M integers respectively, the task is to find the maximum length of an equal subarray or the longest common subarray between the two given array....
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Solve Sudoku with Computer Vision and Constraint Satisfaction Algorithm
This article explains a program in python 2.7 to solve a Sudoku 9×9 of the Android application “Sudoku” of To solve a sudoku of the Android application “Sudoku” of, a screenshot of the game is taken (a 720×1280 image is obtained), then the number found in each of the 81 squares is obtained using KNN algorithm, once each element is determined, the sudoku is solved using a constraint satisfaction algorithm with backtracking....
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Pen Distribution Problem
Given an integer N denoting the number of boxes in a pen, and two players P1 and P2 playing a game of distributing N pens among themselves as per the following rules:...
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Generate all distinct subsequences of array using backtracking
Given an array arr[] consisting of N positive integers, the task is to generate all distinct subsequences of the array....
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