Javascript Program to Count rotations which are divisible by 10
Given a number N, the task is to count all the rotations of the given number which are divisible by 10.Examples:...
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Javascript Program for Longest subsequence of a number having same left and right rotation
Given a numeric string S, the task is to find the maximum length of a subsequence having its left rotation equal to its right rotation....
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Php Program for Counting sets of 1s and 0s in a binary matrix
Given a n × m binary matrix, count the number of sets where a set can be formed one or more same values in a row or column. Examples:...
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Maximize count of indices with same element by pairing rows from given Matrices
Given two 2D binary arrays, a[][] and b[][] both of size M*N, the task is to pair each row in the array a[][] with any row in the array b[][] such that the total score can be maximized and the score for each pair is calculated as the total indexes at which values of both rows are identical....
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Sort decreasing permutation of N using triple swaps
Given an array A[] consisting of decreasing permutation of N numbers, the task is to sort the array using triple swaps. If it is not possible to sort the array then print -1....
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Minimum adjacent swaps of digits required to make N divisible by K
Given two integers N and K, the task is to calculate the minimum number of adjacent swaps of digits required to make the integer N divisible by K....
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Check if all objects of type A and B can be placed on N shelves
Given two integers A and B, representing the count of objects of two different types, and another integer N which represents the number of shelves, the task is to place all objects in the given N shelves abiding by the following rules:...
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Longest subsequence of a number having same left and right rotation
Given a numeric string S, the task is to find the maximum length of a subsequence having its left rotation equal to its right rotation....
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Classification of Algorithms with Examples
There are many ways of classifying algorithms and a few of them are shown below:...
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Permutations of a given string using STL
A permutation, also called an “arrangement number” or “order”, is a rearrangement of the elements of an ordered list S into a one-to-one correspondence with S itself. A string of length n has n! permutation. Source: Mathword...
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Count subsequences having odd Bitwise XOR values from an array
Given an array A[] of size N, the task is to count the number of subsequences from the given array whose Bitwise XOR value is odd....
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Number of subsets with same AND, OR and XOR values in an Array
Given an array arr[] of size N consisting of non-negative integers, the task is to find the number of non-empty subsets of the array such that the bitwise AND, bitwise OR and bitwise XOR values of the subsequence are equal to each other....
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