ServiceNow Interview Experience For ASE Summer Internship

I participated in ServiceNow Code to Win-2024 Hackathon I was the leader of my team and little did I know that this leadership would pave the way for a remarkable opportunity — the chance to give Online Assessment for an ASE summer internship with ServiceNow. Only the team leaders got the invite to apply for an internship directly from the recruiter.

Recruitment Process:

  • Online Assessment
  • Technical Round 1
  • Technical Round 2
  • HR

Shortly after applying, I received the OA link. I took the OA on February 3, 2024, in which I was able to fully solve one question and the other partially.

Two days later, I received an email inviting me to interview. My interview was scheduled for February 13.

There were three rounds as mentioned in the mail and I had all three rounds on the same day.

NOTE: All rounds are eliminatory.

Technical Round 1 (30–35mins)

The interviewer began by giving a brief introduction about himself and then asked me to introduce myself. Following that, he asked about my projects and previous internship experience before posing a series of coding questions. For each question, I had to write code and explain my approach.

After this, he asked me a question on Object-Oriented Programming.

  • Question: Explain the public static void main

An hour after the interview, I received a call informing me that I had advanced to the next round.

Technical Round 2 (30–35 mins)

The interviewer began with a short introduction and then requested me to introduce myself. He inquired about the projects listed on my resume, asking specifically about the API calls in one project, the APIs used, and their implementation. Additionally, he asked me to elaborate on another project and posed several questions about it. Then he started explaining the coding question:

He asked me to write the entire code and test it against the testcases he provided.

Following that, he asked if I had any questions for him. I took the opportunity to ask several questions that had been on my mind.

After 1 hour, I received another call where they informed me that I was moving to HR round which is at 2 pm.

Hiring Manager (35–40 mins)

This round was completely on my Resume.

The HR inquired about my projects, She asked for an explanation of any one of my projects. I chose to discuss a machine learning project listed on my resume. She then extensively questioned my explanation, probing into the details of the project. She also asked various machine learning-related questions, including how I applied models, their accuracy, and why I selected particular models.

When discussing programming languages, I mentioned Java for data structures and algorithms problem-solving and JavaScript for development. I also had a lot of experience in UI/UX designing, which prompted her to inquire about my approach to UX research based on a given scenario.

Furthermore, she inquired about my two other UI/UX design projects, effectively covering all aspects of my resume.

Later, She asked me if I was interested in a Software engineering intern role or an ML intern role.

Next, She asked if I had any idea about ServiceNow, and what it does.

I had studied about it so I told her all about it. Then, She outlined a scenario that involved developing a new feature for their ticketing system and asked my strategy for implementing it. I detailed my approach, including the research I would conduct and the steps I would take to execute the project.

In the end, I asked her a few questions about the company and what kind of projects interns get to work on.

I received my results the same day around 5 pm.

VERDICT: Selected.

Thank you for reading For any doubts, you can reach me at my LinkedIn.

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