10 Best Tools for Real Time Analytics in Digital Campaigns

Real-time analytics play a huge role in the incessant fast pace of change that is defining the new world of digital marketing. The edge of any campaign avails real time insights in an unending gush, riding on the high and low tides of consumer behaviour. This enables them to pivot strategies at the drop of a hat, ensuring their efforts are aligned with the tides of audience preferences and market dynamics, both of which keep changing ever so frequently.

The ability to monitor, analyze, and make adjustments on the move is critical in keeping them competitive enough in today’s fast-paced digital space. Let’s discover the top 10 best Tools for Real-Time Analytics effectively.

10 Best Tools for Real-Time Analytics in Digital Campaigns

  • Google Analytics
  • Mixpanel
  • Heap Analytics
  • Kissmetrics
  • Cyfe
  • Adobe Analytics
  • Woopra
  • Hotjar
  • Chartbeat
  • Segment

Google Analytics

The first on our list of best Tools for Real Time analytics in digital campaigns is Google Analytics. This digital marketing analytics tool provided by Google assists you by gathering complete information about user behaviour on your site and app. It gives a unique insight regarding machine learning so that one can take the best out of his data.


  • Tracks a specific page or section that is being viewed by the viewer.
  • Shows the number of active numbers on your site or app.
  • Tracks traffic from organic search, social media, referral or direct traffic to identify where your current visitors are coming from.


  • Collects, organizes, and manages your data easily with a variety of integrated tools.
  • Offers multi-platform support: desktop and mobile.


  • Privacy concerns due to extensive data collection
  • Allows users limited control over information, as the data gathered by Google Analytics is owned by Google.


  • Free
  • Analytics 360 – Custom pricing

Link- https://marketingplatform.google.com/about/analytics/


The second on our list of best Tools for Real Time Analytics in digital campaigns is Mixpanel. Mixpanel has been selected as one of the leading providers in real-time, event-based user analytics that offer highly customizable dashboards on user behaviour for deep insights and out-of-the-box functions for marketers to optimally shape strategies on the fly.


  • See exactly where users abandon your app or website, during signup or purchase.
  • Easily export data for further analysis or integration with other tools.
  • Analyze repeat visits and user engagement metrics.


  • Get a detailed picture of each user, including their entire activity history.


  • The user interface is quite intuitive with the Mixpanel software.
  • It can affect your ability to see only a limited amount of historical data, depending on your pricing plan.


  • Free
  • Growth- From $28/month.
  • Enterprise- Custom.

Link- https://mixpanel.com/

Heap Analytics

The third on our list of best tools for Real Time Analytics in digital campaigns is Heap. Heap Analytics is a highly intuitive platform for analytics that automatically records every action of a user on websites and mobile applications. The best in class is its retroactive analysis, which allows companies to make discoveries from their historical data without predefined event tracking.


  • Heap captures all user actions on websites and mobile applications by default, including clicks, form submissions, and page views.
  • Provides visualizations and reports on funnels, cohorts, and retention curves.
  • Users can create their unique dashboards to track only key metrics they need to follow dynamically to see the performance and insights in real time.


  • Heap focuses on data privacy and security in its functionalities, including anonymous data and adherence to standards such as the GDPR for securing user information.
  • Heap regularly updates its platform with new features and improvements.


  • The pricing model is volume-based, which means the cost can expand depending on the increase in usage.
  • Heap relies on third-party platforms and technologies for data collection and processing.


  • Free
  • Growth – Custom
  • Pro – Custom
  • Premier – Custom

Link- https://www.heap.io/


The fourth on our list of best tools for real-time analytics in digital campaigns is kissmetrics. Kissmetrics is a full-fledged customer engagement platform engineered to help businesses apply advanced analytics and behavioural insights to engage customers. It offers deep knowledge of customer behavior thereby helping businesses drive digital marketing optimization.


  • Platform allows businesses to make well-informed, insight-driven actionable decisions while monitoring real-time data.
  • Accurately attributes conversions and revenues back to specific marketing channels.
  • It personalizes the marketing messages and marketing experience to the individual customer’s preferences.


  • Utilizes historical data and algorithms to predict trends and behaviour in the future.
  • Easily integrates with third-party tools and different platforms.


  • the process of setting up and integrating Kissmetrics with the current systems might take time and resources
  • Businesses must ensure compliance with data privacy regulations when collecting and using customer data.


  • Pay-as-you-go system
  • Silver – $199/month
  • Gold- $499/month
  • Platinum- Custom

Link- https://www.kissmetrics.io/


The fifth on our list of best tools for real-time analytics in digital campaigns is Cyfe. Cyfe is an all-in-one business dashboard that allows you to easily monitor and analyze an eclectic confluence of information coming from disparate data points, all in one place. The wide spectrum of features in Cyfe enables a business to gain crucial insights for growth and success.


  • Performs data management by gathering information from multiple sources, including web analytics, social media and more.
  • Cyfe also provides a drag-and-drop approach to customization, in addition to default widgets, which just makes the task of configuration easier.
  • Users can easily set up their alerts and notifications for important events or changes.


  • Cyfe gives support to custom data sources, through which users can upload data from proprietary systems, APIs, and CSV files, among others.
  • Allows sharing of dashboards, collaboration in data analysis, and assignment of roles and permissions in the team.


  • Learning curve for beginners.
  • May encounter challenges integrating specific data sources or platforms not directly supported by the platform.


  • Free trial
  • Starter- $19/month
  • Standard- $29/month
  • Pro- $49/month
  • Premier- $89/month

Link- https://www.cyfe.com/

Adobe Analytics

The sixth on our list of best tools for real-time analytics in digital campaigns is Adobe Analytics. Adobe Analytics, the premium business analytics platform, delivers real-time information that makes it easy to easily integrate all of the other solutions in Adobe Marketing Cloud, enabling businesses to optimally drive growth through the optimization of digital strategies.


  • Offers the capability for predictive analytics based on machine learning and algorithms to predict future trends, behaviours, and outcomes.
  • Businesses can analyze the customer journey from acquisition through the conversion funnel and into retention.
  • Adobe Analytics extends seamlessly into Adobe Marketing Cloud and other Adobe solutions.


  • The platform is highly scalable and flexible.
  • Adobe offers a comprehensive suite of training resources, documentation, and support services to help businesses be successful.


  • Businesses may get overly dependent on the Adobe ecosystem, thus stifling flexibility and interoperability with other platforms or tools.
  • Adobe Analytics might sample large data sets, which might affect the accuracy of the insights.


  • Custom plans

Link- https://business.adobe.com/products/analytics/adobe-analytics.html


The seventh on our list of best tools for real-time analytics in digital campaigns is Woopra. Woopra is a customer analytics platform enabling instant real-time insight into the behaviour of clients from multiple touchpoints. Launched to the public in 2007, Woopra enables businesses to gain a comprehensive understanding of their customers, which helps them personalize their marketing efforts and deepen customer engagement.


  • Forms a unified customer profile across multiple touchpoints, presenting enterprises with a consolidated, holistic view of each of the customer experiences.
  • Woopra leverages these analytics to personalize marketing messages and overall experiences that can align and in turn best serve, customer needs and preferences.
  • Allows us to create automated workflows based on the customer’s action.


  • Offers predictive analytics for the estimation of business trends and customer behaviour based on historical data and patterns.
  • Extremely responsive company with its customer support policy: it offers documentation, tutorials, and dedicated account managers.


  • Free
  • Subscription- $999/month

Link- https://www.woopra.com/


The eighth on our list of best tools for real-time analytics in digital campaigns is Hotjar. Hotjar is a user behaviour analytics software that helps understand in which way visitors interact with any website. With the latest user behaviour and feedback visualizations at their disposal, Hotjar empowers webmasters to make necessary optimizations to their websites for increased user experience, which in turn helps increase engagement and raise conversion rates.


  • Offers visual heat maps of their clicking cursor and scroll usage.
  • Can also watch recordings of each session on the website using this tool
  • It is easy to code it onto the website as well, or it can be attached to different applications such as WordPress, Shopify and more.


  • Provides excellent customer support through documentation and tutorials.
  • Designed to work seamlessly across various devices and screen sizes.


  • Relying heavily on Hotjar for user insights can create a dependency.
  • Using hotjar’s tracking code can potentially slow down website performance.


  • Basic: Free
  • Plus- $32/month.
  • Business: $80/month.
  • Scale: $171/month.

Link- https://www.hotjar.com/


The ninth on our list of best tools for real-time analytics in digital campaigns is Chartbeat. A real-time analytics platform, most commonly used by publishers, Chartbeat monitors metrics such as page views and engagement as they happen to provide instant insights into audience behaviour. Publishers can use Chartbeat to set up customized alerts and have easy-to-understand dashboards at their disposal to optimize their content and keep their audience engaged.


  • Customizable alerts and notifications to inform users about significant changes in traffic or audience
  • Customizable user segmentation audience
  • The user can be able to access more information about the demographics, interests, and behaviours of different sections of her audience.


  • Chartbeat integrates with other analytics software, content management systems, and advertising platforms.
  • Offers customer support services.


  • Data privacy concerns may arise
  • The learning curve for beginners new to real-time analysis.


  • Free
  • Subscription- Custom

Link- https://chartbeat.com/


The final one on our list of best tools for real-time analytics in digital campaigns is Segment. Segment is a CDP that enables businesses to collect, clean, and route customer data to various analytics and marketing tools. It helps businesses with data privacy and compliance with regulations such as GDPR and CCPA.


  • Segment enables businesses to: involve the radical and write collected and cleaned data to the company’s every tool, and record.
  • Track custom events and actions performed by users: sign-up, purchase, clicks, and page views.
  • It also integrates with data warehousing solutions such as Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery, and Snowflake, allowing businesses to centralize:


  • Segment is designed to operate at a scale and pace: handling large volumes of data and traffic while delivering,
  • Provides scalability and reliability for businesses of all sizes.


  • The implementation and configuration of Segment is fairly complex.
  • This CDP is heavily reliant on integrations with third-party tools and platforms.


  • Basic: Free.
  • Team: Starts at $120/month.
  • Business: Custom.

Link- https://segment.com/


The digital marketing world is a fast one and to keep up with the ever-changing dynamics of consumer behaviour as well as the marketplace, real-time analytics act as a compass for marketers. For example, Google Analytics, Mixpanel and Adobe Analytics all provide agility for marketers to switch strategies instantly so that they can be in line with their target audience’s preferences.

Similarly, these tools give the power to collect data insights, analyze them and work on them to make the campaigns a success despite the various other competitive pressures. In tapping into this potential, marketers can steer precisely through the digital landscape while maximizing opportunities and staying ahead of trends.

Best Tools for Real Time Analytics in Digital Campaigns – FAQs

What is real-time analytics in digital marketing?

Real time analytics refers to the process of preparing and measuring data as soon as it enters the database.

What is the real-time system analysis tool?

Real-time analytics tools provide a way to process data as it is produced, enabling businesses to make quick decisions based on Real-time insights.

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