Rapyuta Robotics Interview Experience For Software Engineer Internship (On-Campus)

This was an on-campus opportunity, we got the form to submit our willingness to sit for the company. It was open for all the branches, and there were no CGPA criteria as well.

The first round was the resume shortlisting round, in this all those whose CGPA was above 8, and who had good full stack-based projects were shortlisted.

The online test was of 2.5 hours, and there were three very hard questions, one was based on graph (DFS), one was on DP, and one was system design oops-based implementation questions.

One of the questions was like – you have been given an array of numbers, you have to take the sum of numbers, and find what numbers u should add to this so that the sum can become a Fibonacci number. The test cases were made very critical in this question, and you have to give both O(n) time and space complexity questions.

Another was a graph, which used the extensive concept of strings, and dfs+ graph logic.

Third I dont remember exactly, but it was extensively oops-based.

All those who solved 2 questions, were called for an interview.

They had my intro discussed on my resume for half an hour and asked all the in-depth questions, about the tech stacks I used. Then they moved to ask CS core questions – Explain hashing, Compare hashmap vs hashtable, and Describe the internal workings and time complexity of HashSet and hashmap. Implement two functions for finding the top k frequent numbers in a stream. Then he gave me a problem which was a modified version of the Josephus problem.

Operating Systems:

What is the difference between a process and a thread?

What is a mutex? How it is different from a binary semaphore? He asked me to implement the semaphore using a code as well

Database Management System:

Explain the concept of scalability in detail.

What do you know about database sharding?

Write an SQL query to find the second highest salary in the database.

What is database indexing?

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