Radisys Interview Experience for Software Developer (On-Campus)

This consists of 1 Online Round, 2 Technical rounds, and 1 HR Round.

Round 1: Online Round

Time: 1 hour

  • In the first round, there were 50 questions from the topics Aptitude, Data Structure, C++, Java. There were multiple-choice questions. 
  • As This was an online round so they were very particular about creating stuff which is why they had a very strong exam proctoring system that could watch our video listen to audio and share our screen. 
  • To share the screen they instructed us to install an extension. 

Tips for Round 1: 

  • They didn’t ask very tough questions. Questions were quite easy so everyone was able to solve questions. 
  • To get shortlisted in this round solve maximum questions as everyone would be able to solve and you have to stay ahead of the maximum competition.

Round 2: Technical Round

Time: 60 minutes

In this round, the Interviewer made me very relaxed. He was very polite and good to me. He asked my name and introduction then started to ask questions.

  • I had two projects on my resume so he asked what are my projects which I summed up in 10-12 minutes.
  • Then he asked me a puzzle: if I have been given 10 balls 9 of these are of the same weight but one is heavier how I would find the heavier one. https://www.w3wiki.net/puzzle-10-identical-bottles-pills/  I told him the binary search approach.
  • Then he asked questions from the Operating system from the topics scheduling algorithms, starvation, deadlock. He asked me to tell the difference between process and thread
  • From DBMS, he asked me to write one simple SQL query to find the 4th least paid employee and asked me to explain ACID properties.
  • He asked me few concepts of OOPS and asked me to tell the difference between method overloading and overriding with example moreover he asked whether the main method in java can be overloaded and override or not.
  • Then he asked a coding question which was very easy as I had practiced a lot so this was a very easy question. He asked me to reverse words of a string not the whole string only words and write the code. I told him different approaches and written the code as well.

Then He asked me if I have to ask any question to him. I asked him What is work-life like? He replied very gently.

Tips For Round 2: Prepare these topics well OS, DBMS, OOPS, Coding. 

Round 3: Another Technical Round

Tips: 1 Hour 

  • As in most of the interviews, we are asked about projects and few questions which are always asked so I was prepared for such questions. He asked about the most difficult thing I faced in my project and many other things from the project this discussion took more than 20 minutes. He asked the objective behind the project and He also asked me about college life, college experience, and why I chose this college.
  • He asked me which coding language I have got command so I had done a lot of questions in CPP, I told him I like to code in CPP and know the basics of JAVA.
  • He asked me to explain what happens when we run a program and compile all the phases of it.
  • The same questions I was asked in the second round and again in the third round, what is deadlock but this time he asked me to explain deadlock with real-life examples. I was able to answer this.
  • Again He asked me to ask questions I asked Are rushes to deadlines common? Or is there flexibility?

Tips from 3rd Round: Don’t be very nervous while the Interview round consider it a normal conversation to stay relaxed.

Round 4: HR Round

Tips: 15 Minutes 

This round didn’t; give me much stress as questions were very simple and very short. I had to just introduce myself again and I was selected. They asked me about my college and how I studied, how much I scored in semesters, about my family, about my mother and father, and one common question why do I want to join their organization. 


  • Practice a lot of coding questions with daily consistency. I have been solving questions almost every day. Even if I solve at least one question but I tried not to miss any day. To code daily really helps a lot. I’ve practiced on three platforms. As when I entered college in the first semester I had very weak concepts I didn’t know how to print Hello World I started to practice from Hackerrank.com and solved many problem-solving questions and kept learning DS concepts along with it. Then in the 2nd semester, I switched to GFG and started practicing DS questions. Then before the Interviews, I solved Interviewbit 2 times.
  • I had developed good concepts from DBMS, OS, OOPS, Data Structure.
  • I studied few topics from Computer Network and System Design(Optional)

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