Svaya Robotics Interview Experience

So I was interviewed for software developer role at Svaya Robotics (location : HYDERABAD) , so below are the questions which were asked to me by the technical lead.

  • Starting was a basic question (He asked me to introduce your myself).
  • Then he asked me about my recent projects and few questions were asked based on my project.
  • (Since my project was an android app , he asked me the flow of the app, how the activity moves from one page to another and the internal implementation)
  • Implement an array and Matrix using classes and the size of the array and matrix should be defined in the constructor of their respective classes.
  • Generate random numbers between -5 and 7 using 0’s and 1’s.
  • You have been given a Parent directory , the directory may contain sub-directories and those sub-directories may also contain sub-directories , your task is print all the sub- directories and the files in the directories.(The interviewer asked me to solve it using recursion ).
  • The final question was what makes linked-list different from Array-List? what are the situations where you prefer a linked list over a array-list and vice versa.

These following questions were asked to my friends, and I thought it would be great to share them

  • Rotate an array by k elements
  • Given an number we need to swap the front and last digits without changing the middle digit, if the number have odd digits the middle element is untouched , if the number has even digits then the right most digit is considered as middle.
  • Given a number , convert it into binary and return the sum of power of the binary digits. 

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