Prathisthan Software Ventures Interview Experience

The Interview Process has 3 rounds

1. The JavaScript MCQ Round: Laying the Foundation

The first step in my journey was a multiple-choice question (MCQ) round focused on JavaScript. This phase was designed to assess my fundamental knowledge of the language. Questions ranged from data types to asynchronous programming. Though challenging, it set the tone for the technical rigor that awaited me. I choose javascript, there are also other options available like java, Android development etc.

2.The First Technical Round: Navigating the Code Maze

In the technical interview, I encountered LeetCode-style medium-level questions that truly put my problem-solving skills to the test. What stood out was the incredible support from the interviewers. They patiently guided me when I stumbled and encouraged me to think aloud. Alongside JavaScript, questions about object-oriented programming (OOP), Java, Linux commands, and pattern-related queries kept me on my toes.

3.The Second Technical Round: A Deep Dive into My Abilities

Day two brought another technical round where recursion and dynamic programming (DP) were the stars of the show. While the questions challenged me, the interviewers also delved into my hobbies and interests. This personal touch made the interview feel less like an interrogation and more like a conversation. They even took a keen interest in my past projects, probing into the technical aspects and my contributions.

Throughout the process, I was struck by the warm and interactive nature of the recruiters. They made every effort to ensure I was comfortable and encouraged me to showcase my skills. Their enthusiasm for their work and the company culture was infectious.

My interview experience with Prathistan was nothing short of memorable. From the challenging technical questions to the friendly and supportive recruiters, it was an enlightening journey. Remember, preparation and perseverance are key when embarking on your own interview journey. Good luck!

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