Ongrid Software Interview Experience for Software Engineer(On-Campus)

OnGrid visited our college on 22 October 2020. Due to the covid-19 pandemic, the process was completely virtual. There were three rounds in total.

First Round (MCQ + Coding test): There were 14 MCQ questions which consist of aptitude plus technical. The MCQ questions have a negative marking of -1. Then there were 4 coding questions out of which 1 was of easy level, 2 of the medium, and 1 of the hard level.  The whole test was conducted on HackerEarth platform and the total time allotted to complete the test was 2 hr.

15 out of 224 students get shortlisted for the second round. The shortlisting was completely based on test performance. Those who were able to solve 1 hard and 1 medium level question were shortlisted.

Second Round (Technical Interview): This round was conducted on the google meet platform. The round starts with a short introduction of myself. After an introduction series of coding questions were asked which are as follows.

  1. You are given an even integer greater than 2 and you have to return that number as a sum of two prime numbers.


    Input: 74
    Output: 3 71
  2. You are given a binary tree consisting of positive as well as negative integers. You have to return the maximum sum path between two leaves.

  3. You only have to give an algorithm for finding the Median of the Stream of Running Integers.

  4. You have to write a complete code for dividing the array into k subarray of equal sum if possible and if not possible just return -1.

  5. It was a puzzle stating that you have 100 coins and you have to divide those 100 coins among 5 pirates given some condition. The division should be such that the senior-most pirate will have the maximum number of coins in last.

    I was able to solve all the questions in the most optimal way that was possible. The interviewer was of a very kind nature. In the start I was feeling nervous, but she was so nice that after 10 minutes I felt really comfortable with her throughout the process. In last she was really impressed as I gave optimal solutions to every question in the first attempt.

5 out of 15 were shortlisted for Third Round 

Third Round (HR+Technical): This round was also conducted on google meet and the interviewer was Tech Head at Ongrid. He started with a brief intro about him and the company and it lasted for about 20 min. Then he gave me a coding question that was of a really hard level. I only have to give the approach.

  • Ques: You are given a circular integer array consisting of positive integers. The operation on an array element was defined as: The ith element of the array can be replaced with bitwise OR of (i+1)th and (i-1)th element. 


    1st element will be replaced with bitwise 
    OR of (n-1)th and 2nd element.
    2nd element will be replaced with bitwise 
    OR of 1st and 3rd element.

    Now we have to apply this operation on every element of the array exactly once and in any possible order such that after the operation the bitwise OR of every element of the array will be equal to k.

    You have to return that order.

    Input: 2 1 6  , k=6

    I was able to give the approach. The interviewer was very helpful. He helped me a lot to get to the final solution.

After the completion of this round, I received a message saying Congratulation! You are selected. Rest 4 students were asked to wait till evening for the final result.

In the evening, finally, 3 out of 5 were selected for the FTE role, and I was one of them.

I will suggest you guys who are reading this to completely go through your resume as they didn’t ask me for that but it will be great if you know your resume very well.

Be confident at what you answer and try to interact with the interviewer as it really made an impression on the interviewer.

NOTE: Always stick to your routine and your hard work. There will be many rejections, many failures that may demotivate you to stop trying for further process. But believe me, I gave more than 10 test and in spite of performing well in the test, I was not able to get shortlisted and many times I did not even get a chance to sit for a test just because of low GPA. If still I get shortlisted for an interview there used to be some shortcomings from my side. But I tried every single day and improved better and better. OnGrid arrived at the right time and I gave my best shot full of my potential without even thinking of what the result will.

So just be patient and always have a positive outlook for your efforts. You will surely get what you want and what you deserve.

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