Political Theory – Major Aspects, Scope, Relevance, and Parameter

Political theory investigates the use of different rules and regulations within our society for a more balanced and protective environment. It talks about different moral codes such as freedom, equality, and justice for all.

In this, we study politics, its concepts, and the historical recording done with amendments followed in time. The main reason behind studying this is to make citizens rationally aware of what’s acceptable on the social front and, with this awareness, handle the given political problem or events effectively. Here in this article, you will get to know about Political Theory and its Major Aspects, Scope, Relevance, and Parameter.

Political Theories

Table of Content

  • Major Study Through Flow Chart
  • Major Aspects of Political Theory
  • Scope of Political Theory
  • Relevance of Political Theory
  • Parameters of Political Theory
  • Relevant for All Groups
  • Political Theory in Practice

Major Study Through Flow Chart

Political theory consists of these five major subjects to be studied.

Human-related: public equality, laws, etc.

Governmental and national: includes elections, national government, state, local, and regional governments

International Relationships: interaction between countries, causes of war, foreign policies, etc.

Political Dynamics: working of the Constitution, legal system, civil rights, maintenance of discipline, etc.

Political philosophy: understanding the workings of civil rights, health, education, a protective environment, etc.

Major Aspects of Political Theory

  • It’s a study that tries to explain, describe, and investigate political aspects.
  • Cover limited aspects within politics only: influence of politics in people’s lives, choice of candidates, and expectations people have.
  • Theories try to form a fair state by staying with the methods of the past.
  • Covers both the perspective and explanation aspects.
  • From a political point of view, it tries to take in social, psychological, moral, economical, and ecological aspects as well.

Scope of Political Theory

  • It includes principles and ideas contributing to constitutions, governments, and social life.
  • It also explains the meaning of notions like freedom, justice, equality, etc.
  • It describes the meaning of ideas like separation of power, judicial review, etc. by studying arguments presented by different thinkers (people with different opinions) in defense of these concepts.
  • Theorists reflect on current political applications and also discuss future possibilities.
  • Marx, Rousseau, and Gandhi’s ideas spread worldwide as influential politics.

Relevance of Political Theory

Political theory is highly relevant as it serves as the foundation for understanding, analyzing, and critiquing political systems, structures, and practices. Here are several reasons why political theory is important:

  • Guidance
  • Understand politics
  • Critique and reforms
  • Policy development
  • Democracy

Parameters of Political Theory

Freedom and equality

  • Matters related to fairness, opportunities, government rules, etc. in different public areas along with the execution of rules.

For example, while balance may occur in political spares as equal freedom, it might not be similar in money and social spares.

  • Fundamental rights are guaranteed by the Constitution of India, with regular modifications as per changing times and situations.


1. The right to life includes not only saving one’s life from harm but also creating opportunities to support a better living standard.

2. The right to education includes getting a proper education by allowing admission on the basis of different quotas too, as the government wants to make education accessible to all.

Relevant for All Groups

For Citizens

  • It is vitally important for the citizens to behave responsibly, which will ultimately form society.
  • Citizens could provide their views on different levels, such as the Gram Sabha, local body meetings, etc. It’s highly important for the citizens to have basic knowledge to form an opinion and views on related matters.
  • A politically aware individual who participates more in politics with a positive outlook.

Modern Human Values

  • Citizens face intolerance in various places, like families, schools, universities, etc., in their day-to-day lives.
  • Discrimination is used against people who are different on any grounds.
  • These theories also help us to review our ideologies and feelings on political issues.

Political Theory in Practice

Terms under this theory are related to the association between people and opinions, which are needed to understand and build harmony.

  • It gives equal opportunities to all, but in special situations, some special treatments are justified.
  • People are not exploited and face no disadvantage in monetary terms.
  • Equality interpretation is done as per the situation and context.
  • It helps clarify the actual interpretation of political concepts, understanding them, and their use in daily life.

Theories also discuss and examine various meanings and opinions in order.


In conclusion, political theory includes values and codes for freedom, equality, justice etc. In the above article, we have provided complete information about the major aspects, scope, relevance, and parameters of political theory.

FAQ’s on Political Theory

Q 1. What is political theory?

Political theory is a field of study that explores ideas, concepts, and principles related to politics, governance, and society. It seeks to understand and analyze political phenomena, institutions, and practices.

Q 2. What is the difference between political theory and political philosophy?

While these terms are sometimes used interchangeably, political theory often refers to a more systematic and academic approach, while political philosophy may encompass a broader range of speculative or philosophical inquiries into politics.

Q 3. How does political theory relate to real-world politics?

Political theory provides frameworks for understanding and evaluating political practices. It informs political ideologies, public policies, and debates, helping to shape the discourse around issues like democracy, rights, and governance.

Q 4. How does feminism intersect with political theory?

Feminist political theory examines how gender shapes political power, institutions, and ideologies. It critiques traditional political theories for often neglecting or marginalizing women’s experiences and advocates for gender equality.

Q 5. How does feminism intersect with political theory?

Feminist political theory examines how gender shapes political power, institutions, and ideologies. It critiques traditional political theories for often neglecting or marginalizing women’s experiences and advocates for gender equality.

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