Nainital Bank Interview Experience for Management Trainee

Nainital Bank Management Trainee interview was on Regional Office Dehradun, Uttarakhand.The reporting time was 9AM. After reporting they called for DV(documents verification) and called for interview one by one. Interview panel is of 3 members.

First enter the room and wish every member . They said please site​

1. Introduce yourself

2. Ask why banking after engineering

3. Want is banking

4. Do you interest rate of our bank in FD

5. Who is regulatory authority of insurance sector.

6. What LPG reform.

7. What is TDS.

8. At what percentage TDS is deducted.

9. What is GIFT city.

10. What is UPI lite

11. Are you aware that bank of Baroda start selling majority of stake in Nainital Bank ,are you still want to join.

Then they said you may go now.


Language of interview is Hindi. Introduction is given by me in English then they ask all questions in Hindi so I gave all answers in Hindi.

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