My Journey of IIT-JEE Preparation


Hey there, Assuming you just got passed out from 10th, and are now looking to enter the competitive world of IIT-JEE, I welcome you to your first obstacle, actually pre-obstacle because your 2 years are just getting started- Which Coaching is the best? I have gone through this phase and started my preparation right from the 11th. I am a first-year CSE student and this was my world 2 years ago, soon it’s going to be yours, so allow me to share my experience so that you can get a smooth start.

Online and Offline:

This is an important question as well as a parameter that will help you to tune out your further decisions. Let’s go through some set of conditions and if you satisfy these, you shouldn’t waste your time reading the rest of the article and immediately start your enrolling procedures for offline coaching because time is crucial now.

  • You are presiding in an area with prominent and established chains of offline coaching like FITJEE, VMC, etc.
  • Your travel time is not much considering traffic and other factors.
  • You have strong basics or have a fundamental approach, at least have a basic intuitive logic.
  • You need someone to keep a check on you.
  • You are not self-motivated.

You should go for offline coaching, but it’s a big one, if you don’t live in a convenient proximity or the coaching in itself isn’t very established then continue reading the article for some insights on online coaching.

Online Coaching:

There are a lot of things that one should know before joining online coaching for competitive exams like JEE, we will break into what you will get and what you will not, and this will be regarding the coaching I took for my preparation, which was Vedantu.

What you will get

  • Time and lots of it, the classes have a good schedule having 2 subjects each day of 1.5 hours each day initially, minor changes keep happening but more or less this pattern remains. After the classes, you get sufficient time for self-study and practice.
  • You can access recorded lectures, a feature that offline institutes are also providing, online ones certainly have an upper hand in terms of quality and delivery.
  • The convenience of home, which comes in handy when you are sick or not immediately present in your study room, you can attend lectures from your phone anywhere, be it the bed, the couch or the school bus.
  • Lesser Distractions, though this could play out in both ways depending on the kind of individual you are. You are less likely to have street food in your breaks than when you are in your house, and less likely to go to an outing after coaching ends than when you are sitting in your study room.

What will you not get?

  • The sense of competition is different when you see the competition in front of you hundreds of kids in classes, many of them getting the right answers before you than when you see them on a screen typing answers.
  • You can’t open YouTube on the side when you are sitting in a real class, you have to pay attention no matter what, attention span is certainly greater offline.
  • In-person interaction with the teacher is invaluable and truly absent online.
  • Discussions with peers, though perfectly capable of happening online, offline discussions are proven far more effective.
  • Reality check of your actual position, your preparation, sad to say is poor in online because you dont know the honesty of students who take tests or assignments, they can easily cheat from the internet.

Neutral Points

  • Doubt solving however can vary, online as well as offline I believe good institutions take this very seriously. Vedantu had a good one.
  • The mentorship online might be better in quality and reach but offline always gets the points for being in person which seems to be more effective with some people.
  • Quality and content and study material have no effect be it from online or offline, your practice makes it one.


I will make it simple; if you can afford and live in places where there are good offline centres, without any doubt go for it and start your preparation, but your situation is otherwise, many people have cracked it from online coaching as well you will only add up in that list. This is a personal view about both these aspects and your personality matters a lot so, ultimately what is going to matter is your resolve to ace the exam, your hard work and your dedication so this should be the last time you think about your coaching, make a wise decision and start buddy. All the best!

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