List of Least Crime Countries in the World 2024

The list of least crime countries in the world includes different countries, mostly from the continent of Europe and Asia. Iceland has the lowest crime rate in the world. After Iceland countries like Portugal and New Zealand have the lowest murder rate. These are the top three countries with the least crime per capita. This list of least-crime countries in the world also includes countries like Austria, Denmark, Canada, Singapore, Japan, and Switzerland.

Countries like Denmark, Iceland, Portugal, Switzerland Czech Republic, etc have the least crime rate. Asian countries like Japan and Singapore are also part of the list of least crime countries with their strict laws, cultural respect, and well-trained police force. Canada and New Zealand also secured a position in this list with their remarkable laws for safety in the country.

List of Least Crime Countries in the World

The world is filled with some of the most dangerous countries with no law enforcement. However, there are still many countries with low crime rates. The peace percentage of a country is analyzed using the global peace index which depends on factors like the size of the population, standard of living, and social values. Let’s discuss some countries in detail-

Name of Country

Murder rate per capita



New Zealand












Czech Republic







According to the Global Peace Index Iceland is the safest country with the least crime in the world.

  • Iceland has a murder rate of 0.3 percent.
  • In Iceland, police officers do not carry arms and only rely on things like pepper spray to tackle problems.
  • Iceland also has equal pay for men and women. It also has laws for religious freedom and allows same-sex marriage.
  • This shows Iceland’s commitment to equality and also decreases the chance of crimes in the country.

New Zealand

New Zealand is second on the list of least crime countries and experiences fewer violent incidents in comparison to many cities in the world-

  • Same as Iceland the police in New Zealand also do not carry arms.
  • The law of the country gives freedom of speech to both tourists and its citizens
  • The small population of New Zealand also made it easy for the government to manage.
  • The government of New Zealand is also stable politically.
  • Its geographical location also helps in the maintenance of peace in New Zealand. As it is covered by water from all sides it is safe from any kind of external threat.


Portugal ranks third on the list of least crime countries globally. The country maintains a safe environment in the following way

  • Portugal has increased the number of police officers to maintain peace in the country.
  • There is low income inequality in Portugal which makes it a safe country.
  • Portugal also has strong laws for protecting rights and minimizing corruption. All this makes Portugal a stable country to live in.
  • Portugal is also a popular place for holidays due to its safety level.


Austria ranks fourth on the list of least crime countries globally. It has a low crime rate and Crimes like property and violent crimes are a rare occurrence due to reasons like-

  • Austria has a stable economy.
  • Residents of Austria have few economic problems.
  • The government of Austria is politically stable.
  • But if you are a tourist visiting Austria be alert about your belongings as you might face purse snatchers and pickpockets.
  • Contemporarily Austria has become welcoming and secure for tourists and residents by successfully avoiding major terrorist acts.


Denmark has secured fifth position in the list according to the Global Peace Index due to reasons like-

  • Denmark has a sense of security.
  • Denmark has low corruption in business and politics.
  • The government of Denmark is committed to welfare and equality among its citizens.
  • Denmark gives free education and health care to its citizens. It also provides free help for elders.
  • All these things make Denmark a safe country for all. However, one must keep in mind that everyone has a different experience and safety is not permanent.


Canada ranks sixth on the list globally, which depends on various factors like political stability, good social climate, and low crime rates.

  • As a diverse and multicultural society, Canada has high tolerance and unity among its citizens.
  • It has a strong rule of law, an excellent education system, a good police force, and a social welfare system that adds to the safety and peace of the country by preventing crime.
  • The foreign policy of Canada also contributes toward the peace of the country.
  • Even with a diverse population, Canada is a friendly country.
  • The country’s low conflicts, internal peace, and many job opportunities make it a safe place for the residents of the country.


Singapore has a murder rate of 0.2 percent due to which it has secured a position in the list of least crime countries in the world. It has secured this position due to

  • Singapore has strict laws against crime and theft. It has a zero-tolerance policy for crime.
  • Singapore also has a strong police force.
  • The gun laws of Singapore are made to ensure the safety of both residents and tourists.
  • Singapore also has strong cultural respect for laws.
  • Singapore’s environment allows you to have a sense of security and safety which makes it a pleasant city to live in.

Czech Republic

The Czech Republic ranks eighth on the list of least crime countries and is an amazing place to live and raise a family. It also has fairly few natural disasters and little to no acts of terrorism.

  • The Czech Republic has a well-trained police force.
  • The Czech Republic also has a good security system and a maintained transportation system.
  • The Czech Republic is also a member of NATO and has strict laws for carrying a gun.
  • The crime rate in the Czech Republic is decreasing day by day, making it the safest in Europe.
  • The Czech Republic also provides state health insurance, which makes it a secure and good place to live.


Japan is ninth on the list with a murder rate of 0.3 per capita, and it stands out as the safest country in its region.

  • With neighbors like China and North Korea, Japan has successfully established itself as a secure, safe, and economically stable nation.
  • Japan is the safest country in Asia after Singapore.
  • The Japanese government has also installed CCTV and metal detectors in public spaces for security purposes.
  • Japan also has strict laws on carrying a gun.
  • The culture of Japan also contributes to the safety of the country.


Switzerland is placed tenth on the list according to the global peace index, with various factors like democratic government, low crime rate, and stable economy playing key roles

  • Switzerland last participated in the war in 1815. This shows its commitment to peace.
  • Recently it was forced to side with NATO against Russia as a member nation in the Ukraine-Russia war.
  • Although many people in Switzerland carry guns, gun-related crimes are very low due to its strict laws.
  • Switzerland also has a very strong passport and is also part of the European Union.
  • The strict regulations in Switzerland make it a safe place for its residents and tourists

Conclusion: Least Crime Countries in the World

At last, it can be said that all of these countries with low crime rates have some common factors like commitment to peace, a stable political system, a stable economy, and effective law enforcement. Whether it’s Iceland at the top or Switzerland, all their commitments to national safety and neutrality are the same. All have strong gun regulations and laws promoting equality among their citizens and allowing tourists to enjoy security while visiting. Other factors, like the geographical location of some countries, also contribute to the peace and safety of these countries.

FAQs on Least Crime Countries in the World

What is Canada ranked in safety?

Canada ranks sixth on the list globally, which depends on factors like political stability, a good social climate, and low crime rates. As a diverse and multicultural society, Canada has high tolerance and unity among its citizens.

What is the average crime rate in Iceland?

The average crime rate in Iceland is 22.26%, which is considered very low. The crime rate is calculated by the number of murders, bribery, drug dealing, thieving, and corruption in the country.

Which country has the least crime?

According the the Global Peace Index Iceland is the safest country with the least crime in the world. It has a murder rate of 0.3 percent.

Name the least crime countries in the world.

The least crime countries in the world are Iceland, Portugal, Denmark, the Czech Republic, Japan, Canada, New Zealand, Austria, Portugal, Singapore, etc.

Which Asian country is the safest in the world?

Singapore is in the top spot with the lowest crime rate among the countries in Asia. It has a murder rate of 0.2 percent, which makes it a safe place for its citizens.

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