List of Muslim Countries in the World 2024 with Number of Population

There are 57 Muslim countries in the world, according to the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation’s (OIC) member list. Among these, 49 countries have a Muslim-majority population. These nations, which span from the vibrant towns of Southeast Asia to the deserts of North Africa, have distinct Muslim-majority civilizations.

They extend from the Atlantic to the Pacific, sharing a wide variety of cultures, languages, and traditions united by their common belief in Islam. Despite having extremely different governmental structures, social customs, and economic contexts, these countries are still bound by a common Islamic history. They have a significant collective impact on geopolitics, history, and culture. In this article, we will look into the List of Muslim countries in the world along with their continent, population, and geography.

Middle East – Muslim Majority Region

Table of Content

  • Islam – Muslim Religion
  • List of Muslim Countries in The World With Population
  • Countries with the Highest Number of Muslims (as of 2023)
  • Countries with the Highest Percentage of Muslims (as of 2023)
  • Muslim Countries in The World

Islam – Muslim Religion

Islam is a monotheistic religion centered on the belief in one God, Allah, and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, considered the last and most perfect prophet of God. Its followers, known as Muslims, believe in the Quran, a holy book believed to be the literal word of God revealed to Muhammad, and the teachings and practices found in the Sunnah, which recounts the sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad.

List of Muslim Countries in The World With Population

A list of the Muslim countries in the world is given below, along with their latest population data:


Population (Approx.)


39 million


2.9 million


44 million


10 million


1.7 million


166 million


12 million


0.4 million

Burkina Faso

21 million


27 million


16 million


0.9 million


1 million


104 million


2.2 million


2.4 million


13.53 million


2.1 million


0.8 million


273 million


83 million


41 million

Ivory Coast

27 million


10 million


19 million


4.3 million


6.7 million


6.8 million


7 million


32 million


0.5 million


20 million


4.7 million


37 million


31 million


25 million


206 million


4.9 million


225 million


5.2 million


2.9 million

Saudi Arabia

35 million


17 million

Sierra Leone

8 million


15 million


44 million


0.6 million


17 million


9.6 million


8.3 million


12 million


84 million


6 million


47 million

United Arab Emirates

9.3 million


34 million


31 million

Top 10 Countries with the Highest Number of Muslims Population 2024

The below table provides the list of countries with the highest number of Muslims along with the population:

Country Muslim Population
Indonesia 231,506,000
Pakistan 212,545,000
India 200,000,000
Bangladesh 148,630,000
Nigeria 98,558,000
Egypt 94,776,000
Iran 82,000,000
Turkey 74,915,000
Algeria 34,890,000
Morocco 33,240,000

Countries with the Highest Percentage of Muslims 2024

The below table provides the list of countries with the highest percentage of Muslims along with the population %:

Country Muslim %
Iran 96.29%
Pakistan 96.22%
Egypt 90.87%
Morocco 89.57%
Bangladesh 88.87%
Turkey 88.83%
Indonesia 84.64%
Algeria 76.82%
Somalia 99.7%
Mauritania 99.0%

Muslim Countries in The World 2024

The Muslim countries in the world are described as follows:

1. Afghanistan: Located in South Asia, Afghanistan faces challenges due to the Taliban conflict. Its rich cultural heritage has been influenced by traditions from Central Asia, India, and Persia.

2. Albania: Situated in Southeast Europe, Albania has a multicultural mix with its Islamic past, preserving historical sites and traditions while also improving the economy.

3. Algeria: Having huge natural resources, Algeria is the largest country in North Africa. Its economy is based on oil and gas, and Arab-Berber traditions have influenced its culture.

4. Azerbaijan: This nation, which lies between Europe and Asia, depends heavily on oil. The traditional music and architecture of the area are influenced by Turkic and Persian cultures.

5. Bahrain: Bahrain is a country in the Gulf that achieves a balance between modernity and Islamic traditions. Although the culture is diverse and rich, the economy depends heavily on finance and oil.

6. Bangladesh: Bangladesh is a highly populated country in South Asia. The culture is a mix of South Asian traditions, and the economy depends on agriculture and textiles.

7. Benin: The economy of this West African nation is based mostly on agriculture. The diverse culture is influenced by both French colonial history and Vodun traditions.

8. Brunei: Located on Borneo Island, Brunei’s economy is based mainly on oil. Both Islamic and Malay customs have an impact on the culture.

9. Burkina Faso: Burkina Faso is a landlocked country in West Africa that struggles economically. There is a lot of traditional dance and music in its culture.

10. Cameroon: This country in Central Africa has a variety of scenery. With more than 250 different ethnic groups, it maintains a diverse cultural texture despite facing financial difficulties.

11. Chad: A landlocked nation in Central Africa, Chad relies mainly on agriculture. Its rich cultural heritage is influenced by Arab and Sub-Saharan African customs.

12. Comoros: This island nation in the Indian Ocean is mostly dependent on agriculture. The culture is a blend of French, African, and Arab influences.

13. Djibouti: A strategically important country in East Africa, commerce and services are the primary sources of the country’s economy. Arab, Somali, and Afar traditions all had an impact on the culture.

14. Egypt: A centre of culture and history in North Africa. Agriculture and tourism are two of the main sectors of the economy.

15. Gabon: Oil is the main source of income for this Central African nation. The Bantu ethnic group and the legacy of French colonisation have an impact on the culture.

16. Gambia: The little West African country’s economy is based mostly on tourism and agriculture. Many ethnic groups have left their mark on the culture, which is diverse.

17. Guinea: Mining is the main industry in Guinea, which is located on Africa’s west coast. There is a lot of dance and music in the culture.

18. Guinea-Bissau: This coastal nation in West Africa is struggling economically. Indigenous customs and Portuguese colonial history have an impact on the culture.

19. Guyana: The country’s economy in South America is based mostly on natural resources and agriculture. A blend of indigenous, African, and Indian customs contributes to the culture’s diversity.

20. Indonesia: Located in Southeast Asia, Indonesia is the largest archipelago globally. The culture is a fusion of Javanese, Malay, and other ethnic traditions, and the economy is diverse.

21. Iran: Among the Middle East’s most diversified economies, Iran is heavily dependent on oil. The Islamic and Persian traditions are deeply rooted in the culture.

22. Iraq: Iraq is the most oil-dependent economy in the Middle East. The varied culture is influenced by Arab and old Mesopotamian traditions.

24. Jordan: This Middle Eastern country’s economy is struggling. The old Arab and Nabatean traditions have an impact on the culture.

25. Kazakhstan: The economy of this Central Asian nation is heavily dependent on natural resources. The Turkic and nomadic traditions are reflected in the culture.

26. Kuwait: Kuwait is an oil-dependent country in the Arabian Peninsula. Arab traditions and Bedouin culture have an impact on society.

27. Kyrgyzstan: The country in Central Asia has an agriculture-based economy. The Turkic and nomadic customs are reflected in the culture.

28. Lebanon: The Mediterranean nation’s economy is dealing with difficulties. The culture is broad, combining elements of Arab, French, and Phoenician traditions.

29. Libya: The country’s economy is based mostly on oil in North Africa. Traditions from both the Arab and Berber cultures are present.

30. Malaysia: Located in Southeast Asia, Malaysia has a diversified economy. A combination of Malay, Chinese, Indian, and indigenous practices make up the culture.

31. Maldives: The Maldives, located in the Indian Ocean, rely heavily on tourism. Traditions from the Arab and South Asian cultures have an impact on it.

32. Mali: The economy of this West African nation is struggling. The heritage of the Mali Empire is deeply rooted in its culture.

33. Mauritania: Mauritania’s economy is dealing with difficulties in West Africa. Arab-Berber and Sub-Saharan African customs appear in the culture.

34. Morocco: Morocco has one of the most diversified economies in North Africa. Traditions from France, the Arab world, and Berber people affect the culture.

35. Mozambique: The country in Southeast Africa is mostly dependent on agriculture. The culture is broad, combining Portuguese and indigenous customs.

36. Niger: The country in West Africa has a largely agricultural economy. A wide range of ethnic groups have an impact on the culture.

37. Nigeria: The economy of Nigeria is the most diverse in West Africa. The rich artistic heritage of the civilization is combined with a fusion of ethnic traditions.

38. Oman: Oman is an Arabian Peninsula nation with a varied economy. Arab customs and Bedouin culture have an impact on society.

39. Pakistan: The country has one of the most diversified economies in South Asia. The traditions of Islam, Persia, and South Asia are blended to create the culture.

40. Palestine: Palestine has difficulties in the Middle East. Traditions from the Arab and Palestinian peoples influence the culture.

41. Qatar: Qatar’s economy is one of the most diversified on the Arabian Peninsula. Arab customs and Bedouin culture have an impact on society.

42. Saudi Arabia: The country’s economy is based mostly on oil production on the Arabian Peninsula. Islamic customs are deeply rooted in the culture.

43. Senegal: Senegal has the most diversified economy in West Africa. There is a Wolof, Sufi, and French impact on the culture.

44. Sierra Leone: The country’s economy is struggling in West Africa. There are influences from many different ethnic groups on the varied culture.

45. Somalia: The economy of this East African nation is struggling. Arab and Somali customs have an impact on the culture.

46. Sudan: The country’s economy is having difficulties in North Africa. African, Arab, and Nubian customs are all reflected in the culture.

47. Suriname: The economy of Suriname represents an example of diversity in South America. The customs are a mixture of Indian, African, and Dutch cultures.

48. Syria: Syria faces terrorism challenges across the Middle East. The Islamic and ancient traditions are rich in culture.

49. Tajikistan: The country in Central Asia has an agricultural-based economy. The traditions of Central Asia and Persia are reflected in the culture.

50. Togo: The economy of Togo is the most varied in West Africa. The traditions of the Ewe and Kabye have an impact on the culture.

51. Tunisia: The economy of Tunisia is the most varied in North Africa. Ancient French, Arab, and Carthaginian practices have influenced the culture.

52. Turkey: This nation, which connects Europe and Asia, has a diversified economy. The culture is a synthesis of Islamic, Turkic, and Ottoman traditions.

53. Turkmenistan: The country’s economy in Central Asia is based primarily on natural gas. The Turkic and nomadic customs are reflected in the culture.

54. Uganda: Uganda has the most diversified economy in East Africa. A multitude of ethnic groups have an impact on the culture.

55. United Arab Emirates (UAE): The UAE is a nation on the Arabian Peninsula with a diversified economy. The traditions of the Bedouins and expats have an impact on the culture.

56. Uzbekistan: The country’s economy in Central Asia is centred on natural resources and agriculture. Turkic and Persian customs are reflected in the culture.

57. Yemen: Yemen is a country on the Arabian Peninsula that has humanitarian issues. The Islamic and old Arabian traditions form the foundation of the culture.

Conclusion – List of Muslim Countries of the World

Muslim nations contribute a variety of cultures, economics, and viewpoints to the global platform, making them valuable. These countries demonstrate resilience and progress in the face of several challenges, such as political instability and economic disparities. Muslim-majority countries have a rich history and traditions, highlighting their importance in creating the global cultural fabric. To address common global concerns, it is becoming more and more important to promote cooperation and mutual comprehension among these states as globalisation progresses. A more harmonious and interconnected world can be achieved by embracing differences and encouraging communication.

FAQs on List of Muslim Countries of the World

How many Muslim countries are there in the world?

There are 57 Muslim countries in the world.

What are the 57 Muslim countries?

Afghanistan, Albania, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Benin, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Brunei Darussalam, Burkina Faso, Algeria, Djibouti, Chad, Indonesia, Morocco, Cote d’Ivoire, Palestine, Gabon, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Guyana, Iraq, Iran, Cameroon, Qatar, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the Comoros, Kuwait, Libya, Lebanon, Maldives, Malaysia, Mali, Egypt, Mauritania, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somali, Sudan, Surinam, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, Togo, Tunisia, Türkiye, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Oman, Jordan, Yemen.

What is a 100% Muslim country?

The 100% Muslim country is the country having 100% Muslim population.

What Countries are 99% Muslim?

Somalia – 99.8%, Tunisia – 99.8%, Afghanistan – 99.6%, Iran – 99.4%, Turkey – 99.2%, Yemen – 99.1%

Which Country has no Muslims?

Japan, Laos, Bhutan, Armenia, and North Korea have no Muslims.

Which Country has the most Muslims?

Indonesia has the largest Muslim population.

What Country has no mosque?

Bhutan, Monaco and Slovakia have no mosque.

How many Muslims are there in India?

Approximately 204 million Muslim population in India.

What is the percentage of Muslims?

Around 90% of Muslims in the world are Sunni Muslims.

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