List of Top 10 Least Corrupt Countries In The World

The top 10 Least Corrupt Countries in the World are Denmark, Finland, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Netherlands, Germany, and Luxembourg.

According to the 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) released by Transparency International, most of the countries made little to no progress in tackling corruption in the public sector, and the CPI global average remained unchanged at 43 for the twelfth consecutive year.

In this article, we have provided the list of top 10 least corrupt countries in the World, with their CPI Score.

Table of Content

  • About the Least Corrupt Countries in The World
  • Top 10 Least Corrupt Countries in The World
  • Tenth Least Corrupt Country in the World – Ireland
  • Ninth Least Corrupt Country in the World – Germany
  • Eighth Least Corrupt Country in the World – Netherlands
  • Seventh Least Corrupt Country in the World – Switzerland
  • Sixth Least Corrupt Country in the World – Singapore
  • Fifth Least Corrupt Country in the World – Sweden
  • Fourth Least Corrupt Country in the World – Norway
  • Third Least Corrupt Country in the World – New Zealand
  • Second Least Corrupt Country in the World – Finland
  • Least Corrupt Corrupt Country in the World – Denmark

About the Least Corrupt Countries in The World

In 2023, Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index ranked Denmark, Finland, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, and Sweden as the least corrupt countries. These nations are recognized for their strong anti-corruption measures, strong institutions, and accountability. The CPI defines corruption as an “abuse of entrusted power for private gain” and reflects the perceived levels of corruption. It ranks 180 countries on a scale from 0 (highly corrupt) to 100 (very clean).

  • Syria, South Sudan, and Venezuela are the most corrupt countries in the world, scoring 13 on the Corruption Perceptions Index. Somalia also scores 11 on the index
  • Since 2017, ten countries have significantly declined on their CPI scores: The significant decliners are:Luxembourg (77), Canada (74), the United Kingdom (73), Austria (71), Malaysia (47), Mongolia (33), Pakistan (27), Honduras (23), Nicaragua (19) and Haiti (17)
  • Eight countries improved on the CPI during that same period: These are: Ireland (77), South Korea (63), Armenia (46), Vietnam (42), the Maldives (40), Moldova (39), Angola (33) and Uzbekistan (31)

Top 10 Least Corrupt Countries in The World

The list of the top 10 least corrupt countries in the world based on the Corruption Perceptions Index is given below.

Rank Nation or Territory CPI 2023 Score
1 Denmark 90
2 Finland 87
2 New Zealand 87
4 Norway 84
5 Sweden 83
5 Singapore 83
7 Switzerland 82
8 Netherlands 80
9 Germany 79
10 Ireland 77

Tenth Least Corrupt Country in the World – Ireland

According to Transparency International’s 2022 Corruption Perceptions Index, Ireland ranks 10th out of 180 countries. It is the first time the Republic has been placed in the top 10 by the Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index since the index was first published in 1995. The country outranked Australia (13th), Canada (14th) and the UK (20).

  • Ireland has experienced relatively few corruption-related scandals over the past five years.
  • In the ’80s and ’90s, corruption was systemic in local government and politics.
  • In 2012 reforms were started that aimed at addressing corruption in the public sector, for example, it proposed prison terms of up to 10 years for government members or civil servants involved in corrupt acts.
  • Transparency International Ireland urges the government to adopt the UN Convention against Corruption and plans to share recommendations for fighting corruption in a study later this year.

Ninth Least Corrupt Country in the World – Germany

According to Transparency International’s 2022 Corruption Perceptions Index, Germany is the 9th least corrupt country among 180 countries.  A higher score indicates a perception of a clean and more honest public sector.

  • According to a Freedom House report, Germany has a strong anti-corruption framework, and is able to prevent corruption in state bodies. German law prohibits giving, offering, promising, taking, demanding, or accepting bribes.
  • As per the World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report German business executives find tax regulations and restrictive labor regulations as the most problematic factors for doing business. Trust in the ethical standards of politicians is relatively high, and irregular payments or bribes in public services are reported to be rare.
  • Transparency International’s Global Corruption Barometer reveals that in Germany, political parties and businesses are seen as the most corrupt institutions. However, corruption is less common compared to other European countries.

Eighth Least Corrupt Country in the World – Netherlands

On Transparency International’s 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index, the Netherlands scored 79. The country is known for having minimal corruption across major sectors including the judiciary, police, business, and politics. Within the European Union, Netherland is considered one of the least corrupt.

  • The report by Transparency International Netherlands highlights the country’s strong foundations, including an independent judiciary, effective anti-corruption mechanisms, and a culture of trust.
  • The Netherlands has a transparent public administration that holds itself to high ethical standards, and petty corruption is almost non-existent.
  • World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report do not see corruption as a hindrance to doing business in the Netherlands. The country is recognized globally for Corporate Social Responsibility, with most companies adopting codes of conduct and internal mechanisms to prevent bribery.
  • The Dutch government grants its citizens easy access to official information and upholds high standards of governance.

Seventh Least Corrupt Country in the World – Switzerland

According to Transparency International’s 2022 Corruption Perceptions Index, Switzerland ranked 7th out of 180 countries. Switzerland has a strong legal framework to combat corruption, particularly within its financial institutions.

  • Aligned with OECD Guidelines, Swiss businesses actively engage in Corporate Social Responsibility. However, concerns are raised about certain sectors, such as commodities trade that operate with limited transparency.
  • The Transparency International Global Barometer reported that political parties were considered the most corrupt institution in Switzerland, with citizens rating them at 3.3 on a corruption scale from 1 to 5.
  • Switzerland’s banking sector, due to offshore industry and secrecy laws, has faced criticism for facilitating corruption and money laundering, ranking as the “most corrupt” by the Tax Justice Network in 2018.

Sixth Least Corrupt Country in the World – Singapore

According to the 2023 CPI, Singapore is the 6th least corrupt country in the world out of 180 countries. Singapore’s score of 83 in 2023 is the same as in 2022. Singapore is the only Asian country in the top 10.

  • Singapore is widely regarded as one of the least corrupt countries globally, with cases mainly handled by the Singapore Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB), responsible for investigating and prosecuting corruption in both public and private sectors.
  • Compared to Asia Pacific countries, Singapore’s score of 83 is notably high, with the highest regional score being 87. The country stands out for its lower corruption risk and is considered the most transparent in Asia.
  • Singapore’s exceptionally low corruption levels are attributed to a political strategy that emphasizes state power pressuring private interests. This approach aims to direct capital into sectors benefiting the public in the long term, distinguishing Singapore from neighboring nations.
  • Transparency International’s 2015 “Government Defence Anti-Corruption Index” identifies “Operations” and “Finance” as the highest corruption risk areas, highlighting specific focus areas for anti-corruption efforts.

Fifth Least Corrupt Country in the World – Sweden

According to Transparency International’s 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index, Sweden is the 5th least corrupt country in the world out of 180 countries. This signifies a highly clean public sector, with Sweden consistently performing well in the index.

  • Sweden’s low levels of corruption are due to a number of factors, including:
    • An efficient public administration and trust in democratic institutions
    • High quality services for citizens and enterprises and a strong respect for the rule of law
    • A long history of openness and transparency in Swedish society and institutions
    • Respect for the electoral system and parliamentary elections are combined with elections to local and regional governments.
  • The Special Eurobarometer on Corruption positions Sweden among the least corrupt EU countries. Only 40% of Swedish respondents believe corruption is widespread in their country, and 12% feel personally affected, well below the EU averages of 76% and 26%, respectively.
  • Despite the low levels, there have been challenges highlighted by the OECD Working Group on Bribery. Reforms are urged to ensure the investigation and prosecution of companies involved in bribing foreign officials for advantages in international business.

Fourth Least Corrupt Country in the World – Norway

According to the Corruption Perceptions Index, Norway is one of the least corrupt countries in the world. In 2022, Norway ranked fourth among 180 countries in the index, with a score of 85. 

  • Norway’s high transparency is one reason for its high score on low levels of corruption.
  • According to a report by the Norwegian School of Economics, corruption in Norway is primarily found in municipal administration, planning and building departments, and procurement departments.
  • The country’s ruling elite class works alongwith its citizens to promote anti-corruption measures and uphold human rights,
  • In 2017, Norway faced a challenge as large companies with substantial state government ownership, including Yara International, Telenor, Statoil, Norsk Hydro, and Kongsberg, were implicated in corruption charges.

Third Least Corrupt Country in the World – New Zealand

New Zealand is ranked third highest in the world for corruption in 2023, with a score of 85. In the Asia Pacific region, New Zealand has the highest score, with an average regional score of 45.

  • New Zealand has ratified key international anti-corruption conventions, including the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials and the United Nations Convention against Corruption.
  • The Serious Fraud Office is New Zealand’s primary law enforcement agency dedicated to investigating and prosecuting serious financial crimes, including bribery and corruption.
  • The Ombudsman ensures citizens receive fair treatment from government entities. The role has expanded to include oversight of education and hospital boards, local government agencies, requests under the Official Information Act, and all crown entities.

Second Least Corrupt Country in the World – Finland

In 2023, Finland ranked second on the Corruption Perceptions Index, with a score of 87, compared to Denmark’s score of 90 and New Zealand’s score of 85.

  • A Transparency International survey indicates that the majority of Finnish people rarely witness corruption cases involving public officials or institutions in their lifetime. However, existing corruption tends to be structural, involving a network of wealthy individuals who may favor each other in business.
  • Finland signed the European Council GRECO criminal law against bribery in 2002.
  • Concerns exist about political appointments in public-sector jobs, where two-thirds of state and municipal public servants are appointed from political parties.

Least Corrupt Corrupt Country in the World – Denmark

According to Transparency International’s 2022 Corruption Perceptions Index, Denmark has one of the lowest corruption rates in the world. Denmark scored 90 on a scale from 0 (“highly corrupt”) to 100 (“very clean”). This top-ranking reflects a strong perception of honesty within Denmark’s public sector.

  • Denmark has consistently held a top-4 position since the inception of the Corruption Perceptions Index in 1995, underlining its sustained commitment to low corruption levels.
  • The business environment in Denmark is characterized by strong ethical behavior in companies’ interactions with public officials, politicians, and other enterprises. Financial auditing and reporting standards among companies are reported to be strong, as indicated by the Global Competitiveness Report.
  • According to Transparency International’s Global Corruption Barometer the Danish public does not view corruption as a significant issue in their society. Instances of bribes paid to access public benefits and services are reported to be virtually non-existent.

Summary – Top 10 Least Corrupt Countries in The World

The top 10 least corrupt countries in the world, according to the 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index by Transparency International, represents integrity and transparency. Denmark secures the top position with a score of 90, followed closely by Finland and New Zealand, both sharing the second position with a score of 87. Sweden and Norway claim the fourth and fifth places, scoring 83 and 84, respectively. Switzerland, Singapore, Ireland, and the Netherlands are present in the list of top 10 emphasizing their commitment to combatting corruption and maintaining clean public sectors. These nations consistently demonstrate strong ethical business environments and a lack of public perception regarding corruption as a significant societal issue.

FAQs on Top 10 Least Corrupt Countries in The World

Which country has least corruption?

Denmark, Finland, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, and Sweden are perceived as the least corrupt countries in the world. These countries rank consistently high on international financial transparency.

What is the ranking of India in corruption in the world?

According to a Transparency International (TI) report, India ranked 93rd out of 180 countries in the 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index. India’s overall score of 39 in 2023 is one point lower than 2022’s score of 40.

Is Singapore the least corrupt country in the world?

According to the 2023 Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index, Singapore is the fifth least corrupt country in the world. Singapore is the only Asian country to have been ranked in the top 10 since the index began in 1995.

How does Denmark prevent corruption?

The country emphasizes on accountability, transparency, ethical business practices, and a commitment to consistently high standards.

Where does Denmark rank in corruption?

Denmark ranks first among 180 countries with a score of 90 and has one of the lowest levels of corruption in the world.

Which country has most corruption in the world?

The most corrupt countries are Syria, South Sudan, and Venezuela, with a score of 13, and Somalia, with a score of 11.

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